
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 63

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 63

Sun Wukong took a deep breath, his face was calm, turned around, and walked towards Donghuangtaiyi, saying as he walked:

"Although, I know that the means are also part of your strength, but I don't like such means very much, if it weren't for my ability, my Great Commander and Crimson Smoke might have left me, so, Donghuang Taiyi!" You! Ready to accept my wrath? "

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, his momentum, spiritual power, and mental power increased again, causing greater fluctuations in the space, directly causing Donghuang Taiyi to vomit blood and kneel down.

Great horror! It's terrifying!

This is how everyone feels.

"Such a powerful Lord Donghuang was actually given so simply..."

This is what everyone in the Yin-Yang family thinks.

"The law of the jungle! Do it! Feeling suppressed by incomprehensible gravity, Donghuang Taichi was also very conscious and did not say much.

When all the means and strength cannot destroy the other party, what else can he say?

Hearing this, Sun Wukong walked in front of him, looked at him very mysteriously, and said in a calm tone: "I will do it when it's time to do it, the decision is up to me, speaking of which, in my memory, you are a very mysterious existence, I heard that no one has seen your true face and true strength, some people say that you are a man, an old man, some say that you are a spirit body and soul body, or rather, a ghost!" Some people say that you are a... Woman, now... Let me solve the puzzle, the answer, and decide whether you live or die. "

"Want to see me for what I really am? No way! Donghuang Taiyi's tone was resolutely low, and after speaking, internal force fluctuations appeared around his body, and the stars in the sky above the hall emitted bright light, interacting with internal force fluctuations.

This is the rhythm of the plan to make a big move.

In the next second, an even more terrifying aura and momentum emerged, directly forcibly interrupting his resistance.

Everything, return to calm.

"How... Possible! "

Donghuang Taiyi was stiff, unable to move, cold breath, and the expression under the black robe was full of extreme fear.

"In my place, all your resistance is useless." After Sun Wukong finished speaking, his fingers flashed, and he tapped on his black robe.

The black robe disappeared, and suddenly, black-purple gas floated out, appearing extremely poisonous.

“!! Goku! Be careful," Crimson Smoke quickly exclaimed.

"Gongzi! Be careful," Dasimei also quickly exclaimed.

Sun Wukong's nerves were instantaneous, and some gas gathered in his right hand and controlled it in a transparent light mask in his hand.

"! Good risk! Sure enough, the villain has a lot of words, if it is not for the strong strength, I don't know how many times it has been destroyed, people in this era ... So ferocious! "

Sun Wukong sighed in his heart, and then looked at Donghuang Taiyi, the face under the black robe.

A long dress with green, red, cyan, yellow and purple flowers, the skirt is on the ground, the skirt has vertical wrinkles, flowing handsome, mysterious very,

A black hair like silk satin flutters in the wind, slender phoenix eyebrows, a pair of eyes like stars, like a bright moon, full of mysterious and mysterious atmosphere,

Delicate Qiong nose, pink cheeks slightly dizzy, dripping cherry-like vermilion lips, flawless melon seed face, tender snow skin is strangely beautiful, light figure, elegant and elegant, absolutely a peerless beauty!

"Gee! It turns out that you are a woman, or a big beauty. Sun Wukong's eyes were shining, and there was a different brilliance in his eyes, and at the same time he quickly exclaimed in his heart

"! The world that other people traverse, Donghuang Taichi is a man, my world... is actually a woman, or a goddess-level beauty with temperament, appearance, figure, and full scores, 666 ah. "

"This..." The others were also shocked.

They also didn't expect that their Lord Donghuang... Actually... It's a... Female?

She is also a big beauty who is more beautiful than anyone else.

As for what can change the voice, in this world it is a pediatric, just like the farmer's field in the middle and late stages of the original work!


Donghuang Taiyi snorted lightly, looking at Sun Wukong with unkind eyes, and the killing intent in his eyes did not hide anything.

"Gee! This voice, beautiful, pearl round and jade, the sound is like a warbler, although it is a little worse than the system, but, Nima! The thief sounds good, the temptation ~ the seduction is not small," Sun Wukong was secretly refreshed in his heart, and had an inexplicable thought.

"It seems that Lord Donghuang! It's hard to escape! Seeing the appearance of Lord Donghuang, after looking at Sun Wukong, Crimson Smoke and Dasimei sighed in their hearts.

They who know something about Monkey King must know that this guy Monkey King has bad ideas and is fighting bad ideas.

Maybe not only Lord Donghuang, but also the moon god, Empress E, and female heroes can't run away, this is their intuition.

Seeing the big beauty made Sun Wukong feel a lot better: "Since you are a woman, then, the problem is, I came here to be your leader or something, it is the kind of name, I generally don't care about things, you still do things according to your rules; Donghuang Taiyi! If you're smart, you're still in power! Now, I think most people have no opinion.

"And as for you, Donghuang Taiyi, I want to conquer you together, the question is how will you obey me and give you two choices, first, give you what you want, and second, fight to serve."

"Of course! If you choose to cut yourself, I will have the means to keep you alive, and then turn you into a waste, and give you the method I said to the moon god just now, I think, you won't like it, now, Donghuang Taiyi! Let me see your cleverness. Sun Wukong was very interested, very domineering and shameless, looking at the great beauty of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

If it is a man, Sun Wukong does not say a word, directly seconds, but since it is a woman, or a big beauty, then you can give a little privilege, give a little opportunity, although not long ago was still enemies, want to kill each other, but, Sun Wukong also rationally knows that it is forced by the situation, and now, the result has not reached the point where it cannot be changed, everything is acceptable, since this is the case, what you need is the most important.

Hearing Sun Wukong's words, Donghuang Taiyi looked unwavering, the corners of his mouth pulled slightly, and then the corners of his mouth sneered, weighing it in his heart, and emitting a cold voice: "You know, I!" What do you want? "

Hearing this, Sun Wukong smiled: "Well! Maybe you know, maybe you don't know, let me talk nonsense. "

When Sun Wukong said this, he pondered and recalled the information in his head.

The crowd was attracted to him.


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 63

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