
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 65

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 65

"Turn back the clock!" Activating the skill, Sun Wukong's right foot tapped twice, after consuming nearly seven layers of energy, the space appeared inexplicable fluctuations, time regressed, dark clouds spread rapidly, the picture was rapidly replayed, and the destroyed hall was quickly reorganized.

After a while, he returned to the moment when Donghuang Taiyi revealed his true face.

It's just that the current Eastern Emperor Taiyi is in Sun Wukong's arms.




"This, this..."

Everyone present who saw the miracle froze and was so shocked that they didn't know what to say.

"Time backwards" is only remembered by those present and understood by those who have seen it.

Sun Wukong looked up at the sky and saw that there was no reaction, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

"! It's so dangerous, fortunately there is no accident, it seems that this world really has the existence of the king god in the Dragon Ball world, otherwise it would not be so mysterious. "Originally, Sun Wukong didn't believe in ghosts and gods, but, Nima! The world of Dragon Ball is alive in front of you, and if you don't believe it, you're a fool.

There are many gods in Dragon Ball, although they are not the same as those described in some novels, but those abilities are true.

In the afterlife, Sun Wukong can rationally not believe, but after all this, plus everything in the Dragon Ball world, it would be irrational if he did not believe in the existence of God.

After all, he himself was an evil god.

After solving the trouble of the Heavenly Dao, Sun Wukong looked at the many people of the Yin and Yang family below: "You have also seen, now, I will erase the information just now from your memory, otherwise, the Heavenly Dao will come up with various means and will still destroy you." "

Listening to his words, everyone came back to their senses, also knew the horror of the consequences, and nodded.

Sun Wukong's fingers shone brightly, and he tapped on the forehead of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, using his powerful spiritual power and ability to forcibly erase those memories, and then, put her down, a flash, and tapped on the foreheads of others.

And the Crimson Smoke and the Great Commander are sealed.

"Concubine Yan! Daishimei! You are not strong enough, for your safety, do not touch the point of light in your head. Sun Wukong looked at them and instructed carefully.

"Hmm! Got it, Goku! Crimson replied with adoration and heat in his eyes.

"Yes! Son! "The same is true of Daishimei.

"Daishimei! You have to be like Scarlet Smoke, call me Goku! Got it? Sun Wukong looked at Dasimei and showed a gentle smile.

"Yes! Goku! Listening to him say this, Dasimei's pretty face appeared moving, and he replied softly.

She knows! This... What does it represent!

Sun Wukong's eyes gently flowed between Crimson Yan and Daishi, giving them a soft smile.

Turning around, his figure flashed, and he appeared beside Donghuang Taiyi.

His gaze drifted over the rest of the Yin-Yang family, and his tone was very calm: "Now, I want to be the supreme ruler of your Yin-Yang family, which of you still has an opinion?" "

"..." Luna and the others did not dare to say, which was regarded as acquiescing to his words. Although they felt that they had forgotten something important, they had not forgotten the scene where Sun Wukong hung Lord Donghuang.

"Donghuang Taiyi! What about you! Is there anything to say? Sun Wukong's eyes looked at the powerful beauty Donghuang Taiyi on the side.

"Your strength, to what realm, Taiyi pondered for a few seconds, and made a nice sound.

"What realm? I do not know! But... All of you add up, it's all something I did with one punch. Sun Wukong thought for a moment and said words that shocked the Yin and Yang families.

If Sun Wukong said this, they would definitely not believe it! But, now, they! Believed.

The eyes of the First Hospital of the Eastern Imperial Physician were burning with a desire for strength.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong felt that it was a good opportunity to pull loyalty, and showed an inexplicable smile: "That's good!" Let you see, although I don't have to be recognized in the eyes of others, but looking at this situation, the results seem to be good. "

After speaking, Sun Wukong's footsteps were light, and the space changed, and he came to a large canyon with mountains and mountains.

“????" Everyone looked around, looking at their environment, their eyes full of shock and puzzlement.

"Goku! This... Here it is? Crimson Yan asked in bewilderment and shock.

"Here is the other space! Just think this is a place where I'm about to show my strength. Sun Wukong looked at her and explained softly.

Crimson nodded obediently, although he was still a little puzzled and puzzled, but he was full of expectation, an expectation of his strength recognition and understanding.

The same is true of the crowd.

"Taichi! With your current strength, can you destroy these thousands of meters of mountains. Sun Wukong looked at Donghuang Taiyi and showed a smile.

"...," Donghuangtai looked at the mountains that were almost seven miles in the distance, and was silent.

"Luna! What about you? Sun Wukong looked at the moon god, who was also a great beauty.

Luna shook his head.

"And who! Empress! Heroine! What about you? Sun Wukong looked at the two girls again.

The sisters shared a heart, looked at each other, then smiled and shook their heads.

"Then, can all of you Yin Yang family make a move together.?"

"...," everyone in the Yin-Yang family was silent in unison.

Obviously, they do not have that strength and destructive power.

"Huh! The foreplay is almost ready, it's time to put it on. Seeing this, Sun Wukong thought to himself.

"So, watch my performance! I hope you are prepared. Sun Wukong showed an evil smile.

In the expectant and curious gaze of everyone, Sun Wukong turned around, faced the mountain, clenched his fist in his right hand, and blasted out a punch.

"Serious punch!" Sun Wukong drank lightly in his heart.

“!!!!" The shocked and terrified aura and momentum of Donghuang Taiyi and the others descended, accompanied by inexplicable fluctuations in space.

"Shh!!!hh With a loud sound, a terrifying loud sound sounded, and the wave of qi blew around, blowing everyone's clothes and hair to dance.

After a few seconds, everything calmed down...

As soon as they calmed down, everyone quickly looked into the distance, and suddenly, they all "hissed" and took a breath of cool air

The mountains that were originally about seven miles in size disappeared, and what entered the eyes was a huge passage with no end in sight, and even the white clouds in the sky were blasted out of the straight shape.

And the mountains that originally existed, everything was destroyed... Disappeared.

It's just... Terrifying!

Everyone looked at the place of destruction, at Sun Wukong, the shocked look, let alone mention.

"Huh! It's just a little trick, and I have more fun. Seeing this, Sun Wukong said without paying for his life.

After speaking, regardless of the others, the right hand moved lightly, and football-sized energy popped out on the hand, exuding a palpitating breath and light.

“!!!" See that ball of light! Everyone in the Yin-Yang family was shocked at once, because they knew the legend.

"Everyone! Please be ready! Next, there is the moment to witness the miracle. After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he moved his right hand lightly and threw it into the mountains on the other side.

"Boom !!!"

With terrifying loud noises and blinding lights, the mountains are being quickly destroyed.

After waiting for a while, everything returned to calm.

In the place destroyed by the ball of light, a giant pit more than a kilometer large and a hundred meters deep appeared.







The Yin-Yang family so the high-level quickly looked at the place, and then, shocked, silent, obeyed.

Qi Qi looked shocked again, so that Sun Wukong gave them a thumbs up!


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 65

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