
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 83

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 83

Then, the purple girl walked to the two and knelt down, looking at Sun Wukong with some ridicule and quipping: "Gongzi really has skills." "

What the purple woman said is the skill, the ability to make women happy? Or is it something else?

"General, third in the world." In this regard, Sun Wukong smiled and said a very routine word in later generations.

As for why the routine, it is very simple, the following sentence is the first dead, the second paralyzed, so the third.

Seeing that Sun Wukong was in a good mood, the purple girl felt that the timing was good, and asked with a smile: "Gongzi!" The purple girl has been very curious about Gongzi since she first met Gongzi, I don't know... Can Gongzi solve the purple girl's confusion? "

"Curious about me? That's a great pleasure. Sun Wukong's smile was even more pleasant.

Seeing his appearance, the purple girl looked at him with some puzzlement and doubt and said, "Gongzi! Why is that? "

Langyu also looked at him with some puzzlement and doubt, waiting for his solution.

"It's a secret!" Sun Wukong smiled and did not answer, thinking secretly in his heart: "I will tell you, when a woman is very curious about a man, is that good news?" Hey! It seems that the realm of the purple woman has not reached home. "

Seeing that Sun Wukong didn't answer, the purple girl suddenly couldn't help, looked at him with a smile and said again: "That... I don't know Gongzi... Would you like to solve the purple woman's confusion? "

"Huh! If I say... Unwilling? Sun Wukong smiled and looked at the purple girl and raised his eyebrows.

The purple woman suddenly became speechless, and she didn't react a little.

In other words, I ask you like this, as a son-in-law, shouldn't you, like those sons, agree? Why don't you play your cards according to the routine?

Seeing the appearance of the purple woman, Sun Wukong was secretly happy, and then said: "Okay!" Tease the purple girl you, now in a good mood, talk about it. "

The purple girl was slightly stunned for a second or so, and then came back to her senses, revealing a charming smile, and looked at Sun Wukong with a soft and pleasant voice: "The purple girl heard... Not long ago, a mysterious man with short hair and blonde clothes visited the Seven Kingdoms, which can be described as shocking the world, I don't know... Gongzi and this person... What is the relationship? "

After the purple girl finished speaking, her eyes looked deeply at Sun Wukong's eyes, and there was an inexplicable look of expectation, discovery, and so on in her eyes at the same time.

“!" When Liang Yu heard this, he was slightly startled in his heart, and then he also looked at Sun Wukong with expectant eyes.

After all, everyone knew the rumors at that time.

“!" Sun Wukong's heart was slightly startled, and then relieved, his expression remained unchanged, and his expression revealed interest in looking at the purple girl: "Oh!? Interesting! Purple Girl! Tell me, why do you ask that? "

The Monkey King certainly knows the instinctive reaction of humans when they lie.

If you deny it outright at the beginning, there is a better chance of proving that you are not lying, and it makes a lot of sense for him to ask questions like this now.

After all, what the purple woman proposed was... What does it matter, not, is it him or not, so the answer method is different.

Whatever the purple woman asks, he decides anyway.

"Because of Gongzi's dressing! After all, the parents who suffer from the body have seen such a ... Plus some of your ways of behaving with others... It's very similar, so..." The purple girl said her opinion slightly, although there were other opinions in her heart, but she didn't want to say it.

In her sights, there were only adult men with bald heads, short hair she had not seen a few, and I heard that the mysterious man was dressed in blonde with blonde hair and. light blue eyes,

And now, you also have short blue hair, blue eyebrows, and light blue eyes, which is why she asked that.

"Hmm! The observation is very sharp! In that case..." Sun Wukong said this, stopping slightly, making the purple girl and the jade look a little expectant and excited.

Seeing them like this, Sun Wukong continued: "I suddenly feel bored again, so I don't want to answer"


The purple girl and Liang Yu were suddenly a little unresponsive by him, and then looked at each other, both a little speechless.

Sun Wukong is too good at playing, and this routine makes their emotions fluctuate.

"Gongzi! Langyu also wants to know, please let Gongzi know. Liang Yu plucked up the courage to look at Sun Wukong, with a little pleading in his expectant eyes.

"Eh! Since you said so, okay, let's tell you! Sun Wukong looked at Liang Yu, and then agreed with a soft smile.

Liang Yu's eyes lit up first, and he was happy, and then his pretty face appeared a touching blush.

The purple woman also looked a little happy, and at the same time a little disappointed in her heart.

Renyu asked him to answer and agreed, and he asked... As if rejected, this treats...

Sun Wukong took the look of the purple girl into his eyes, and his heart was dark.

Would I say I did it on purpose? As for why you do it, you'll understand.

Using other women to challenge other women and make them compete is a routine and a skill, so why not?

Seeing that the time was almost over, Sun Wukong smiled slightly: "Purple girl!" I know the mysterious man you are talking about, he visited the Seven Kingdoms, and I also know that I want to talk about his relationship... We really have a relationship, I'm his big brother... We are brothers. "

Sun Wukong's face is very serious and nonsense, but this is also true or false, and it is not a lie to them.

That's a form of him, and it's okay to say it's his brother.

And the current super blue state is stronger than super 2, so it is said that the big brother is also a success.

Anyway, whatever he says, the right to speak is in his hands, and answering like this is also a routine.

"Gongzi is actually the eldest brother of that mysterious man! This..."

Liang Yu was a little shocked, and at the same time there was a little affection and adoration in his eyes.

The purple woman's eyes flashed, obviously having other ideas.

"Hey! I'm a little unhappy when you do this, he's him, I'm me, although we sometimes do things in the same way, but he's not me, don't look at me with his eyes, otherwise... Uh-huh... Make you look good. Sun Wukong looked at Liang Yu with a serious face and reminded him in a loud voice.

Although my heart is dark, but... Now he is not super 2, and he looks at himself now with the eyes of super 2, which makes people feel a little heart-wrenching....

This is the same as "The Prince of Tennis" Fuji Shusuke and Fuji Yuta, and the two sisters of the "King of the Tomb King" series.

Having a genius brother or sister will keep the attention of others on the genius and ignore the talents of their loved ones.

Jealousy, the result of the emotions you want to show is very cruel, the light family relationship is discordant, and the serious point is the enemy of life and death.

This is the horror of emotions and desires, and how can Monkey King, who knows this, let those things happen, so he reminds him.


(The evil god of the 13th universe has a super Sai God form, and there is a stronger Super Sai God White God form, not a free extreme intention work, but a stronger transformation form than the free extreme intention gong, Sun Wukong uses the ability to turn his eyes into the same as the seventh universe, as introduced earlier.) )_

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 83

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