
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 64

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 64

After pondering for a few seconds, Sun Wukong thought of something and spoke up:

"There you have it! Donghuang Taiyi! Listen, see if what I said is right, remind you, don't disturb my train of thought. "

After reminding, then, Sun Wukong, under her calm gaze, said, "You are named Donghuang Taiyi!" And as far as I know, Donghuang Taiyi is a supreme god in mythological stories, and his strength and prestige are not small, and you sent people to seek the cooperation of King Qin, because you saw the general trend and obeyed the will of heaven so that you could get what you needed from it. "

Speaking of this, Sun Wukong paused and became a little curious: "And Donghuang Taiyi, why did you do this?" In my opinion, to put it bluntly, it is nothing more than for ... Desire and strength, now you, have such strength, if for desire, then it can also be understood, if this desire is great, then, you have to rely on others to clear the obstacles for you, and you choose the most powerful Qin Kingdom, is it... Your desires are... Want to be an emperor? Then your purpose in being an emperor is to desire~hope? Strength? Or in order to... Revenge? This... Maybe both. "

Speaking of this, Sun Wukong ignored the reactions of others, and continued to recall the information in his brain and said nonsense: "And judging from the move you just shot, your cultivation method is related to the stars or the power of the stars, that is a very mysterious thing, if it is for strength, then, if you want to make the strength go further, you need something more mysterious to make you progress in order to achieve the result of increasing strength."

"When it comes to your realm, the strength is stronger, you will live longer, and you can enjoy a higher quality of life, kill many birds with one stone, immortality, very powerful temptation ~ confusion, everyone will be moved, and that kind of mysterious thing, in the general trend of the world, let me think." Speaking of this, Sun Wukong pondered for a few seconds and continued:

"In ancient times, people paid attention to the sayings of qi luck, true dragon qi and imperial qi luck; And these things... It should really exist, so, you want to assist the Qin Kingdom to unify the world and collect the luck of the world? If this is true, when the time comes, you are making a move and getting what you want, and I also know that your Yin Yang family has a supreme treasure, called the Phantom Treasure Box, and you also sent Crimson Smoke to find the information of the 'Azure Dragon Seven Accommodations', and the Phantom Treasure Box is the key to opening the Azure Dragon Seven Accommodations, without it, it can't work. "

"Then, your purpose in finding the Azure Dragon Seven Lodges... What is it feeding? Is it for wealth? Maybe! But I think you need something more mysterious. "

"And I have seen some intelligence, the intelligence said this, [Azure Dragon Seven Accommodations] is the beginning of the chaos in the world, I heard that there are countless wealth and luck sealed in it, if anyone has the ability to get, then, luck added, he will be the lord of the world, this kind of information, I don't know if it is true or false."

"And I also saw the ending of your Yin-Yang family in it."



Hearing this, all of a sudden, everyone in the Yin Yang family looked shocked, and their eyes looked at Sun Wukong in unison, waiting for his next words.

Feeling the gaze of his eyes, Sun Wukong did not ink, and continued: "The end of the Yin-Yang family? In short, it will disappear into the long river of history, all of you will die, this is inescapable, speaking of this, I suddenly feel interesting, let me continue to talk nonsense about the information I know, and see if it will be related to the general trend of the world in the future. "

Speaking of this, Sun Wukong ignored their shocked looks and continued to recount:

"After your Yin Yang family helped Yin Zheng unify the Seven Kingdoms, because you found that the strength and luck of the Qin State of the Qin King Huan Zheng were too large, you couldn't get what you needed, so you were ready to destroy the general trend of the unification of the Qin Kingdom while cracking the secret of the Azure Dragon Seven Stays."

"And with the passage of time, the remaining anti-Qin forces of the six countries of Zeng have become stronger and stronger, and they have some abilities that can destroy the Qin country, if at this time, the death of the King of Qin when he goes out, plus, at this time, the secret of the Azure Dragon Seven Lodges is solved, the world is in chaos, and all forces are competing for treasures."

"It just so happened that at this time, the Qin State was torn apart because of the situation, and the anti-Qin forces saw that there was an opportunity, and they all rose up to resist, and special capable people emerged in the Qin State, carrying the banner of rehabilitating the Qin forces, so that the rebel army suffered heavy losses, but it still could not resist the general trend of the Heavenly Dao, the Qin State! Or extinguished. "

"And luck... Spread out again, at this time, as soon as your Donghuang Tai made a move, get what you need, but the world is in chaos, and all the sons and daughters have their own ways to survive, there will be a situation of standing and confrontation, and your Yin-Yang family survives because of the blessing of luck, but the lord of the world is not your Yin-Yang family, so the Dao of Heaven will descend the chess pieces to destroy your Yin-Yang family, seize the luck you have, and in the end, you can't resist the Dao of Heaven and are wiped out. "

"And luck dissipated everywhere, and the remaining Chosen ones continued to fight until the last one remained, unified the continent again, began to rule the world, and in the end, there were not many sects left, achieving the purpose of unifying beliefs, religions, and the general trend." Sun Wukong said the information in his brain, and it is not worth this kind of information, whether it is a display of the fate of the world in the future.

“!!!" After Sun Wukong finished speaking, everyone in the Yin and Yang family looked at him dumbfounded, and the shock in their eyes could not be concealed.

Donghuang Taichi knelt, not to mention more shocked, shocked that he knew his needs, and shocked by the information he knew, because there was some information she would not know.

However, she had an intuition and felt that what Sun Wukong said was true.

Seeing that they were all shocked, Sun Wukong felt dark in his heart: "I don't count this as... Invisibly... Loaded a handful? "

Sun Wukong was dark for less than a second, and suddenly felt that his body was locked by an inexplicable trend.

"Huh? What's going on? Sun Wukong's sweaty hair stood on end, very puzzled.

At this time, above Lishan Mountain, dark clouds were thick, dark clouds rolled, lightning appeared, and a 1-meter-thick lightning bolt slashed towards the Monkey King below.

"Groove!" Sun Wukong seemed to feel something, burst a foul sentence, and his body automatically reacted, avoiding the lightning attack.

In the Dragon Ball chapter, the Monkey King when he was a child could dodge, let alone him now.

"Boom!" The hall was suddenly blasted out of a large pit, and Donghuang Taiyi was hit by the aftermath and fell down the river below.

"That was... Attack of the Heavenly Dao! "

Donghuang Taiyi, Crimson Smoke, Lunar God, and Chu Nangong, who knew the laws of astrology, were shocked in their hearts, and only if they revealed the secrets of the Heavenly Dao, there would be divine punishment in the Heavenly Dao, and the people who trapped the secrets of the Open Dao would be destroyed.

"Since the Heavenly Dao has appeared, then what he just said will be true." Suddenly, everyone was shocked in their hearts.

Such a mysterious thing is not mysterious in the insight they think exists.

“!!!" Crimson Smoke and Dasimei immediately became worried about Sun Wukong, because, it was an attack of the Heavenly Dao, that was a confrontation with the heavens, Wukong! Can it be alive?

Dodging to dodge the attack, Sun Wukong dodged and hugged the landing Donghuang Taiyi, and a dodge appeared in the air.

And Donghuang Taiyi was affected by lightning, paralyzed and weak, and could only be held by Sun Wukong.

Seeing that Sun Wukong was still alive, the dark clouds in the sky were even worse, and the lightning was denser, ready to attack.

Everyone in the Yin-Yang family suddenly shivered. Under this momentum, there is no resistance.

Looking at the dark rolling clouds above the sky, in which lightning flashed one after another, this kind of scene that was no different from that on TV, the corners of Sun Wukong's mouth couldn't help but tug: "Nima! Really... High-profile is easy to be eaten chicken, pretending to be B by lightning, dog day! I'll just say it casually, this is... Discovered by Heavenly Dao? "

Just after complaining, a "crackling" angry thunder appeared, and a lightning bolt three meters thick slashed at Sun Wukong in the void.

This scene made Sun Wukong look solemn: "It seems that the performances in TV series, anime and novels... It's all true, otherwise... It won't happen now, it's really a day-to-day dog! And endless? "

Sun Wukong was very unhappy and complained, looking at the situation above, seeing that if he avoided, the crimson smoke, the great master and the Yin Yang family below would be eliminated, seeing this, Sun Wukong was ready to punch the dark clouds or something, thinking of something, he quickly stopped this idea.

"! If the heavenly punishment is broken, as said in the novel, this world... God! Will it run out? Will it destroy the Yin-Yang family? At that time, is there going to be a big war? If there is that possibility, it is troublesome, change the method. "


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 64

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