
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 73

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 73

"Lao Tzu won't believe it! Here, too. Seeing her so calm, Sun Wukong was even more unconvinced as if he had done an inconspicuous little thing, pointing to a place that challenged her nerves even more.

Listening to Sun Wukong's words, Donghuang Taiyi looked at the place where he spoke and pondered for a second, and then did so.

After reaching it, although her face remained unchanged, there was a trace of unnaturalness in her eyes.

Sun Wukong admired her determination and beauty in his heart, and did not find this.

"Alright! You win! I have already felt your enlightenment, then, now, give you what you want, only part of it, if you want an immortal body and invincible strength, it depends on your performance later. "

Donghuangtai looked at Sun Wukong with a calm face, stared at it for a long time, and then made a nice voice: "Good!" "

"Well, don't resist next, otherwise... At one's own risk! "

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he stood up, his hand shining, and deliberately placed it in a very beautiful place to develop her potential.

Donghuangtai's eyes flashed unnaturally, and his face was still very calm as he looked at Sun Wukong, letting him play.

A few minutes later...

Development complete.

And their scene was seen by a figure in the distance...

Neither found out.

“!!" Donghuang Taiyi felt the internal strength cultivation of his body that had increased for more than a hundred years, and there was shock in his eyes.

Sun Wukong darkly refreshed her current reaction, and then his fingers shone brightly, tapping on her forehead, and the technique came in, making her look even more shocked, and at the same time with fire.

"Now, you get a part, and if nothing happens, you can go, of course!" If one day I want you to finish the job of a maid, just do it. Sun Wukong smiled and said very lofty words.

Hearing this, Donghuang Taiyi looked deeply at Sun Wukong for a while, moved up a light skill, his figure flashed, and disappeared.

Seeing that the Eastern Emperor Taiyi left, Sun Wukong couldn't help but complain in his heart.

"! This chick's cultivation is really too strong, fortunately Lao Tzu has the means and ability, otherwise, he really can't suppress her, but... Hum! Cultivating well is one thing, the body is another, after all, many women are saying no, but the body is very honest, that is hidden in the body's instinctive reaction, I don't believe this girl can endure, there will be fun in the future! "

Sun Wukong lay down again, and Meizhi's fantasy of living happily in the future.

After a while, another breath appeared in his perception.

"I'll go! What the hell happened today? Except for a few, this time it's the moon god! Several beauties of the Yin-Yang family have come, is today Lao Tzu's lucky day? Could it be that after cultivating for a while, my overlord qi has increased? Can you charm these girls? Sun Wukong couldn't help but think in his heart.

In fact, Shao Shao has already come, but he has already left, you don't know.

After waiting for a while, the moon god came to him and greeted him softly: "Lord Goku!" "

"It's the moon god! Is there something wrong with me? Sun Wukong asked with a moon god.

"Goku-sama! Luna came here to ask Sora for advice! The moon god made a nice voice and said his intentions, while showing his status and respect for Sun Wukong very well.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong smiled: "Say!" I'm not good at giving advice, because our cultivation systems are different, and I'm better at improving than pointing! "

Hearing Lord Goku say this, the moon god was a little excited, well hidden, and continued: "That... Can Goku-sama help Luna? "

"Yes! But... Conditional! After all, none of us owe anyone, and if we want to get it, we have to pay, meet my requirements, and get what you want. Sun Wukong said very realistically to make her understand.

In the original work, the moon god is a very sane type, so it is good to be very direct.

"Goku-sama! How do you want to? The moon god also agreed with his words, very sensible.

"So be it! It's not very demanding, I've been lying down for a while, just give me a kneading of my shoulders. Sun Wukong looked at her, smiled and put forward his own conditions.

"Good!" Luna was overjoyed in her heart and agreed, for this condition, she felt too simple.

"Then, look at your performance!"

Luna Lian moved lightly, came behind Sun Wukong, stretched out her slender hand, put it on his broad and thick shoulders and kneaded it...

Because the moon god majored in spiritual power, he also had a lot of research on the human body, and according to Sun Wukong's physical reaction, he quickly mastered the rhythm and strength, making Sun Wukong dark.

"Luna! I heard that there is a realm in your realm cultivation called mind control? Sun Wukong closed his eyes and asked aloud.

"Goku-sama! Yes! "

"So, Luna, do you know the word 'heart' for controlling the mind, why there are three points?"

Monkey King continued to ask.

Luna thought about the origin of the word 'heart', and then considered why Sun Wukong asked, got what he knew was not what he wanted, and replied: "Lord Goku!" Luna doesn't know! "

"Huh! If one day you can be seen by me like your sister, then I will tell you what it means. Sun Wukong also did not explain, leaving a suspense routine.

While showing your high value, you also add hint routines to it.

Hearing this, the moon god was silent and continued to knead.

The two enjoyed each other's existence quietly like this.

A few minutes later...

Sun Wukong felt that it was almost the same, issued an obedience test, and said:

"All right! Luna, your hands are very skillful and comfortable to knead, then, give you a reward. Come! Come to me. "

"Yes! Goku-sama! "

The moon god's face was delighted, and Lian Bu moved lightly, came to Sun Wukong, and obeyed his request.

"Naw! Gently touch your temples yourself to the glowing place and get what you want. "

Sun Wukong's right hand was all extended, and the tip of his index finger shone brightly, stretched out in front of her, dozens of centimeters away from him, and issued an obedience test again!

The moon god didn't care, moved his upper body lightly, bent down to touch his smooth forehead lightly, obeyed his request again, and got the technique that shocked her.

"This..." Feeling the exercises in his brain, the moon god was shocked in his heart.

"Then, you can go! That's right! Remind you, they have taken different paths and will not get in your way, so don't make it difficult for me and them. "

"Yes! Goku-sama! Then, Luna will retreat first! "Get what you want, the moon god does not stay much, salutes, and says goodbye.


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 73

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