
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 68

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 68

On this day, Sun Wukong came to the place of the Ministry of Water, intending to go to the two sisters of Emperor Feng'e and Nuying.

As soon as he entered the courtyard door, he was immediately discovered by the Empress and the female heroine.

The two saluted very decently, and their tone was a little excited: "Lord Goku! "

The two women shouted in unison, which was regarded as a greeting.

"Hmm! Hello guys! Empress! Heroine! Sun Wukong also smiled back and greeted him softly.

"Goku-sama! You come to the Ministry of Water... Is there something to be accounted for? "

Emperor E asked softly, her pretty face a little red.

The same goes for female heroes!

It seems that he is interested in Sun Wukong, and he is a little admired and admired by his strength and strength.

This is the advantage of the strong! Especially in such troubled times, in the Yin-Yang family!

"Huh! It's okay, I heard that there is a scenic Xiaoxiang Valley nearby, and it is your territory, so I want to invite the Empress and the female heroine to show me, I don't know, are you willing? Monkey King smiled and said softly, his gaze wandering over them.

"It is our honor to be with Goku-sama!" Empress E and Nu Ying quickly replied softly.

"Empress! Heroine! You really can talk, then, there is work! "

Sun Wukong's performance of them is secretly happy, which means that they have not given themselves to Shunjun as in the original book.

The two sisters suddenly felt a little happy in their hearts, and Lian Bu moved lightly, came to his side, some positions behind, and stood left and right.

"I don't have so many rules, let's go together!" It would be better if you could explain it for me. "

"Okay! Goku-sama! "

After the two women answered at the same time, Lian Bu moved lightly, taking Sun Wukong towards Xiaoxiang Valley...

Along the way, he explained all kinds of exotic flowers and plants for Sun Wukong, very characteristic things, so that Sun Wukong greatly increased his knowledge, but also gave them praise without maroon, which made the two women feel a lot happier.

The relationship between each other has also improved somewhat.

Empress E and Nuying also got to know their Lord Goku more deeply this time!

His way is incompatible with the people of this era, not as difficult to get along with as those in power, on the contrary, very peaceful and approachable, gentle to others!

As rumors say, in short, it is very comfortable to get along together.

The three came to a house in Xiaoxiang Valley, where they stopped and rested.

The Empress and the female heroine were very virtuous and decent and made tea for Sun Wukong to taste.

"Goku-sama! This is planted by our sisters in their spare time, and it will not suit your appetite, Lord Goku! "

The Empress and the female heroine held a teapot and a teacup, poured a cup of tea, and handed it to Sun Wukong.

"Oh? Then I'm going to have a good time."

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he picked it up and tasted it carefully.

"Hmm! Mellow and delicious, fragrant, nourishing the field, endless aftertaste! Good tea! Empress! Heroine! What a skill you have! The brewed tea was delicious! Sun Wukong looked at them who were expecting a little and nodded, and began to hint at the routine.

"Goku-sama! If you like it!

The two women also showed happy smiles.

Seeing them like this, it means that the favorability is good, and then routine, looking at them and saying:

"Empress! Heroine! Do you know why your skillful hands have open fingers and there are slits between them? "

Empress E and Nuying looked at each other, looked at their slender hands, and replied truthfully:

"Goku-sama! We don't know! "

This question, don't talk about them, many people don't know, right?

"Huh! This is a lot of learning, how about this related to your future lives and destiny? Want to know? "The Monkey King is gently inducing, increasing and exaggerating the temptation, increasing their curiosity and demand.


The faces of the two sisters suddenly became a little solemn, they may not believe what others say, but what Lord Goku said, they have to believe.

"Good! Each of you stretched out one hand, five fingers out, palm facing me, and let me tell you the answer. "

Hearing him say this, the two women immediately did so, one stretched out his left hand, the other stretched out his right hand, stretched out his slender hand, and obeyed Sun Wukong's test.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong showed an evil smile, opened his hands and five fingers, and intersected with them, five fingers connected to their hearts, and tightly grasped.

“!!" Empress E and Nuying suddenly trembled their delicate bodies, their pretty faces appeared intoxicatingly red, and their tone was a little shy and softly exclaimed:


"Hey, hey! Now, you know what? "Sun Wukong looks like he has succeeded in his scheme.

Empress and Nuying looked at each other and shook their heads, still indicating that they didn't know.

"Huh! Now, the seams of your slender hands have been filled by my hands and have reached perfection, so that you have less me in your lives, waiting for me to fill the gaps in your future lives. "

Listening to his explanation, Empress E and Nu Ying immediately knew, their pretty faces blushed and appeared, and their appearance was very shy, adding a different charm.

Sun Wukong this is a routine confession, what about them, and, look at this situation, there is still a play!

"Empress! Heroine! I have a wish for this! I wonder if you would like to come with me to make it happen? The look of Empress and Nu Ying was really, very beautiful, and in this regard, Sun Wukong looked at them gently and showed a gentle smile.

"Goku-sama! Say so! "

"The wish is... Live this life with me! Together, we can hold the hand of the son and grow old with the son! With these words, Sun Wukong's tone was very affectionate, and at the same time his eyes looked at their sisters, conveying determination, emotions and so on...

Hearing this, the Empress and the female handsome face turned even redder, and the two sisters shared a heart, and they lowered their heads in unison, not daring to look at Sun Wukong, nor did they object, nor did they agree.

Seeing them like this, Sun Wukong was dark and understanding, and at the same time, he let go of their slender hands and said softly:

"It seems that you are not ready and unresponsive, then, don't be in a hurry, wait for the day when you think about it, just tell me your answer." Sun Wukong was not in a hurry, picked up the tea, and drank it beautifully.

Give them time to release their emotions.

Time will tell a lot, can't rush!

The two women looked at each other, their eyes looking at him from time to time.

After a while, the tea was also tasted, and the purpose was achieved, and Sun Wukong offered a farewell:

"Huh! After playing, the tea is drunk, I continue to stay, you feel very uncomfortable, then, this, as a gift to take me to play. Practice well! "

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, his fingers shone brightly, and he tapped on their foreheads, and the "Cultivation of Gods" technique was introduced.

The two women closed their eyes, feeling the exercises in their brains, shocked, opened their eyes, and were ready to thank them, but found that there was no figure of Lord Goku.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - favorites, recommendations

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 68

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