
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 66

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 66

Seeing that everything that should be done was done, and what was wanted was obtained.

Sun Wukong's footsteps were light, and he returned to the original place of the Yin Yang Family Hall!

Looking at the scene in front of them, everyone in the Yin and Yang family was like a world away!

Although they only felt that they had changed places, they saw the picture that shocked them and clearly understood the horror of the Monkey King.

Crimson Yan and Daishi Ming showed a look of admiration and happiness.

Because they know that they have a dependency, a very strong dependency, in this troubled world, they don't have to worry about how to survive.

"So! Right now! I am the supreme ruler of the Yin-Yang family, of course, the nominal kind, Taiyi! You have no opinion now, right? Sun Wukong looked at Donghuang Taiyi with a smile.

"Hmph!" Donghuang Taiyi snorted coldly, indicating that he acquiesced.

"Don't be unconvinced, the strong make the rules, the weak obey the strong, this is the case, if one day you are stronger than me, you can also get everything back for you!" The Monkey King gave her a glimmer of hope.

Donghuang Taiyi was a little moved in his heart, pondered for a while, and looked at him in a nice voice: "You said earlier that you will give me what I want, so, what do I have to pay?" "

"Your loyalty! Of course! If you are still willing to give your people! Your heart! That's better, the higher the effort, the greater the reward, for example, I will give you the strength to destroy the mountain just now, and at the same time, it can make you immortal, this is the treatment that the talent I fancy, not everyone, can have that treatment" Sun Wukong proposed the routine in the inducement.

For people like Donghuang Taiyi, it's a little unrealistic to talk about love or something! Gotta go other way and stir up her emotional desires.

After all, the Yin-Yang family is pursuing the limits of heaven and man as in the original work, and now that there is a road in front of her, she must know how to choose.

Listening to Sun Wukong's words, Crimson Yan and Dasimei were secretly happy in their hearts and gave him a beautiful white eye.

Seemingly! It was exactly what they thought.

Others were also very hot all of a sudden, after all, strong strength and immortality, it was really difficult to resist!

"Good!" Donghuang Taichi imagined in his mind, choosing death and the current result, and chose to agree.

"Very good! Then, now, you are my maid for the time being, you want to get what you want, have enlightenment, come to me, see your performance, Crimson Smoke and Dasimei also started from the maid at the beginning, which is very fair! "

Donghuang Taiyi thought about it, his eyes glanced at Dasimei and Dongjun Crimson Smoke, and he didn't say anything, which was regarded as acquiescence.

"..."Crimson Smoke and Daishi Ming's thoughts are a little complicated... Looking at this situation, they seem to have a higher status than Lord Donghuang, just because of one person!

Others are also awakened!

Seeing this, Sun Wukong looked at the other people of the Yin and Yang family, except for Crimson Smoke and Dasimei! You can call me an adult or a prince, you are still the leader of the Yin-Yang family, except for Crimson Smoke and the Great Commander's Order, you still do things according to your laws and systems, I am lazy to do things, trouble!" Of course! If you need their strength, you can discuss with them, if she wants, you can say anything, if there are any problems that cannot be solved, you can also come to me! "

Sun Wukong's gaze flows in the eyes of so people. Voiced his decision.

"Yes! Goku-sama! "

Luna God, Chu Nangong, Yunzhong Jun, Shunjun, and Empress Ying quickly responded in unison.

"Well, that's it! You talk about yours, don't worry about me, I'll get acquainted with this wonderful place with Crimson Yan and Daishi Ming! "

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, his figure flashed, he came to Crimson Smoke and Da Siming, put his arm around the two girls, walked towards the door of the hall, and said as he walked: "Crimson Smoke!" Daishimei! Walk! Take me to familiarize yourself with this place! "

"Hmm!!" The two women replied softly.

Crimson Yan was originally a little curious about why he knew his real name, but when he saw his means, he was relieved, and at the same time, he was a little happy in his heart, happy to be cared for.

Under the gaze of the others, the three of them walked out of the hall and headed for the rest of the Yin Yang family...

As for what happened in the hall, Sun Wukong didn't want to know.

In order to avoid some trouble, Sun Wukong took the two women to fly in the air, visiting everything in the Yin Yang family.

Those different buildings, mysterious things, with the unique taste of ancient times, made Sun Wukong open his eyes at the same time, and he couldn't help but sigh "Really... It's beautiful. "

After playing for an hour and having a general understanding, Sun Wukong found a mountain peak to land, and looked at Concubine Yan and Dasimei: "Don't really say, your Yin Yang family is really good, there is nothing wrong with the environment and arrangement!" It's a little more beautiful than I've seen before, and it's a great place to cultivate yourself. "

"Goku! Where the hell are you from? Seeing that Goku was very satisfied, Scarlet smiled, thought of something, and asked out loud, because she was really curious.

Dasimei also cast his gaze over.

Hearing this, Sun Wukong smiled: "Hehe! I'll tell you about it later, for now, keep it secret for now. "

The two women looked at each other and did not continue to ask.

"Hey, hey! I have a proposal that will be of great benefit to you, and you will be very interested. Sun Wukong thought of something, revealed a mysterious smile, and looked at Crimson Smoke and Dasimei.

"What?" The two women were intrigued.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong smiled and said the purpose: "Now, you are all my people, then, if you kiss me, I will give you great benefits." "

Hearing this, the two daughters of Crimson Yan and Dasimei gave him a beautiful wink, glanced at each other, and tapped his pretty face a little flushed on his face.

Such a request did not feel nothing for them who had decided to give themselves to him, although they were a little shy, but they were almost used to it.

Monkey King was satisfied with their obedience performance, and thought to himself:

"Since it has reached this point, the routines can be played less in the future, occasionally play some routines, provoke them, make them happy and happy, it's time to treat them sincerely."

"Hmm! Good job, now, reward you! Remember, don't move! "

After speaking, the left and right hands shone brightly, placed in a beautiful place, and in the somewhat shy and shocked looks of Crimson Smoke and Dasimei, they enhanced their potential.

"Potential development!" In the Dragon Ball chapter, the old world king god has used it on Gohan, and with Sun Wukong's current means and resources, it is very simple to have these BUG skills.


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 66

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