
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 77

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 77

Looking at the scene of rapid regression around him, Liang Yu was shocked, this! It was beyond her understanding, and at the same time she was curious about this boy who suddenly appeared.

More than ten miles away, Sun Wukong spent a few minutes to send her to a place where no one was in the backyard of Han Zilanxuan.

"Naw! Get jade! It's arrived! You go to your purple sister to report safety, I have something to do, and when I finish my business, I am coming to see you." Sun Wukong let her go, got the carriage out of the ring, and looked at the still shocked Yu and said.

"Hmm! Xie Gongzi! The jade who came back to his senses was very polite and understanding, thankful.

"That's right! The matter of taking you to fly must be kept secret, otherwise, I will be angry Oh, I am angry, and the consequences are very serious! Sun Wukong thought of something and quickly reminded.

"Got it! Son! Ryu Yu will keep it secret. Although Liang Yu didn't understand why Sun Wukong did this, he still agreed to his request.

"Well, that's it, see you next time!" After Sun Wukong said with a smile, his figure flashed and appeared at a height of thousands of meters in the Han country.

In the next second, his expression became calmer.

Later, he will go to kill, kill a damned person.

It was his order that made his goddess have bad memories and experiences, made his heart angry, his thoughts were not accessible, and his patience had reached the limit, so he didn't want to wait for a moment.

Otherwise, according to his routine, he will definitely sleep with Yu Ye for the night, teasing and teasing this girl.

The mood is gone, so there is no such idea.

A transparent light mask emerged, breaking through the air towards the Wei Kingdom...


Wei state, state capital Daliang.

The lights at night are shining brightly, presenting a very lively atmosphere.

Sun Wukong's figure appeared in the sky above the Wei Kingdom Palace, casually glancing at the scene below, and went to the place where he got the information in his head...

After a while, he came to a mansion.

Wei Mansion!

There lived a military attaché whose position was not much different from that of the capital of the Qin State, named Wei Zhonghu.

Wei Zhonghu is thirty-seven or eight years old, with a strong figure, a large oval face, large and slender eyes, his eyes flash cruel and cruel essence from time to time, and there is a scar on his left face.

Because he bravely killed the enemy on the battlefield and made great military merits, he sat in such an official position.

People who often hover on the edge of death definitely like to vent, so lecherousness is also a part of him.

Once he went to the famous Yuhualou in Wei State for some fun, and saw a gentle and moving woman, and the woman played the piano well.

Suddenly, he had the desire to get this woman. Hope.

After some investigation, it was found that there was something behind this, just a Qinji who sold art and did not sell his body.

So he was moved, and sent his own disciples and men to capture this woman alive for his enjoyment.

He did not do such things before, the means were clean, and there was no handle at all.

For him, in this world where men are respected, women are just playthings, tools to vent, and dispose of them after venting.

And at this time...

He was holding two young women, despite their painful looks, enjoying ...

After a while, after venting, Wei Zhonghu suddenly felt uninterested, looked at the three women and shouted: "Get out!" "

The third daughter got the order and left with a look of fear.

High in the sky...

Sun Wukong looked at the scene below with a calm face, seeing that the 'good show' had reached this step, and he was also ready to start and give him a ride.

"Also give you the opportunity to enjoy the last enjoyment, your life is also worth it, only blame you for not having bad thoughts about my goddess, no one gave you the punishment you deserved before, now, let me come." Thinking of this, Sun Wukong's right hand stretched out and shook it out of thin air.

With a "click", Wei Zhonghu's head below was suddenly twisted three hundred and sixty degrees and hung up.

Sun Wukong has never liked ink for those who must be killed.

Don't even bother to meet and talk, directly attack from a long range to kill each other.

After killing Wei Zhonghu, Sun Wukong's mood was inexplicably relaxed and accessible.

Then, Sun Wukong took out several guarding soldiers from a distance and opened the back door of the Wei Mansion.

In a house in the backyard, seven or eight nineteen-year-old women were detained here, each looking helpless and desperate.

They were caught here by inexplicable people.

Originally, there were more than a dozen people, but now there are only seven or eight of them, and they also know their future end.

They waited helplessly...


The locked door opened.

Then, some clothes and silver appeared out of thin air, arranged around them, and while they were still confused, a voice sounded in their heads.

"These are clothes and some silver, change them, the guards I have finished out, I have opened the door, hurry home!" Now, fate is in your hands. "

A trace of light appeared in the eyes of several people, and that light was called, hope!

"Benefactor! Please show up! The woman was the first to come to her senses, looked around, and said softly and excitedly.

"You don't have to meet with anything else, I just do it casually, I have already killed Wei Zhonghu, you only have a small half-column of incense time, next, it's up to you."

"That... Thank you! I wish the benefactor great prosperity! Safe! "The Miaoling woman thanked and blessed her very sincerely, she was knowledgeable and cultivated, and she was well educated at a glance.

After thanking them, the women moved quickly, and after a while, they walked out of the back door of the Wei Mansion and escaped from the cage.


High in the sky, Sun Wukong watched them leave safely before revealing a smile.

"Huh~! It seems that it is not bad to be a good person or something, at least in a happy mood. "

Sometimes, helping others and being happy with yourself, especially when the other party sincerely thanks and blesses themselves, is even happier.

After looking at it for a while, seeing that it was done, the Monkey King light mask appeared, and went to Han...

On the way to the flight, Sun Wukong found a beautiful place, planning to rest for a night first, and then go to Zilanxuan tomorrow!

One night without a word...


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 77

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