
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 70

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 70

Listening to Crimson Yan's words, Sun Wukong was stunned, and his heart could be described as moved, but thinking of something, he replied softly: "Good!" However, it will take a while for me to fulfill a wish, and at the same time, I guess that our strength is too different, your physical fitness is lower, for the safety of you and the child, you have to work hard to become stronger, so that you can conceive a child, Crimson Smoke! Are you willing to work hard?"

If a woman is willing to bear a baby for you, it is definitely true love.

"Hmm! I will. Crimson Yan was not disappointed, expressed his understanding and support for Sun Wukong, and immediately replied with fighting spirit.

Sun Wukong's current strength is not known how many times higher than Crimson Smoke, and she has also transformed into a white god form, which is not known how many times stronger than Vegeta in "Dragon Ball Super", with her current physical fitness, it is a little difficult.

After all, he had also read a lot of immortal cultivation novels and knew a little about it.

"Well, these belong to you."

Sun Wukong's fingers shone brightly, passing on the exercises she got from the system.

Crimson Smoke was shocked and happily accepted.

"For the rest of the time, you're going to come on." Sun Wukong looked at her gently, and his tone was very encouraging.

"I will!" Crimson nodded.

"Naw! Give orders to the big master! Donghuang Taiyi and Luna God and several other elders sent a message, asking them to come here later, meet each other, and treat them by the way! "


After Crimson Yan finished speaking, his slender hand moved, and several three-legged golden crows flew in different directions.

Sun Wukong waved his right hand, and various delicacies appeared, pulling the little hand of the crimson smoke to get busy.


After a while, the Great Commander and the Young Commander came.

Seeing that missing figure, Dasimei quickly exclaimed excitedly: "Goku! "

"Yo! Daishimei! Long time no see, did you miss me? Monkey King looked at her and smiled.


A beautiful smile appeared on Dasimei's face and replied gently.

She misses Sun Wukong no less than Concubine Yan! It's just that the Yin Yang family left for a while when there was an urgent matter just now.

"Hmm! I miss you too, you'll know in the evening. Sun Wukong nodded with a smile to Dasimei, and then, looking at Shao Shao, greeted with a smile: "Shao Shao!" Long time no see! "

The few who have become the young master's order rarely see this, there is a trace of fluctuation in his eyes, the corners of his mouth are slightly upturned, and his star-like eyes look at Sun Wukong, nodding at him.

For Shao Shao to be able to ascend to the throne, Sun Wukong Hao was not surprised, seeing her appear here, plus the exercises he gave, he figured out the reason.

Seeing that Goku knew, Daishimei did not introduce him, said hello to Dongjun-sama's crimson smoke, and joined the work of making food.

There was an accident in Shao Shao's eyes, and after a while, Sun Wukong taught her softly.

Several people were busy for a few minutes, and the Empress and the female heroine also arrived.

When they saw the figure that made them miss, the two sisters were a little excited, and they exclaimed softly in unison:


"Yo! Empress! Long time no see! "

Sun Wukong looked at them and smiled, feeling their strength and added a lot of charm, a little relieved, in short, better.

"Goku-sama! Long time no see! The Empress and the female heroine responded softly, and there were many emotions in their eyes looking at Sun Wukong.

"Naw! I know you have a good knack for making food, so how about showing me a taste of your craft? "

"Okay! Goku-sama"

After the two sisters answered softly, Lian Bu moved lightly and joined in.

Monkey King also patiently explained their doubts.

The picture is very harmonious and loving!

After a while, Chu Nangong! Luna! Yunzhong Jun! Shun! Donghuang Taiyi! It's coming...

Seeing Sun Wukong, looking at his busy figure, several people had different thoughts, said hello one after another, and then sat down one after another in his instructions.

Seeing that everyone was coming, Sun Wukong stopped the crimson smoke, walked to the Dragon Ball high-tech dining table one after another, and sat down one after another.

Seeing that everyone looked at him, Sun Wukong smiled and said:

"I have been in retreat for a while, all of them eat fairy beans to fill my appetite, and I just got out of the customs, and I want to treat the Temple of the Five Organs, so I called you all together, plus there is crimson smoke!" Daishimei! Empress! Heroine! The young master ordered a few of them to have a good taste, let's have a good meal, enjoy the food, you are welcome, you can eat as much as you want, these delicacies are good for you. "

"Lord Xie Wukong!"

Except for the crimson smoke! Daishimei! Less, less! Others quickly thanked them.

"So, let's get moving!"

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he began a meaningful evening banquet in the Yin Yang family.

Others who had not eaten were a little restrained at first, and after feeling the delicacy, they also let go of their belly and ate hard, making various sighs on the way.

Chu Nangong! Yunzhong Jun! Shun! I was amazed by the food and wine.

Empress, female heroine, young youth, moon god, and Donghuang Taiyi also showed a different smile.

After eating and drinking, everyone looked at Lord Goku, who was still eating, with a different emotion in his eyes.

Crimson smoke, the great master, gently passed food for him, and later, the Empress, the female heroine, and the young and young people also joined in.

People who didn't know Sun Wukong were taken aback by his food intake.

After eating and drinking, everyone's bodies suddenly felt warm, and their faces had a look of satisfaction and happiness.

The others thanked Sun Wukong again.

Sun Wukong accepted their thanks with a smile, and then gave them to Chu Nangong, Yunzhong Jun, and Shun! These guys who were obsessed with fine wine had a few bottles of fine wine and said goodbye to them in turn.

After tonight's banquet, some people reacquainted themselves with the Monkey King, and some people got to know it more deeply.

Each has its own thoughts and feelings.

"Go! Accompany me to clean it up and then... You know! Sun Wukong looked at the crimson smoke and the big sime beside him. His eyes looked at them and he gave them a wicked smile.

"Hmm!" The two beautiful women blushed a little, gave a beautiful wink, and nodded.

When the three walked into the bathroom, well... Very loving thing... It's happening.

But... For the sake of Sun Wukong, the thoughts and wishes in his heart, he can be described as painful and happy.

"! It seems that it is time to go to Han, raid the jade, and complete what she thinks, otherwise, endure the thief's discomfort, in other words, has she returned to Han now? "

This thought flashed, and after that, Sun Wukong continued to be busy, and after being busy, he held the two daughters, one flashed, and Meizi went to rest...


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - favorites, recommendations

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 70

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