
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 72

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 72

"Now! Empress! Heroine! Guys! It's mine! Sun Wukong showed a charming smile and looked at them very tenderly.

"Hmm! Goku-sama! The two women responded shyly.

"In the future, call me Goku! Got it? "

"Got it! Goku! "

"And! As my wife! I treat everyone sincerely and sincerely, and I am not allowed to be jealous, otherwise... Family law at your service! Sun Wukong remembered the two sisters in the original book and took a preventive shot first to avoid a fire.

"Got it!" The two women replied very obediently, it seems that they care about Sun Wukong's feelings.

"Look, what a good girl! The girls in this world are really beautiful! Sun Wukong's heart was dark.

"Hmm! Very obedient, I am very happy, take you to play, I will spoil you to the sky! After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he took the two women and appeared in the sky.

The two women looked at everything in front of them and were shocked.

Sun Wukong didn't want to explain for the time being, and took them to start enjoying the joy of flying.

Flying over the mountains, forests, rivers, white clouds, the sky, everything, let the two women linger.

All kinds of positive emotions are being released.

After flying for a few hours with the two women, seeing that they were almost enjoying themselves, he took them with a flash and returned to the place of Crimson Smoke and Daishi.

"Naw! Empress! Heroine! I think you also know the relationship between Crimson Smoke, Dasimei and me, go and get to know me! Sun Wukong smiled and looked at them who were still excited and happy, and said softly.


Empress E and Nuying looked at each other and agreed softly,

They are now obedient to Sun Wukong, not to mention their strength, and they have very human means, which are good to them.

With such a husband, I feel extremely safe.

Sun Wukong thought of something, his fingers shone brightly, tapped on their foreheads, the exercises came in, looked at them and said softly:

"Naw! This is what you deserve, in a few days I will go out for a while, complete some careful wishes, you cultivate well, if you don't understand, ask Crimson Yan, Daishi ordered them, strive to become stronger, when I come back, we will be a real husband and wife, you will be whitewashed and ready! "

Listening to Sun Wukong's words, the two daughters of Empress E's Ying came back to their senses, understood the meaning of his words, their pretty faces appeared coquettishly blushed, nodded, and made a very shy voice: "Got it!" Goku! "

"That's good! Walk! Go and get to know them again. "

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he took the hands of the two women and walked into the house where Crimson Yan and Daishi ordered them to cultivate...

And Crimson Yan and Dasimei also woke up, and looked at the three of them who walked in, revealing a smile on their faces.

Crimson Yan and Dasimei had long known that this would happen, so they had already made preparations.

Smart women know how.

Seeing Crimson Smoke and Dasimei, Sun Wukong introduced with a smile: Smoke! Daishimei! These are the two wives I just arrived, and now, their status and you, as my first and second women, you have to take care of them, got it? "

"Got it! You bad"

Crimson Yan gave Sun Wukong a beautiful white eye, and then looked at Empress E and Nu Ying and said softly: "Empress E! Heroine! Come on, let's talk, leave this guy alone. "

After Crimson Yan finished speaking, he went up and took Empress E's daughter's slender hand and went to the desk on the side.

The two women first looked at Sun Wukong, and after getting his consent, the pretty face blushed a little and replied: "Okay!" Sister Crimson Smoke! "

Then, the four women went to the side to chat.

Monkey King didn't care, giving them time and space to get acquainted with each other, which was a necessary process.

The figure flashed, appeared in the courtyard, took out a lounge chair, closed his eyes, the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, and he was very comfortable enjoying the sun.

After a while, Sun Wukong sensed a breath and came towards him.

"Donghuang Taiyi! What is she here for? Could it be that this chick has figured it out too? I'll go! Is today my brother's lucky day? "

Sun Wukong does nothing and waits for her arrival.

In the next second, Donghuang Taiyi appeared beside Sun Wukong with a black robe.

No one speaks.

Donghuang Taiyi looked at this person who defeated her, and there was a trace of fluctuation in his expression under the black robe, coming here today was a decision she had been thinking about for a long time.

Feeling the unfathomable strength of Crimson Smoke and Dasimei, she, while feeling the threat, was moved, and she was moved by strength.

A few minutes passed like that.

Sun Wukong admired her cultivation very much, and although he knew the purpose of her coming, he pretended to be puzzled and asked: "Taiyi! Did something come to me? "

"You said you would give me what I wanted, and that's what I came for." Donghuang Taiyi under the black robe made a very nice sound.

Sun Wukong opened his eyes and looked at her in a black robe, a little speechless: "Put away the black robe, obviously have such a beautiful face, in front of me, hide it for what, it's true." "

Hearing this, Donghuang Taiyi was unmoved at first, and looked at Sun Wukong like this for a while, before he withdrew his black robe and revealed his peerless face.

Seeing that Donghuang Taiyi obeyed, Sun Wukong was very satisfied: "The attitude is okay!" So, let me talk about my standards, you refer to the reference! "

Donghuangtai nodded.

"First, hand over your loyalty! Get several times more strength. "

"Second, hand over your heart and get dozens or hundreds of times more strength."

"Third, hand over your heart, your people, and all of you, get immortality, and the strength that can destroy this world with one move."

"You... Which one to choose? Sun Wukong looked at Donghuang Taiyi, waiting for her choice.

Sun Wukong believes that for Donghuang Taiyi, this is the best way to attack her.

Donghuangtaiyi's eyes were fiery, and it was fiery to the third standard.

Immortal and invincible strength, this has always been what she is pursuing, looking at Sun Wukong, her tone was a little excited: "I choose, the third!" "

"I understand, but if you want to get it, you have to pay first, you! Are you ready to become enlightened? "

"You! Give what I want, my others! You! Can be taken away, including the body! Donghuangtai calmly said words that surprised Sun Wukong's heart.

"This... This Nima! How awesome does this have to be to say such a thing? Or say it calmly! Could it be that this girl has really achieved the cultivation realm of seeing the body as if it were nothing? "

"Good! So, let me see how strong and deep your enlightenment really is, here's it! "Sun Wukong didn't believe in evil, stretched out his face, and proposed the obedience test!

Seeing this, Donghuang Taiyi immediately acted, and after that, he quickly separated, his face was very calm, and there were no other emotions.


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 72

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