
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 80

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 80

"Your thanks, I accept it." After calming the emotions of the jade, Sun Wukong picked up the glass of wine in her hands and cleaned it,

Lang Yu and Zi Nu were a little stunned, and they were a little confused about this situation.

"How, it's weird? In my hometown, if someone toasts is a courtesy, to show or clink glasses with each other, if it is to thank each other for their kindness with wine, if you accept, then drink the wine that the other party has taken, even if you accept the other party's thanks, so, get jade! Thank you, I'll take it. Sun Wukong looked at the purple girl and the jade, showed a smile, and explained softly.

"Hmm! Xie Gongzi! Liang Yu looked at Sun Wukong with a little blush and smiled happily.

"Gongzi's hometown is really peculiar." The purple woman sighed with some curiosity.

"That's a must! By the way, purple girl, you still have a quiet place to live, right? I'll probably be in Han for a while." Sun Wukong looked at the purple girl and said his request.

"Hmm! Yes, Gongzi! The backyard is quiet, and it is very suitable for Gongzi's requirements. The purple girl smiled slightly and replied.

"That's okay, as for the reward..." Speaking of this, Sun Wukong thought about what he should give.

"Gongzi is the lifesaver of Liangyu, and also the benefactor of Zilanxuan, how dare he accept Gongzi's reward! Just a little return from Zilanxuan, Gongzi! What do you think? The purple girl looked at Sun Wukong with a serious and serious look and said her proposal.

"Those are two different things, it is my business for me to save Jade, and just now I also thanked Yu, I also accepted, now I want to live here is another thing, it is also my own business; So, purple girl, don't be more serious, there you have! Sun Wukong thought of something, waved his hand, and in the room, several wine altars more than one meter high suddenly flashed.

In the palm of the hand, a small altar of fine wine appeared on the hand, opened the lid, the strong aroma of wine emanated, and two wine glasses were made to fill them separately.

"Come on! Try it and see if you like it or not. "

"Oh!" The purple girl and the jade came back from their shock.

They were shocked by Sun Wukong's method, just waved their hands, and several such large wine jars appeared in front of them, this kind of means, but they had never seen it.

Sun Wukong didn't say, and they were embarrassed to ask, after all, they were not very familiar.

Picking up the wine glass and taking a small sip, the purple woman's eyes lit up, and an intoxicating blush appeared on her face.

Mellow and delicious, leaving a lingering fragrance in the mouth, into the throat and stomach, like a fire burning, and like a knife cutting, making the body warm, is a good wine, purple women know that this kind of wine must be very popular with those who like wine.

"Good wine! Son! This is the best wine I've ever had, and Orchid Brew can't be compared to Gongzi's. The purple woman sighed.

"Hmm! Son! It is indeed a good wine, although you don't know how to taste wine, but this wine is very fond of it. Liang Yu looked at Sun Wukong, and his face also showed a touching blush, which was so beautiful and moving.

"Huh! If you like it, naw! Purple Girl! These are my pay for living here, not to mention anything else, that's it. "Sun Wukong looks like I am the uncle and I am in charge, so the purple girl has nothing to say

"This... All right! The purple girl thanked Gongzi. "The purple girl is very happy, so much good wine, the value is incalculable."

"Naw! So much good wine, purple woman you can limit the amount every day, sample may maximize its benefits, you can try. "

Sun Wukong said the hunger and thirst marketing routine of the later life.

Why not use affirmative and strong statements?

Because of saying this, the purple girl has a choice, and after seeing the result, she has a more direct view of him, which is a skill.

Hearing this, the purple girl fell into deep thought, and then figured out something, her eyes lit up, and she showed a charming smile: "Thank you Gongzi for reminding, the purple girl has been taught." "

It seems that she also understands the truth that scarce is expensive, and she is really smart!

Sun Wukong's eyes were very appreciative and encouraging and nodded: "That's good!" Walk! Show me where I'm going to stay next. "

Sun Wukong is also sometimes a temperament, and he can do whatever he thinks.

Stood up and looked at the purple girl, just after speaking, I regretted a little in my heart.

"MMP how good it is for two big beauties to accompany each other. Hurry a hammer. But... All said . That's all there is to it. Anyway, there are opportunities later. There is no rush either. This kind of accompaniment has nothing to be casual. The kind of companionship that lasts until death is what you want. "

"Okay son, please come with me." The purple woman also stood up, twisted her waist, and led the way.

"Gongzi! Liang Yu left for a while, and then came to visit Gongzi later. Liang Yu stood up and looked at Sun Wukong with a soft smile.

"Good! Get jade! You feel free. "

Monkey King smiled and nodded.

After Sun Wukong looked at the surrounding environment and the touching delicate body of the purple woman, he walked all the way, and soon, he came to the backyard.

It is very quiet here, not as noisy as before, and the various decorations, configurations, scenery and so on here are more classy.

Walking to a room, the purple woman opened the door, and the two walked in.

Sun Wukong walked around here, looked at it, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Gongzi is satisfied?" The purple girl smiled slightly at Sun Wukong.

"Satisfied! Very satisfied! The place chosen by the purple woman is really a good place. So be it, you go get busy! Sun Wukong gave a good review with appreciation, and at the same time, in order to maintain the mystery, he said the words of sending off guests.

"It's good that Gongzi is satisfied, then Gongzi will rest for a while, and the purple girl will go to busy first, just let my sisters call me if there is something." The purple woman smiled, although she was a little regretful, but she still knew the proportions.

"Okay! Purple girl, you go

Getting his answer, the purple woman walked out of the room with her steps, followed by the door, and gradually left...

Sun Wukong walked to the window and looked at the scenery in front of him, with mountains, water, small trees and flowers, and bamboo, forming a natural beautiful scenery.

"If you do something loving in a place like this, it's too 6." Thinking about it, Sun Wukong fell into a beautiful imagination, and looked at the familiar room for a while...

Suddenly, Yama's closed door was knocked and opened.

Sun Wukong knew who was coming, turned his head to look, but saw that the slightly dressed Yu walked in.

Seeing that Liang Yu was holding a guqin in his hand, his long burgundy hair like silk satin fluttered in the wind, the willow leaf eyebrows like the moon, the starry eyes were calm as water, and the eyes were looking at him with words, Sun Wukong was some... Well! I was amazed.

Her delicate Yao nose, fragrant cheeks are slightly red, goose egg cheeks with a hint of redness, crystal clear snow-like skin like frost and snow, graceful figure, elegant and pure demeanor, exuding infinite charm.

After some dressing up to make jade, it is even more exciting.

Really! Women who can dress up are more beautiful.

"Yuyu, you are?"

Sun Wukong saw her dress and the piano she was carrying, and knew the purpose of her coming, but he still asked with a smile.


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 80

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