
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 78

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 78

Violet Orchid

The most famous place of wind and moon in Xinzheng City, its fame can be compared with the concubine snow pavilion in the northern Yan Kingdom Jixuecheng.

Many dignitaries, powerful, wealthy, and capable, often drink and have fun here, relax and find alternative stimuli.

On this day, Sun Wukong's blue-purple figure appeared here, and he looked up at the very tall and high-grade building in front of him.

"Gee! I have to say that it is more luxurious and magnificent than what I saw last time, this purple woman is not small, she is a strong woman. "

It's daytime, but there are a lot of people.

In ancient times, there were a few pastimes, as the most popular entertainment place, uh-huh! It's something that men like.

With a soft smile on his face, Sun Wukong walked into this noisy Violet Orchid Xuan.

The inside of Zilanxuan is also extremely empty, around this circular hall, there are several stairs leading to the upper floor, and at the stairs, there are many people standing in the vermilion and willow green sisters.

The pipa in their hands swaggered, whispering, and the Yingsheng swallow, but it was a special flavor.

"Groove! Is this the alternative 'green building' of ancient times? Although there is no such deal. Look at the carefully selected girls, one by one, I am the first time to come to this kind of place, the first time I have seen it, I am a little excited. "Glancing at Zilanxuan, Sun Wukong has some, huh! Excited.

Seeing Sun Wukong enter this Zilanxuan, many women were dazzled and attracted by him.

Many people walked towards him with charming smiles.

Some women looked thoughtful.

"Gongzi! Good noodles! But the first time to come to this Zilanxuan? A woman with a good posture looked at Sun Wukong and asked softly, and the voice was very good, which made Sun Wukong very comfortable.

"Huh! This beauty is very eye-catching, I am indeed the first time to come to this kind of place, I am a little excited, I don't know... What's so much fun? Sun Wukong looked at this beautiful woman with a smile on his face.

"Gongzi! It's a lot more fun, please! Let the sisters talk to Gongzi properly. After the woman finished speaking, she invited Sun Wukong to walk towards the Zilanxuan, and on the way, several women with good looks came...

Along the way, Sun Wukong was surrounded by women, but he kept some distance, there was no physical contact, he was obviously well-trained, and the 'degree' was well mastered, which made people very comfortable.

For people who are still strangers, people have a safe distance, and crossing it makes the other person feel uncomfortable.

There are all kinds of scents around, it smells good! Sun Wukong came interested: "A few beauties, you are very fragrant, I don't know, give it or not... What about eating? "

This kind of words, several trained women understood in seconds, laughing and quipping:

"Gongzi! To eat our sisters, the price is not small. "


Listen to them, Monkey King.

I got a lot of gold out of my clothes and put it on the place where these women's drums were...

Look at who is greater, just 'very heart', huh! Naughty for a while, adding some abilities to it, so that the girls blushed and appeared, revealing a shy look, provoking all kinds of whispered laughter of the children, that picture, very loving.

"Gongzi! That's awesome! "

"Gongzi! You're so bad! "

"Gongzi! You're so bad."

There were all kinds of soft-spoken voices of protest around him, which made Sun Wukong even more happy.

"Hey, hey! You guys are very good at talking, come on! This is a reward for you! "

After that, he took out a lot of gold from his clothes and put it on the place where these women showed their blush... Then, he was 'very careless' naughty, which caused the girls to laugh again.

This kind of saying that he is 'bad', of course, Sun Wukong understands that it is goodwill.

In the later life, men are afraid of being stuck by beautiful women who send good people, women like bad men, not bad men, so he doesn't want beautiful women to say to themselves that they are a good person, and then... Well! Get the Good People Card! That's not a good thing.

I laughed all the way to a staircase.

Sun Wukong looked up, his eyes lit up, just like in the original work.

The beautiful and beautiful mysterious and close-fitting purple long skirt shows her charming figure, and the woman appears in her eyes.

She has a pair of hooking eyes, with a faint purple, like a pair of pearls hidden deep under the sea, dark but brilliant, and a butterfly-like pattern is drawn under the corner of her left eye, adding an unusual noble temperament to her charming posture.

This superb royal sister who combines beauty, reason, intelligence, etc., purple girl! Imprinted in the eyes of Sun Wukong... And walked towards him...

"Gee! Really... It's excellent, it's really charming, much more charming than the last time I saw it, Nima! This kind of superb royal sister, how could Lao Tzu let it go? I thought about it before I crossed it, and now, let alone it, well! Decided! You have to get your hands on the abduction. Seeing the true face of the purple woman, Sun Wukong thought secretly in his heart.

"This son-in-law! It is our noble person of Zilanxuan! You guys are busy! The purple girl looked at the sisters around Sun Wukong and said the order with a smile.

Her voice! Very magnetic, very ... Good!

Listening to the words of the purple sister, several women dispersed very obediently, a little more daring, and did not forget to tease Sun Wukong.

"Gongzi! Next time you come, you must come to the slave house! After speaking, he also threw a wink at Sun Wukong.

"Huh! Rest assured! Monkey King smiled and nodded to them.

"Gongzi! But it's really powerful, just came to Zilanxuan, so that many sisters can't forget Gongzi! The purple girl looked at Sun Wukong's smile.

"Huh! In this troubled world, survival is not easy, I hope my arrival can bring some laughter to these little beauties, that is not bad, moreover, I have long heard that the boss of Zilanxuan is a mature, beautiful and capable woman, called Zi Girl! When I see you today, it is indeed true! Sun Wukong also looked at the purple woman's eyes with a smile and replied with a smile.

"Gongzi! Miuzzle! Listening to Sun Wukong's words, the purple girl smiled softly, revealing a very beautiful smile, with an interested look in her eyes.

"Purple girl! I know we're not familiar, but... Can I borrow something like you? Sun Wukong walked in front of the purple woman in a few steps, looked into her eyes, and began the routine.

"Gongzi! If you can, just call me the purple girl! The purple girl still smiled, very decent.

"Eh! Is it called the purple girl? All right... I know! Purple Girl! "Monkey King looks like I know.

"..." Listening to Sun Wukong's words, the purple girl directly gave a beautiful look, knowing that it was called? For Jade's sake, Purple Girl! Don't do much to tangle either.

In ancient times, this direct name was generally only called by friends and close people.

Sun Wukong was called so close for the first time, is this really good?

In this regard, the purple girl did not think much, and continued to make a very nice voice for Sun Wukong's question, and asked: "I don't know... Son! What do you want to borrow? "

Seeing that the purple girl was hooked, Sun Wukong looked at her with an inexplicable smile: "It's just... Purple girl, your heart! I really care about it, so I want to borrow it. "

Sun Wukong knows that a social veteran like the purple girl is okay to joke, just grasp the degree.

If you say this to the iceberg beauty, the consequences are different.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - favorites, recommendations

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 78

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