
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 74

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 74

After bidding farewell to the moon god, I was enjoying the sunshine for a while, and the time was also late.

Sun Wukong called the four daughters of Crimson Yan, Dasimei, Empress, and Nu Ying, and began to busy with the night.

It was a warm and happy time, enjoying each other.

Crimson smoke! Daishimei! Empress! Heroine! The fourth daughter also knew his plan to leave for a while, and although she was a little reluctant, she still understood and respected him.

Eat and drink, and enjoy the beautiful night view together.

Sun Wukong found some similar jokes in later generations, changed tricks and routines to make them happy, and made them make a nice natural sound.

Such days pass quickly, and after a while it is time to rest.

Sun Wukong sent Empress E and Nuying back to Xiaoxiang Valley, instructed them, and when parting, he rewarded the two women separately, and in their happy and shy expressions, one flashed and returned to Crimson Yan and Dasimei.

Looking at the Crimson Smoke and Dasimei who exude unparalleled charm, he made a decision in his heart when he thought of the equally charming Empress and the female Ying Sun Wukong, and said to the two women:

"Crimson smoke! Daishimei! I decided that tomorrow I would go far away to fulfill my heart's wish, otherwise, I would always be able to see and eat, and the thief would be uncomfortable. "

"Goku! If you want, we... We will say yes. After glancing at Da Si Ming and exchanging glances, Concubine Yan's pretty face blushed and said softly.

Dasimei also nodded shyly.

"Alas! I already had a wish before I met you, if I go against it, with my current strength, it is easy to have a heart demon, so I am so helpless! Sun Wukong was very unscrupulous and explained softly.

"Her! Must be a very special woman, right? Crimson Yan understood, and asked softly.

"Hmm! For me, it means something different, so she's really special! Although I spend my heart, I still like you the most, and I am spending my heart on talent. "

"Hmph! You lie! "This kind of nonsense of throwing the pot, crimson, slender hand came on Sun Wukong's waist.

Dasimei also gave him a beautiful face, which contained a lot of meaning.

"Huh! Don't believe it, I do have a lot of care, because, I like happy you, angry you, shy you, happy you, yesterday, today's you, I like all the looks of you, how is it, enough to spend your heart? "

Hearing his answer, Crimson Smoke and Dasimei's pretty faces appeared touching red and smiled, their eyes smiled into a crescent moon, and their mood couldn't be happier.

Apparently, they were given a trick.

"Now you know? So, you know. "Sun Wukong said it here, it is a very powerful and undesirable explanation.

"Hmph! Count you awesome! "

Crimson Yan was so distempered by his colleagues that he agreed with him.

Next second.

"Goku!" Crimson thought of something and exclaimed softly.

"Hmm! What's wrong? "

"With other sisters, will you snub us?" Crimson voiced his worries.

This is what many women in this era will care about, after all, love is selfish, although there is a system of three wives and four concubines in this era, but they are still very worried and careful.

"How? Are you afraid I'll ignore you? "The Monkey King is happy, they think so, it represents good news.

"Hmm!" Crimson and Daishi nodded, expressing their worries in unison.

"Hey, hey! Don't worry about this at all, I prefer to do it than what I said, you will know in the future, than thinking about this, you might as well practice more, improve your strength, and when I come back, we will be a real husband and wife, at that time, you will know how powerful your husband is, at the same time, don't you want children? What is there to worry about then? Sun Wukong looked at Dasimei and Crimson Smoke, smiled evilly and said his thoughts, leaving the decision to the right.

Hearing this, the worry in Crimson Yan and Dasimei's hearts disappeared, and an intoxicating blush appeared on their pretty faces.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Sun Wukong smiled: "The time is almost up, rest!" "

For Sun Wukong, it was another beautiful night.

One night without a word.


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 74

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