
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 71

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 71

The Monkey King is a beauty, but others are different.

Donghuang Taichi returned to his room, thinking about what had happened around him in the past year.

Feel the crimson smoke! Daishimei! Lesson! Empress! Heroine! The strength of the others, her heart, a little moved.

That's the desire for strength.

She figured out something and made up her mind.


The residence of the Empress and the female heroine.

The two women knelt on the ground, picked up the tea on the table and tasted it.

"Sister! After what happened just now, what do you think of Lord Goku? Nu Ying looked at her sister Empress and asked her thoughts.

"A mysterious, powerful, charismatic person! Younger sister! What about you? Emperor E replied with a smile, looking at his sister and asking.

"My sister is the same as my sister!" Nuying also replied with a smile.

"That... Younger sister! Did you like Goku-sama? "

The emperor asked with a smile, with a different kind of thought in his eyes.

"Hmm! Sister! We sisters have a heart-to-heart connection, and I can feel that so are you! The handsome woman's face blushed movingly, and she looked at her and replied.

"That... Tomorrow. Invite Lord Goku to Xiaoxiang Valley and see what Lord Goku means! What does my sister think? The emperor spoke his mind.


The female hero nodded, agreeing with her.


Chu Nangong: This is beautiful.

Yunzhong Jun is also beautiful.

Shunjun had some thoughts in his mind.

"If there is no appearance of Lord Wukong, Empress Ying of the Ministry of Water will be his best partner, the integration of water and soil yin and yang will be good for me and both of them, and after this half a year of temptation and the attitude of Empress Ying towards Lord Wukong just now, it seems that there is no hope, too!" Since they took a fancy to Lord Goku, they couldn't force it. "

After figuring it out, Shunjun felt that his body and mind were relaxed, and coupled with the energy of the food in his body, his strength improved a little, which was a surprise.


The moon god is unwilling and helpless, she and her sister have been fighting, in this year, she has also worked hard to cultivate, but the gap has not decreased in the slightest, but Yola has become bigger.

Luna knew that it was because of a person.

"Goku-sama! This powerful and mysterious person, my sister has become stronger because of him, Empress! Heroine! Daishimei! Lesson! In this year, the strength has also improved by leaps and bounds, and it seems that they are all connected with Lord Goku. "

Thinking of this, Luna also had some thoughts when he was very upset in his heart.

Although there is still no change in the position, it is stressful.

So, she wanted to do something.


Shaoshi ordered that it was very quiet here, after what happened just now, after thinking back to the previous experience with Lord Goku, feeling the strength he has now, the corners of his mouth are slightly upturned, and he seems to be in a good mood.

In short, each has its own thoughts.

Some feelings take time to ferment.

For many people, an ordinary and unusual night just passes.


The next day.

Sun Wukong opened his eyes, and ate the scarlet smoke and the cheap of Dasimei beautifully, and got up together in their shy expressions.

Subsequently, the exercises passed on to Crimson Yan were also passed on to the Great Commander, and they began to guide them to meditate and practice in the courtyard.

Sun Wukong sat on the roof, enjoying the beautiful scenery, and the figures of the Empress and the heroine appeared in his eyes.

"Huh? What did Empress and Nu Ying do? Don't... They figured it out? To hold the hand of my son with me, and grow old with my son? If that's the case, that's a bonus! Looking at the two women walking towards him with soft eyes, Sun Wukong thought secretly in his heart.

"Empress! Heroine! Hello guys! Monkey King greeted with a smile.

"Goku-sama! Hello! The two sisters responded softly at the same time.

"Is there something wrong with coming to me?"

"Hmm! I made some food with Hide, and I wanted to invite Goku-sama to taste it. Empress smiled and explained softly.

"Oh? Since it is your good intention, then you must not refuse, you have a heart, now there is a mouthful! Walk up! "

After Sun Wukong said with a smile, his figure flashed, appeared in front of them, casually arranged an enchantment for the crimson smoke, and walked with them towards Xiaoxiang Valley.

After a while, he came to Xiaoxiang Valley.

Today, Xiaoxiang Valley is different from the last time Sun Wukong came, with a lot of exotic flowers and plants, exuding a different aroma, which makes people feel refreshed.

"Empress! Heroine! It seems that you have prepared well, and you have a heart. Sun Wukong looked at them and gave them an appreciation.

"Goku-sama, if you like it!" Praised and affirmed by him, the two sisters were immediately happy.

Walking into the table where the food was placed in the room, Sun Wukong sat down cross-legged.

The two women knelt across from him, opened a table of delicacies, looked at him and said softly:

"Goku-sama! This is a little bit of food made by our sisters and hope you enjoy it. "

"Huh! Empress! Heroine! You make it with your own hands, it must be delicious, come! Eat together, what is the point of me eating alone. "

The two women passed yesterday night, and they also knew who he was, and they didn't pretentiously, and tasted it together.

The Monkey King enjoyed their hearts.

Although the taste is not as delicious as the food in the Dragon Ball world, it has a special taste, and it sincerely gave them praise and praise, which made the two women feel a lot happier.

Soon, the food was eaten by the trio, of course! Most of it went into Monkey King's stomach.

"Huh! Empress! Heroine! You are such a good craft, and if I marry you, you will be a good wife and mother." "

Since you feel the other party's intentions, as a man, you must hint and explicitly suggest that it is not.

Listening to his words, Empress E and Nuying looked at each other, their pretty faces appeared moving, their eyes looked at him, and at the same time said softly: "That... Goku-sama! Do you mind... What about two more wives, or handmaids? "

"If it's Empress! Heroine! Of course I don't mind, you two, do you want to be a handmaid or a wife? This kind of confession, Sun Wukong smiled and looked at the two people who expressed his heart to him, and asked in a very gentle tone.

The two women looked at each other again, their pretty faces blushed even more, and replied softly:


"The hand of the son!"

After Sun Wukong finished speaking softly, he stretched out his hands, spread his five fingers, and began the beginning of their routine 1 year ago.

"Grow old with your son!"

Empress E and Nuying each stretched out a slender hand, crossed their fingers, and connected hearts with his warm big hand, conveying each other's affection.


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 71

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