
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 62

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 62

Without warning, Dasimei suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and his delicate body was about to fall to the ground.

“!!" Sun Wukong's spiritual power sensed the situation, his expression changed, a flash, hugged Dasimei, his fingers flashed, lightly, the energy was transmitted over, stabilized her situation, and then, holding her slender hand in his right hand, the divine light shone, covering her whole body, checking her physical condition, looking at her eyes, very concerned asked: "What's going on?" "

"Nope... I don't know! Suddenly it feels, well... It's so uncomfortable! "Dasimei is very weak.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong checked and found that her body was rapidly destroyed by a mysterious force, and her vitality was rapidly dissipating.

"Groove! This is... Poisoned? "

Sun Wukong thought of something, his finger tapped, and he added a transparent light mask to the crimson smoke, isolating everything in the surrounding space of tens of meters.

"Enlightenment... Goku! What's going on? Concubine Yan walked to Sun Wukong and Dasimei's side, and asked Sun Wukong very puzzled.

"Looking at this situation, it seems to be poisoned, how it was poisoned, I don't know." Sun Wukong was also a little confused.

He has an immortal body, is completely immune to all negative states, and there is no poisonous gas and difference in the air, how can he be poisoned?

Seeing that the Great Si ordered this, there were many people in the Yin and Yang family, and they were overjoyed in their hearts, but when they saw that Sun Wukong didn't have anything to do, they became frightened.

Chu Nangong was a little sorry and helpless.

When Lord Donghuang and Yunzhong Jun arranged this vicious method, he reminded him, but Lord Donghuang insisted on doing so, and he didn't hesitate.

And if they take the antidote medicine in advance and get the power effect of Donghuang Taiyi, they will be fine.

And Crimson Yan's strength is stronger than Dasimei, and in addition to Sun Wukong's timely means, he did not hit the trick.

"That... What to do? "

Crimson Yan was a little panicked, she also saw that this was a highly toxic poison, this poison generally has no antidote, and she couldn't help it.

"Don't panic! I'll understand the situation first, maybe there is an antidote. "

Sun Wukong gave Crimson Yan a reassuring look, then looked at the black-robed figure, and asked in a calm tone: "Donghuang Taiyi!" Is there an antidote? "

Sun Wukong is not worried, he has the means and ability, he is not worried at all.

Isn't there time to turn back? And now the situation is also stabilized, panic.

"..."For Sun Wukong's inquiry, Donghuangtaiyi was silent and silent...

Seeing this, Sun Wukong didn't care, and when he planned to clean him up, he looked at the moon god: "Lunar god!" Tell me what's going on? Is there an antidote? "

The moon god couldn't move, looked at Sun Wukong, and didn't speak.

Receiving such an answer and being ignored, Sun Wukong's face became calmer, and his eyes looking at the moon god were calm as water: "Damn! My patience is limited, Luna! If you want to answer, I will let the men of the whole world appreciate you, of course in another form, you know that I have the ability to achieve my ideas, choices? "

Such calm words, the consequences in the words ... Let the moon god, the emperor, and the female feel a chill in their hearts.

Dasimei and Crimson Yan were also frightened by Sun Wukong's shameless and terrifying methods, and their heartbeats quickened a lot.

They are women, of course, what does that mean.

Faced with such a terrifying threat, the moon god also had to choose out loud: "This is a special elixir refined by the Yunzhong Jun, put into the water below us, and added to the means of Lord Donghuang; This poison... Colorless and odorless, no harm to the body, inhale a certain amount of air, will attack, before the poison to take a special antidote pill in addition to the means of the Donghuang Lord can be detoxified. "

"You mean... No antidote? Sun Wukong heard the other meaning of the words.

The moon god stopped talking, thinking secretly in his heart: "If they had chosen to stand on the side of the Yin Yang family just now, the result might not have been like this, this path was chosen by themselves." "

"Male... Son! Seemingly... Can't continue, be your handmaiden. Hearing this, the big sime in Sun Wukong's arms also knew his end, his face showed a beautiful smile, and his eyes looked at Sun Wukong with complicated eyes, looking very weak and poignant.

"Daishimei! You... Figured it out? Are you going to hand yourself over? That kind of eyes, the various emotions conveyed, Sun Wukong showed a gentle smile, and his eyes and tone were very gentle looking at Dasimei.

"Hmm!" Dasimei nodded and continued to make a soft and pleasant voice: "Say it now... Be... Isn't it... Some... Something twilight? "

Sun Wukong shook his head gently, and his tone was even more gentle and whispered to the big master in his arms: "No! For me, Daishimei! Whenever you say it, it's not a shame. "

Listening to Sun Wukong's words, Dasimei's smile became more beautiful, and his eyes were softer: "Huh~!" What a pity... I can't continue to enjoy life with you, Gongzi, those helpless, angry, angry, and different happy lives are the most memorable days in my life. Speaking of this, Dasimei couldn't help but think of the days with Sun Wukong, although short, but very profound, and then continued: "Those days when Gongzi made me shy, made me angry, made me angry, and so on, really... It's so difficult... Forget! "

Listening to the words of the Great Commander, looking at his beautiful woman with a soft face and gentle eyes, Sun Wukong's heart trembled.

He! Touched!

The cells in the body vibrate faster, to produce signs of super cells.

However, Sun Wukong did not care about his physical condition at all, he still looked so gentle, looked into the eyes of Dasimei, and revealed a more gentle smile: "Hehe! Daishimei! Since you can't bear it, then don't go ... The people I care about, no one can take you without my permission. "

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, the divine light in his right hand shone again, and an even stronger divine light quickly covered her whole body and treated her body.

"! Why doesn't it work? "

After treating for a few seconds, Sun Wukong sensed the situation in Dasimei's body, and was a little puzzled in his heart: "It stands to reason that this anti-heavenly healing technique should be able to cure all negative states, cure Mao, and be destroyed again?" Don't... Want to get the toxins out of her body? "

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong controlled the energy to first gather the toxins in her body, and then sucked them out together, controlling a few centimeters of dark black blood ball in a transparent small light mask enchantment.

Without these toxins, the Great Master of Divine Light Healing was immediately resurrected with full blood and full state.


Everyone was shocked by Sun Wukong's means.

This is known as unsolvable poison, just like that... Got it?

When it was done, Sun Wukong looked at the shocked Dasimei with a smile: "Hehe! Now, Daishimei! You... Can't run. "

"Hmm! Gongzi, you are so powerful, I don't want to run anymore. Daishi came back to his senses and replied softly to Sun Wukong.

"What a talker!" Sun Wukong scratched the nose of the big simei, very appreciative.

"Whew~" Seeing that Dasimei was safe, Crimson Yan was also relieved in her heart, if Dasimei really had an accident, she didn't know what would happen to the horror, from the situation just now, Goku cared about Daishimei very much, if Dasimei really died in his arms, then... The consequences, really, maybe too terrible, are thankful that things didn't get to that point.

"Naw! Go with Crimson Smoke first, I have some things to deal with. Sun Wukong stood up holding Dasimei, added a transparent light mask to her, and released her.

Daishimei nodded and walked over to Lord Dongjun...

The next second...

Sun Wukong's face became extremely calm, like the calm before the volcanic eruption...


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 62

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