
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 82

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 82

After Sun Wukong traveled in his own world for a few days, he felt almost the same, and returned to Zilanxuan's room.

And now it's nightfall...

Looking at everything in the room, it was still so clean. It seems that someone comes to clean from time to time.

Sun Wukong nodded and looked at everything in the room, very satisfied.

Suddenly, as if he felt something, he looked towards the door.

Soon, Liang Yu's touching delicate body and beautiful face appeared in his eyes, but at this time, the beautiful person's face was a little lost and sullen, obviously encountering something unhappy.

In the few days when Sun Wukong disappeared, Liang Yu was affected a lot, from original happiness to loss, then from loss to expectation, and then to loss, this mood change is not too fast.

Rejoice in his arrival, be disappointed in his departure, expect his appearance, and then lose again

Ryu Yu was now a little sullen and came to his room with some anticipation, not to mention how excited he was when he saw his figure.

"Male... Son! Langyu exclaimed with excitement and joy.

"Yo! Get jade! I haven't seen you for a few days, how are you doing?" Sun Wukong showed a smile and looked at the beautiful woman with a caring tone.

"Gongzi! Rong Yu is doing well, thank you Gongzi for caring. Liang Yu told a white lie, and at the same time replied gratefully, and then thought of something, and asked very curiously: "Where has Gongzi gone these days, and disappeared silently, and Liang Yu is very worried about Gongzi." "

"Eh!" When Sun Wukong heard this, he was a little confused, and at the same time he was a little moved and a little emotional at the same time.

He just wanted to play tricks, but he worried Yuyu, who really cared about him, which was embarrassing.

It seems that the otaku career has been for a long time, and he subconsciously uses the otaku lifestyle.

After all, the otaku is like that, he enjoys solitude alone, as long as there is something to do, he will not feel that there is nothing wrong, except for his own relatives, others rarely pay attention to anything.

And now...

Sun Wukong feels a little fucked, let a girl like Liangyu worry about herself, which is a small failure.

"Huh! Get jade! Seriously! Ben Gongzi is a little touched now, touched that you have me in your heart, and at the same time worry about me, and feel a little happiness. Sun Wukong looked at Liang Yu with a sincere tone and smiled.

"Gongzi!" Hearing this, Liang Yuqiao's face was a little red, and her voice was softly exclaimed, and at the same time she was very happy in her heart, and the negative emotions of the past few days disappeared invisibly in this sentence.

Being recognized by the people she likes makes her feel very happy, and her requirements are really not high.

Sun Wukong's smile was very spoiled: "Hehe! Let the jade worry you. "

Liang Yu shook his head slightly, his voice was still soft

"Get jade!" This sincerity made Sun Wukong a little moved, and his eyes looked at the beautiful man in front of him.

The sincere treatment really made him irresistible.

The two of them looked at each other like this, but after maintaining this situation for less than 5 seconds, Liang Yu suddenly thought of something, came back to his senses, blushed and lowered his head, daring to look at Sun Wukong.

Apparently she knew that she was shy, and she suddenly had a special charm.

Sun Wukong looked at the shy jade, feeling very interesting, and at the same time there was love in his eyes, looking at her and saying softly: "Jade!" Come and come, see you in a few days, let me take a good look at you. "

Hearing this, Liang Yu raised his head shyly and glanced at Sun Wukong, and then lowered his head and agreed softly; "Hmm! "

After answering, he walked to Sun Wukong's side and knelt down.

"I haven't seen it for a few days, and I've lost a lot of weight." Sun Wukong looked at it, a little cautious.

This kind of treatment, Yu Yu lowered his head in shame, not daring to look at Sun Wukong. But I am very happy in my heart.

"Jade! Come and come, Ben Gongzi will tell you some interesting things and make you happy. "

Sun Wukong looked at her and said softly, and then told some funny jokes, fables and some funny yellow jokes in later generations.

Soon, there was a happy and cheerful voice in the room, and at the same time there was a shy look.

The clever Yuyu began to have some interesting points that did not understand jokes and reversals in the paragraphs, and when he figured it out, he was inexplicably happy and blushing.

The atmosphere was very pleasant.

Using the knowledge of later generations to play routines and make beautiful people happy is simply not too simple and useful.

The power of knowledge does not need to be explained, otherwise how can there be knowledge to change destiny.

While Sun Wukong and Liang Yu were chatting happily, a slight sound of footsteps sounded, which attracted Sun Wukong's attention.

However, Sun Wukong did not stop, and continued to change his tricks to make Liangyu happy and shy.

The footsteps outside seemed to have discovered the situation in the room, and the footsteps quickened a lot.

Soon, the touching, mature and plump body of the purple woman appeared in front of the door.

Sun Wukong looked at the person who came and said hello with a smile; "Yo! Purple Girl! "

The purple girl's eyes lit up slightly, looking at the situation in the room, listening to Sun Wukong's friendly words, her pretty face showed a charming smile, walked into the room and smiled and said: "Gongzi is really a good skill, disappeared silently for several days, and I sent someone to find out the slightest news of Gongzi." "

"Those are small things, don't care, how is it, I won't see you for a few days, do you miss me!" Monkey King smiled.

"Speaking of which. I really miss Gongzi! After all, the good wine given by Gongzi can bring a lot of benefits to Zilanxuan. The purple woman still smiled charmingly, but her tone was a little ridiculous.

"Cut! Purple girl, you think of me like this? Suddenly felt a little sad said. Sun Wukong said with a look of a little loss and disappointment, but it was pretend.

"Huh! Otherwise... What does Gongzi think? Seeing Sun Wukong's appearance, the purple girl smiled inexplicably, and then continued: "Gongzi, you are content, in the few days since you disappeared, my palm pearl missed Gongzi, you miss it very much, you are fast tea and don't want to eat and don't want to stay awake at night"

After the purple girl finished speaking, she also looked at the jade that was still a little shy.

"Sister!" It was actually used as a topic, and Liang Yu immediately protested a little angrily, and his face was even more red.

"Huh! I have already felt the intention of making jade just now, and I feel a little happiness. Sun Wukong smiled, and at the same time looked at Liang Yu with a small happy look.


Langyu whispered, and then blushed and lowered her head shyly.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - favorites, recommendations

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 82

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