
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 75

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 75

Early the next morning, Sun Wukong woke up.

Meizi enjoyed some of the crimson smoke and the beauty of Dajimei.

Then, after chatting with them for a while, giving them some resources, in their reluctant and happy eyes, disappeared into the Yin Yang House and went to Han.

And in the time that he disappeared, the legends about him also calmed down, and the eyes of the world returned to the sight of the seven kingdoms and their respective countries.

Except for some, most people chose to forget his existence.

After all, time is the most powerful poison.

It can make people plain and forget people and things that are not related to themselves.

On this trip, he wanted to go in the blue form of Super Saishen, so he became the Blue form of Super Saishen.

It is also a mood and a cultivation.

At the same time, he also changed into a blue-purple outfit to match his temperament and appearance!

It exudes a mysterious and comfortable aura, which is the breath of God possessed by the blue form of Super Saiyan!

Ordinary people can't feel it, and it is also the result of Sun Wukong's perfect control.

Everyone who watches "Dragon Ball Super" understands.

Along the way, sightseeing and beautiful natural scenery, while relaxing yourself, it is also cultivation.

During the two-year retreat, although his mood changed a little, he still liked to do it.

He felt a lot when he felt the beautiful natural scenery of Qin Shi's world.

"No wonder many people in the future like to travel, appreciate nature and feel nature, it can make people relax pressure, make people more peaceful and calm, sometimes some problems in life in the way to appreciate nature flash, think of a solution, really wonderful!"

Sun Wukong sighed and began his journey again.

Stop and go along the way, see the beautiful scenery, see the animals that play and play, and see the predators who fight to survive.

He also had a deeper understanding of everything beautiful and cruel.

The time was also four or five o'clock in the afternoon, and there were still more than ten miles away from Han.

Sun Wukong stopped in this flower-filled valley, lying on the lawn, with his hands on the pillow, his eyes closed, and a smile on his lips, enjoying nature and everything around him.

At the same time, after imagining and simulating going to Han in my mind, I met the jade purple girl! Flame Lingji! Mrs. Pearl! And so on a few girls of Nine Songs.

What routines and postures should be used to attack them, let them show shyness, shyness, happiness, etc., so that they willingly hand over their hearts and all.

When I think about getting jade, I think about the one she experienced in the anime. The information obtained by the official setting, this girl who makes him feel special, Sun Wukong's heart is even more pity and love.

I thought about it for a while.

Next second.

Or the smooth heartbeat, calm state of mind is broken by inexplicable feelings.

"Huh? What's going on? Feeling the violent irregular beating heartbeat and the inexplicable tension made Sun Wukong very confused.

"The Super Saiyan form has not had this feeling and situation, and the Super Saiyan form has appeared? Don't... What I think is sensed by the Heavenly Dao or the gods of this world? This is also not right, I obviously controlled the breath, and also added the means to isolate the breath. "

As soon as this idea was denied, Sun Wukong thought of something, and his expression changed: "Could it be... Be... Get jade? Something happened? "

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong stood up and released his spiritual power.

Soon, sensing the scene that appeared eight miles south, it directly made his face suddenly gloomy, his anger rose, his figure flashed, and he disappeared here.


And in the middle of the avenue eight miles south of him.

Eight men in black surrounded a young woman.

The woman had long burgundy flowing hair, long hair waist-length, green and brittle green hairpins, delicate facial features, calm eyes like pulse autumn water, wearing an orange-yellow long skirt, gentle and moving, beautiful as jade.

And there were many wounds on the Miaoling woman's body, leaving bright red blood

There were many corpses around, and the blood stained the ground red, showing that there had been a life-and-death duel.

The breath of the eight people is not weak, and they seem to be skillful.

"Jade girl! I advise you to obediently tie up your hands, as long as you go back with us, and save your life." The man in black with the strongest breath looked at the young woman and said.

"Big brother! She killed several of our brothers, and we can't just let her go. "

A man stopped doing it, and refuted with some anger, and he looked like a guy with heavy feelings.

"Shut up! If we can't do what the adults tell us, we'll all die. The man in black glared at the brother unkindly, leaving the man speechless for a moment.

The others suddenly had nothing to say.

"Jade girl! Choose now! My patience is limited. "

Liang Yu's eyes glanced at the fallen ground, her vitality was cut off, and several guards who escorted and protected her for a long time had a good feeling, her tone was decisive and resolute: "You killed Brother Ye and them, you want me to go with you?" No way! "

"Up! Alive! "

The man in black saw this situation, also knew what to do, and gave the order.

After receiving the order, several people were just about to strike, but they were startled by a figure that suddenly appeared in front of her and stopped!

This figure is Sun Wukong.

At this time, Sun Wukong's face was extremely calm, and there was a flash of essence in his eyes, it was anger, it was anger, and his tone was very calm and made a deep voice: "Seriously, I have never been so angry, what you have done has successfully pulled up my hatred, so, please... Die! All right? "

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he didn't want to listen to a few people's nonsense, the momentum and breath landed, making them full of fear and trembling, and then, the mind was released, searching the other party's brain, getting the information they needed, and then, the right hand stretched out, a grip, eight men suddenly limbs and heads were turned into cannabis flowers and hung up.

He didn't want to say more nonsense about the people he would kill.

Kill the person who should be killed, the emotions are released somewhat, take a deep breath, stabilize the emotions, show a soft smile, turn around, look at the goddess in his heart, and say in a very gentle and soft voice:

"It's okay!" After speaking, Sun Wukong answered in his heart: "My goddess!" "

The tone and attitude were as if it were spoken to someone close to you.


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 75

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