
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 69

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 69

Leave Xiaoxiang Valley!

Sun Wukong's figure flashed, came to the place where Shao Shao practiced, looked at the silhouette inside, and walked in.

Walking in front of Shao Shao and looking at her who was puzzled, Sun Wukong said softly: "I plan to leave for a while, and I can't practice together for the time being!" This is regarded as a return gift for the company these days. After speaking, the finger tapped on her forehead, and the practice was transmitted.

Then, in her shocked look, Sun Wukong continued: "Cultivate well! Well, see you next time. "

Sun Wukong looked at Shao Shao and smiled after speaking, his figure flashed and disappeared...


Sun Wukong returns to where he lives, and Crimson Smoke! The Great Commander ordered to live a good life for a few days, seeing that they were working so hard to cultivate, seeing this, Sun Wukong decided that he should also cultivate well, familiarize himself with and control his own ability, so that he has the strength to deal with emergencies...

A few days later...

Sun Wukong looked at Crimson Yan and Dasimei, whose temperament had changed greatly and became better, and said the decision to retreat with a smile:

"Crimson smoke! Daishimei! You have all worked so hard to cultivate, I think I should also practice well and master something more useful, so that I can have the ability to deal with emergencies, and I don't want to regret my negligence. "

"...," Crimson Yan and Daishi Ming heard this, expressing understanding, and Crimson Yan thought of something, and quickly asked: "Then... Goku! How long are you in retreat? "

Sun Wukong thought about it, to be familiar with his body, as well as familiar with the various abilities obtained, and if he also had to cultivate, it would take a lot of time, in this regard, he said to the crimson smoke: "One year!" This time, there is a lot to learn, so it will be longer. "

"Good! We are waiting for you! Crimson and Daishi looked at each other, giving encouragement and understanding.

"Hmm! My retreat is not here, I will leave some time, wait for me, oh, when I come back, and live a happy life with you. Sun Wukong smiled and explained, and then gave them a lot of good things, and in their somewhat reluctant eyes, their figures flashed and returned to their ring world...

In this way, Sun Wukong returned to the world of his ring, entered the time house, and began to cultivate.

He spent 1 month, according to the routines and memories in his brain, with the assistance of the system, to fully familiarize himself with and master his abilities and strengths.

When you are fully familiar, you will start exercising your body in the gravity room, of course, in the normal situation.

It took another 10 months to exercise the flesh, and the overall strength increased by a few points, but due to the lack of super cells, the physical fitness and conditions were reached, and it still could not transform into a super 4

"Sister! It seems that between the need for anger intensification and super cells, when there is one, it can evolve to the next form. It seems that there is no hurry! Moreover, how am I now like a Saiyan in the sixth universe without a tail? Forget it, leave it alone for now. "

In the following months, Sun Wukong relaxed and turned into the blue form of Super Sai Shen, practicing the cultivation of convergent breath.

This can be related to the increase of combat effectiveness, the better the aura convergence, the higher the improved combat effectiveness. In the original work, "Dragon Ball Super" Weiss exercises the Monkey King and the Tragedy Tower of the seventh universe.

After mastering the breath, he has always maintained the Super Sai Shen Blue form, so that the body is familiar with this state, so that the Super Sai Blue transformation time is longer.

Because of his immortal body, Keeping Super Sai Shen Blue has the condition of using the energy in his body, and now he can maintain it for about 1 month.

The last few months are like this, meditating every day and using the super cells in the body to prepare for the transformation into Super 4!

To be honest, he entered the time refining for 1 year, plus 1 year in his ring world, if it weren't for the systematic companionship, the loneliness made him think that he was going crazy.

After all, it is an otaku and it does not matter when there is a network to accompany, and here the system = the network.

On this day, when the time to say good things to them with Crimson Yan and Dasi was up, Sun Wukong took a bath in his own world, changed into clothes, and planned to go out of customs.

After preparation, turning back into Super 2, Sun Wukong's figure flashed, disappeared into his own world, and appeared above the Yin Yang family.

At this time, it was already evening.

Looking down, Crimson Yan sat on the stone bench and looked at the intersection in a daze, Sun Wukong showed a gentle smile, a flash, appeared behind her, and shouted softly:

"Hey! Crimson smoke! "

Hearing this voice, Crimson Yanjiao's body trembled.

In the past year, she basically had nothing to do except cultivate and guide other disciples.

Whenever she is free, she will think back to everything she experienced with Sun Wukong.

Whenever I think of being bullied and taken advantage of by him, it is always difficult to calm down.

From time to time shyness, from time to time to angry, from time to time to longing and happiness.

She spent a year like this, she didn't know how long she waited like this, she never felt that time was so long.

And today, it is the day of making an appointment with this villain, she and Dasimei have been waiting from morning until now, just sitting like this, waiting...

Wait for this bad guy who has made her miss for a long time!

And Daishi ordered to leave for a while in a hurry to witness the birth of a new elder of Kibe.

And just now, that familiar voice... It sounded again... It's so, familiar, it's so, it's beautiful, it's so, missed!

Crimson stood up, with excitement in her eyes, slowly turned around, looked at the bad guy who made her miss, showed a beautiful smile, and made a very gentle voice: "Goku! You... I'm back! "

"Hmm! I am back! "

Listening to Crimson Yan's longing and affectionate words, Sun Wukong put away his thoughts of teasing her, and also showed a very gentle smile, looked straight into her eyes, and opened his hands.

Crimson knew what Sun Wukong meant, his eyes stared into Sun Wukong's eyes, Lian Bu moved lightly, and walked towards him...

After walking a few steps, he ran into Sun Wukong's arms, burying his head in Sun Wukong's chest, and his hands hugged his waist tightly, wanting to integrate himself into his body.

Sun Wukong also hugged Crimson Smoke tightly, touched her head with his right hand, and whispered softly in her ear:

"Think I didn't?"


Crimson replied softly, and the hands he held tightened again.

"I miss you too"

Feeling the message conveyed by her actions, Sun Wukong also responded...

In this way, the two are enjoying each other's existence.

After a while,

"Hey, hey! Not seen for a year, my crimson smoke! The charm is even greater. Sun Wukong showed an evil smile and said softly in Crimson Yan's ear.

When Crimson Yan heard this, her pretty face turned even redder, because, she, felt something.

In this regard, Sun Wukong continued to say softly: "Crimson smoke! Your wait is worth it! Now, to meet your little request, what do you want? "

Hearing this, Crimson Yan thought of something, his pretty face turned even redder, he moved, his eyes looked at Sun Wukong's eyes, and said softly:

"I... I think... Want a baby! After Scarlet Yan finished speaking, his pretty face turned red, like a boiled prawn, but his eyes were looking at Sun Wukong...


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 69

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