
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 84

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 84

"Nope: No, Gongzi! Liang Yu just admires Gongzi for having such a powerful brother, and at the same time, Gongzi is also so powerful! Seeing that Sun Wukong was angry, Langyu explained a little anxiously.

Sun Wukong was suddenly a little speechless

This sounds fine, on the surface it is praising him, but if you think about it, it is praising Super 2.

It's because Super 2 is powerful, so I'm his big brother... Just awesome?

Never mind! Anyway, it's all yourself, as long as you don't treat the current super blue with the same gaze as you treat the super 2.

After all, no one likes to live with the aura of others on their backs, and they can't live out of themselves like that.

"Alright! For the sake of your sincerity, spare you. In this regard, Sun Wukong showed a smile and accepted the explanation of Yu Yu.

When Liang Yu heard him say this, his heart was relieved and relaxed.

It seems that she cares about Sun Wukong's feelings! That's a good thing!

"Purple girl! How, solved your doubts, now, what are the ideas? Sun Wukong looked at the purple girl who was deep in thought and asked with a chuckle.

"Huh! I didn't expect that Gongzi actually had such a surprising identity, which was really surprising. The purple girl said with a smile, and there was some inexplicable brilliance in her eyes looking at Sun Wukong.

In Sun Wukong's opinion, this is really a bad signal! But after thinking about it, he was relieved, looked at her and continued: "How? Now that you know, do you want to make a promise? I wouldn't have said no. "

After speaking, she revealed a mean look, and looked at the purple woman's mature and delicate body.

The purple girl's pretty face was a little red, after all, this was too direct, and gave Sun Wukong a beautiful white eye: "Gongzi!" If you want someone to agree with you, I think you will agree to it. After speaking, he also looked at the jade on the side.


Liang Yu immediately protested in a small annoyance, and when Sun Wukong's gaze came over, he blushed and lowered his head shyly.

"Cut! Just know how to bully me. Sun Wukong sneered, and at the same time played the hint routine.

Hearing this, Liang Yu's pretty face turned a little redder.

The purple girl smiled on her face, her eyes flowed on the two, the purple woman felt that if the jade could get Sun Wukong's favor for this, it would be a good thing, and if it was more helped, it would be better, anyway, this nizi's heart is like this now.

"All right! You know my identity, I believe she won't talk nonsense, as for the purple girl, you... If I let others know without my consent, I will be punished! I will let the purple girl know my means, and I say that I will make the purple girl unforgettable for the rest of your life. Sun Wukong showed a big smile, showing white teeth and looking at the purple woman, with an inexplicable aura in his smile.

Hearing this, the two women had different thoughts.

Langyu is happy and small happiness, because Gongzi trusts unconditionally.

The purple woman's face was stunned, and at the same time, her heart suddenly tightened, and there was inexplicable tension and fear.

Although she didn't know why this happened, she really believed what Sun Wukong said.

It was her instinct.

"Huh! As long as I don't make a mistake, I say this... Purple girl, you can just listen to the cool wind. Seeing that the goal was achieved, Sun Wukong smiled and comforted very casually.

Hearing this, the purple woman's heart was inexplicably relieved, and the tension disappeared.

"Naw! Purple Girl! I disappeared for a few days, has there been anything interesting about Han Country recently? Seeing this, Sun Wukong thought of something, and asked with some curiosity, after all, he disappeared for a few days, and he didn't know if the plot appeared.

Speaking of this, the purple woman's face returned to a smile, and she replied softly: "Yes, I heard that yesterday in the Valley of Broken Souls, a very interesting thing happened, and today the Han Kingdom knows it, that is... The ghost soldier robbed the sound. "

"Oh!? Are the ghost soldiers robbing the army? Sounds interesting! Sun Wukong sighed with interest, this is all acted. For the sake of unnecessary trouble, of course, he who has read the original book knows what is going on.

At the same time, the beginning of this matter also means that the plot is coming. There is a good show to watch.

Langyu also looked a little curious.

"Listening to Gongzi's tone, it seems... Hot? Seeing this, the purple woman still looked like a smile.

"It's instinctive to be interested in strange things, whether you want to understand it or not is completely up to the individual, although I have some interest in this happening, but I am not interested in it at all, as long as it does not affect my life, love as much as it is." Sun Wukong said very casually.

"Gongzi's idea is really peculiar." When the purple woman heard this, she showed some surprise and curiosity.

For the purple girl's words, Sun Wukong just smiled, and then continued to ask out loud: "That's right!" Purple Girl! Did you come to me for something? Do you know that I will come back tonight, know that I don't sleep well alone or something, so, come and give me... So what... Well! Warm the bed... Coming? "

This tone... It's a teasing taste.

In this regard, Sun Wukong is not afraid of the purple girl at all, she is disgusted.


It's simple, because the value is different.

If she hadn't asked that just now, Sun Wukong wouldn't have teased her like he does now, because his value was not high enough at that time, and such teasing would only get disgust and dislike,

And now, does she know that I am the eldest brother of the mysterious person who shocked the world, and this value is high enough, right?

At the same time, the purple woman's affection for me is not small, so I don't have to worry at all.

Depending on the situation, use routines to deepen emotions faster! Use is king.

This can be regarded as an invisible B, and the conditions for this B are still given by the purple woman. "

Hearing this, the purple woman's expression was unmoved, and she said with a slight smile: "Gongzi! You are less poor, after all, you can now be regarded as the rich man of Zilanxuan, and you are still a guest, and you disappeared silently for a few days, as the boss of Zilanxuan, you must pay attention to it, and at the same time ask what Gongzi needs. "

"Hmm! Purple girl you have a heart, I am very satisfied with your service attitude of Zilanxuan, if you want any needs... There really is. Sun Wukong was very satisfied with the purple girl's attitude.

"Oh!? Gongzi, please say! The purple woman was curious.

Sun Wukong sighed: "Hey! How boring it is to sleep alone in the evening! So, want to find the purple girl you come... Warm the bed or something, this... Can there be? "

"Gongzi! You tell me? The purple girl was still unmoved, and looked at Sun Wukong with a smile.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - favorites, recommendations

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 84

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