
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 67

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 67

A minute later...

Because the potential of the two women is not as perverted as in the Dragon Ball world, the divine light disappears.

And the two women's internal cultivation has increased for hundreds of years, plus the original cultivation, they are already the existence of the top figures in this world.

"Goku! This... This..."

Concubine Yan and Dasimei felt the condition of their bodies and were so shocked that they didn't know what to say.

"Huh! Calm! This is what you deserve, you have strength, I am more relieved, there are more powerful ones later, only when you become my wife, I think, at that time, you can have the strength to burst a mountain with just one punch. Sun Wukong looked at them with gentle eyes, showing understanding.

Sun Wukong guessed that they might become a real couple by then, and their physique and wishes would change their physique, and at the same time, they could learn and use the energy system of their own world.

After all, the strong can change and tolerate the weak system, at that time, it is the existence of every second, for this world.

The two girls were very happy and happy, and rested their heads on Sun Wukong's shoulders.

Subsequently, Sun Wukong contacted the system and changed the "Cultivation of God Determination" he was cultivating into an exercise suitable for their cultivation, and the divine light of his fingers shone brightly and passed into the other party's brain.

Looking at the exercises in their minds, the two women were shocked again.

"Try it, see the effect!" Sun Wukong showed a smile and looked at them gently.


The two women nodded, then sat down and began to meditate and cultivate.

Seeing them enter a state of cultivation, Sun Wukong arranged an enchantment for them to prevent them from being disturbed.

Then, he flew up and planned to go to Kibe to take a look.

He remembered less, to see if there was a chance to brush up on favorability or something.

After flying for a while, Mube found in the courtyard of a building the figure of a few who were generally practicing alone in the original work.

"Speaking of which! In this era, the people in the Yin-Yang family are pitiful, they are trying to become stronger in order to survive, and they have to be cruel and ruthless, while the young ones are cold and silent, such a character, there must be a lot of bad experiences! Sun Wukong looked at the figure of Shao Shao who was trying to cultivate Wanye Feihualiu, and secretly sighed.

Then, Sun Wukong's figure flashed, appeared at the gate of the courtyard, and walked towards Shao Shao Shao with his steps,

Shao Shao was also attracted by the sound of footsteps, and his eyes looked towards Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong nodded at her, looked at her with a smile, said nothing, walked to her side and stopped two meters away.

"..."It's rare to see him like this, look at him without paying attention to him, and continue to cultivate...

The current Yin-Yang family has not yet been born, obviously, Shao Shao is still puzzled by Sun Wukong, thinking that he is also a disciple of the Yin-Yang Family Mubu.

Sun Wukong didn't care either, made a stool to sit on, smiled at her cultivation, and after watching for a while, he also focused his attention on his own ability.

The two did not speak, just quietly together, enjoying each other's existence.

I don't know how long it took...

At this time, near dusk, Sun Wukong opened his eyes, and the few figures were no longer there.

Sun Wukong didn't care either, his figure flashed, and he appeared next to the two daughters of Concubine Yan and Dasimei, who were still cultivating.

After waiting for a while, the two women woke up.

"How does it feel?" Sun Wukong asked softly.

"It's amazing! Many things I didn't understand before suddenly became clear, and I had a deeper understanding of my own control and ability. At the same time, perception and cultivation are a little more refined. Crimson replied in shock and pleasure.

Dasimei also nodded in agreement.

"That's good! The stronger you are in the back of your cultivation, let me train you well in the next few days, so that you can quickly familiarize yourself with and master the increased strength and become stronger!" "

"Okay! Goku! "

The two women were very happy and quickly agreed.

"Go! Find a place to live first. "

After that, he took the two women and went to the place they pointed to, choosing a comfortable and comfortable place to stay temporarily.


In this way, in the next few days, Sun Wukong personally taught and trained the two women, occasionally eating tofu, taking advantage, and looking at their shy appearance, it was a special taste.

Evening on a beautiful life together, that day, gee! Wonderful!

Except for the last step, everything else that should be done is almost done.

When you have time, take time to spend time with the less.

The second time, Sun Wukong's distance from Shao Shao was one meter five, and no one spoke, and various cultivators were each.

The third time, one meter.

Fourth time, 0.5 meters.

It was only at this distance that Shao Shao reacted, stopped cultivating, and looked at Sun Wukong with puzzled eyes.

Seeing that her gaze had the meaning of inquiry, Sun Wukong smiled, made a voice for the first time, and said softly: "I once heard a sentence, this sentence is like this, dear!" Lover! Partner! When together, even if no one speaks, there will be no embarrassment and discomfort. "

Shao Shao thought thoughtfully, his eyes glanced deeply at Sun Wukong, turned his head, and continued to cultivate.

Sun Wukong was secretly happy, and then continued to close his eyes and cultivate.

Why would he do that? What about less contact with this?

Among them, there are university questions, and it is also the most useful for her indifferent personality.

The fifth time, Sun Wukong came to Shao Shao's side again, still 0.5 meters away, Shao Shao just glanced at him, and then continued to cultivate himself.

It seems that she is used to the existence of the Monkey King.


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 67

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