
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 85

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 85

Seeing that the purple girl asked rhetorically, Sun Wukong secretly praised her counterattack in his heart: "Okay! Sure enough, it is the ultimate royal sister, and this state of mind and routine are also played thief 6, which is not comparable to ordinary shy little beauties. "

"Eh! Is this a rejection? I feel so disappointed! Sun Wukong immediately pretended to be disappointed.

Hearing this, the purple girl still looked at Sun Wukong with a smile, smiling without speaking.

"Since the purple girl doesn't agree, then, get jade! Do you meet the needs of Ben Gongzi? Sun Wukong looked at the slightly disappointed Yu on the side and said.

It seems that Sun Wu's air conditioning drama purple girl made her a little unhappy, although her expression did not change in the slightest.

After all, every woman has such a terrier in her heart! Although in ancient times, it was normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines.

"Huh!? Public... Son! This... This..." Listening to Sun Wukong's words, Liang Yu's face immediately turned red, he was so nervous, he couldn't speak smoothly, and there was a disappointed expression.

"Gongzi! Don't be serious. It's not enough to bully me, and now I am going to bully my palm pearl, right? Seeing this, the purple girl also knew that Sun Wukong was very good to get along with, and looked at Sun Wukong and smiled and joked, alleviating the situation of Yuyu.

"Eh! What do I call bullying! I'm obviously just honest and in love. Sun Wukong retorted unconvinced.

Suddenly, Yu's pretty face turned even redder.

Hearing this, the purple girl gave Sun Wukong a helpless look: "Gongzi! You will be less poor, so you can't be serious for a while? "

"Huh! All right! It seems that you still don't understand me purple girl! Sun Wukong smiled.

Hearing this, the purple girl directly gave Sun Wukong a beautiful wink.

I've only met you twice, how do I understand you?

"Hey! That being the case, Purple Girl! Get jade! Go back and rest! You two are really eye-catching here, and you don't agree to my proposal, which really disappoints me. Sun Wukong said with some depression and disappointment.

This time I was really disappointed.

Seeing his appearance, the two good sisters Zinu and Liangyu looked at each other again. The corners of the purple woman's mouth turned up slightly, and Liang Yu replied a little shyly.

"That... Son! Liang Yu will retreat first, and will come to visit Gongzi tomorrow! Yuqiao blushed, a little embarrassed.

Sun Wukong looked at her with a smile and nodded.

"That son! The purple girl also leaves! The purple girl smiled at Sun Wu Air Conditioner.

"Go! Go ahead! Sun Wukong waved his hand very depressed, thinking a little unpleasantly in his heart.

“MMP! It's not good to be a teacher! It seems that the routine has not been used for a long time, the routine, I will think about it well, and next time let the purple girl look good! "

The two women stood up and walked towards the door.

The purple girl suddenly thought of something, stopped, turned to look at him and asked aloud: "Gongzi!" Are you free tomorrow? "

She was also afraid that Sun Wukong would disappear for a few more days, so she asked the exit.

Ryu Yu also stopped.

"Something?" Sun Wukong looked at her with some doubt.

The purple woman smiled and explained: "Hmm! Tomorrow I have a friend who wants Gongzi to get acquainted. "

"Oh!? Okay, since you said so purple girl, then tomorrow I will stay here for a day, cultivate and wait for your news, and at the same time listen to the sound of the jade. Sun Wukong thought about it and agreed with a smile.

Liang Yu's eyes lit up, and he looked very happy.

The purple girl was also a little happy, showed a smile, and said with a mocking general: "That son, you have a good rest, we will retire first!" "

That tone made Sun Wukong listen to how to gloat?

After the purple woman finished speaking, she twisted her waist, and the jade with her steps and smile disappeared from his sight.

"MMP was actually teased by this girl, this hatred remembers, make her look good in the future." Sun Wukong thought secretly in his heart.

And then I pondered again....

"The friend that the purple girl said should be Wei Zhuang, is Uncle Zhuang, this guy who is full of force, going to appear!" I'm looking forward to meeting tomorrow! "

Sun Wukong thought of this, there was some small expectation in his eyes, and then he thought of something.

"That's right! MMP just teased the purple girl and didn't get a good effect, where is this problem? "

Sun Wukong fell into deep thought again, carefully recalled the experience in his mind and the scene just now, and thought of what his eyes lit up.

"! Finally found the source of the problem, did not get a good effect, the root of the problem is their own value, they did not show high value, and just now the purple woman is not disgusted is to see the value of super 2, and the bad reaction to their own teasing is that they did not show their value at all. That's why it is. "

"After all, a woman like Zinu can't have any thoughts about worthless people, because her own value is already high, so I have to be more valuable than her in order to show my excellence and talent, and let her know that I am qualified to enter her heart, so that it is the right thing to do."

For example, will a good beauty in the future have love for a worthless dick? The answer is no. Even if there is, it is an exception, after all, 99% of women like men who are stronger than themselves and men who are worth more than themselves.

And in this troubled time... Even more so.

When it comes to the word value, it is easy to understand, as long as you are stronger than her, more confident than her, better than her, such as IQ, emotional intelligence, ability, strength and so on.

"Since you have found the problem, let's meditate and practice tonight, purple girl, you wait!" There will be you looking good in the future. Find the source of the problem, Sun Wukong said secretly in his heart.

Then, sitting cross-legged, closing his eyes, carefully recalling and cultivating.

The night passed quietly like this.....


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 85

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