
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 81

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 81

Asked by Sun Wukong, Liang Yuqiao's face blushed and appeared, looking at him and saying: "Gongzi saved Liangyu's life, and Liangyu has nothing to repay, I want to sacrifice my most precious thing to repay Gongzi, I hope Gongzi likes it!" "

After listening to her words, Sun Wukong's eyes lit up, knowing the meaning of what Liang Yu said, and thought to himself, "Gee! Get jade! I prefer you to this one. "

"Gongzi! Liang Yu is proficient in playing, and wants to play a few songs for Gongzi, I hope Gongzi can like it! Liang Yuqiao's face was a little red, with a hint of shyness, and her eyes looked at Sun Wukong softly.

"Sure enough!" Sun Wukong was already prepared in his heart, and agreed with a smile: "Good!" Get jade! I know that you are Han No. 1 Kotohime, and the music you play must be very beautiful and have ears. "

Sun Wukong sat down with some anticipation, waiting for her performance.

Seeing this, the jade fingers floated on the strings, and the sound of the piano was continuous - like a mountain spring coming from the valley and flowing slowly, the beautiful sound of the piano flowed out from the fingers, like a thin stream flowing through the heart, soft and idyllic, making Sun Wukong very comfortable and comfortable.

Let him calm down, forget everything, and listen carefully.

At the same time, there is also an indescribable emotion, slowly poured out in the sound of the piano.

Sun Wukong unconsciously closed his eyes and listened to the sound of the piano, as if walking under the blue sky, soaring in the blooming flowers, full of vitality in the forest, lake, mountains, sea, sky, the piano sound made his heart purified and his soul sublimated.

It's a world away, it's very moving.

I don't know how long it took, Sun Wukong came back to his senses, opened his eyes, and somehow a mist appeared in his eyes

There is the joy of comprehension and the meaning of emotion in the mist!

At the same time, he felt the situation in his body, the super cells increased a lot, and the strength also improved a little.

"Sure enough! The power of music is great, can shock the soul, but also very terrible, can quietly affect the defenseless me, the art of jade, really strong. Sun Wukong sighed in his heart, looked at Liang Yu, showed a soft smile, and his tone was very satisfied and appreciative:

"Good! It's very good, it's a very moving divine comedy, and I like it very much. "

Liang Yu lowered his head and replied with a shy face, looked at Sun Wukong, and whispered; "Gongzi likes it."

It seems that after playing this touching and secretly emotional song, she is even more shy.

"Jade! In the future, if you have time, come and play the piano for me, your music is very useful for my cultivation, I need to get your help. Sun Wukong looked serious and said his request.

Listening to his words, Liang Yu seemed very happy, she was needed by Gongzi, she could help Gongzi, and looked at him with a happy and charming smile and said softly: "Okay, Gongzi!" As long as Gongzi likes it, Yuyu is willing to play for Gongzi! "

"Oh? That's good! It would be better if I would play the piano for me for the rest of my life. Sun Wukong showed a charming smile, looked at her with a smile, and from time to time expressed his thoughts in his words, but also teased.

"Male... Son! Suddenly, Liang Yu directly blushed, lowered her head and did not dare to look at Sun Wukong, obviously she understood the meaning of these words,

"Huh! It's easier to be shy than before, though... I like it! Looking at the appearance of Yuyu, Sun Wukong was secretly happy in his heart.

Look at the beautiful girl who blushes shyly, but enjoy it.

There are many kinds of beauty.

The room fell silent.

Sun Wukong looked at it with appreciation,

Liang Yu lowered his head shyly, occasionally glanced at Sun Wukong with his eyes, saw that he was looking at him with a smile, and quickly lowered his head, his face turned even redder.

In this state, an ambiguous aura is quietly born.

"Gong... Son! If there is still something to do with the jade, he will retire first, and he will come to visit Gongzi tomorrow! Unable to stand this atmosphere, Liang Yu stood up and saluted Sun Wukong, and said shyly.

Now she just wanted to get out of here, and the atmosphere made her heart beat wildly, as if it was going to jump out.

"Huh! Good! Get jade! You feel free. Sun Wukong looked at her very funny, but still very understanding.

With Sun Wukong's consent, Liang Yu walked with steps, did not dare to look at him, and quickly fled here, making Sun Wukong feel that this girl has the meaning of running away.

"Huh" Sun Wukong showed a happy smile, watched Liang Yu disappear from his sight, and then began to carefully look at and adapt to the situation he was in.

After all, this is human instinct, when you go to a strange place, you must observe well, and then quickly familiarize, overcome the fear of being in a strange environment.

"All right! I've found a place to live for the time being, so let's go to the world of your ring! After all, there is a universe as big, there must be a lot of interesting things, and this is also a routine, maybe unexpected gains. When Sun Wukong thought of this, his figure flashed and disappeared.

Monkey King has fun in his own world, look at that, enjoy a variety of beautiful scenery, but also discover a lot of interesting food, and then eat and drink in his own world, that life.... It's just not too cool.

In fact, when Sun Wukong was eating and drinking, he also thought about pulling Yuyu and Zinu over to enjoy together, but he gave up this idea for the time being when he thought of something.

After all, it's important to keep the mystery going.

If you let the woman know everything about you at the beginning, then your interest in her will be greatly reduced, which is a rotten routine, so he will not do it.

Let women always be curious about you is the real routine, when she is curious about you, she begins to be interested in you, as the curiosity deepens, add some skills and routines, can not escape your palm.

In that way, you can eat it when the feelings reach a certain level.

Monkey King is cool in his own world.

But... The purple girl and the jade were confused.

Because when it was time to eat, Zinu and Liangyu, as beneficiaries, would definitely prepare food for Sun Wukong.

When they came to his room separately, they looked at the door wide open, and there was no one inside, and some did not respond.

After waiting in his room for a while, he still did not find him back, and the two went back to their own affairs with doubts and puzzlement.

And the next few days will be the same.

Liang Yu remembered promising him that he wanted to come and play the piano for him, but he still didn't see anyone when he came, and he went back a little disappointed.

The purple girl also occasionally paid attention to his situation, and at the same time sent someone to inquire about the news, but found that he seemed to have disappeared, and his heart was a little complicated.

In the past few days, the purple girl listened to his words, sold those good wines in limited quantities every day, and made a lot of wealth, and at the same time, the fame and guests of Zilanxuan also increased a lot, which was all his credit.

The purple girl and the jade missed him a little.

Hey! Monkey King, this guy did it on purpose!

When you get it, you lose it, and then you get it, which creates a contrast, which is impressive.

That's what Monkey King did.

Anyway, he adheres to the core idea of routines and popular people's hearts.


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 81

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