
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 86

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 86

A new day is coming soon...

Sun Wu has time to meditate and meditate on blank days, improve his mood and catalyze super cells, listen to Liang Yu play the piano, and talk about love with Liang Yu, and his life is very fulfilling.

If you have extra free time, find some fun and some routines from the system and study them.

Sun Wukong learned to use it fun, teasing jade, making jade embarrassing, and having a special charm.

However, Sun Wukong did not do anything excessive, he wanted to be gentle with Yu, but at the same time he was just accumulating energy, and when it broke out, the effect would be quacking.

In this way, the day was very dull and beautiful.

The evening is coming soon...

Sun Wukong was meditating in the room, and there was a knock on the door, and then the purple woman walked in and interrupted him.

"Yo! Purple Girl! One day is like three autumns! This half day is gone, it can be regarded as an autumn day, do you miss me! Looking at the purple girl Sun Wukong who walked in, he opened his eyes and laughed.

"Gongzi! You're less poor! In this regard, the purple girl also had some understanding of Sun Wukong, chuckled and quipped, and then continued: "The friend you told you about arrived yesterday, how is it?" Interested in meeting you? "

"Oh!? Is it already here! Then I have some expectations; Let's go! Lead the way ahead and meet this friend you call it. Sun Wukong smiled, got up and walked with the purple girl to the other rooms.

After a while, I came to a room.

The purple girl opened the door, and Sun Wukong walked in, followed closely by the purple woman.

Walk into the room.

Sun Wukong looked at the man with his back to him, standing by the window, holding a wine bottle in his hand, and standing behind the back of one hand with white hair and black dressed cold, he was full of aura, and Fan was also full, seeing this, Sun Wukong greeted in an easy-going tone: "Yo! Wei Zhuang! Hello! "

Really! The same dress as the original, forcing the thief to be high, and the man with his own BGM, he is Wei Zhuang!

Sun Wukong looked at him, thinking secretly in his heart, seeing that he didn't react, and at the same time he was a little upset.

"Hey! It's a lot of pressing, but, Nima! Lao Tzu came in, said hello, you also turned around to face me, right? What about the minimum respect? Don't you know it's rude to turn your back to someone? "

Sun Wukong wanted to do more Wei Zhuang and said: "Wei Zhuang! We can still be friends without pretending. "

However, obviously to be friends with Wei Zhuang, you have to show your strength or value, otherwise you will go wherever you are cool.

This is even more true for people like Wei Zhuang.

The purple girl closed the door, walked to the middle, smiled faintly, and introduced him: "Gongzi! This is..."

Before the purple woman finished speaking, she was interrupted by Wei Zhuang reaching out her hand.

“?" The purple woman looked at her back hand a little strangely, interrupting her Wei Zhuang, a little unclear so...

"Nima! This goods! It won't be B, right? Start waving, right? Seeing this situation, Sun Wukong thought in his heart.

Really... Wei Zhuang immediately enlarged his move.

"There are only two kinds of people who can call me like this and stand in this room and talk to me, one is someone I trust, and the other will be killed by me." Wei Zhuang turned his back on his back, did not turn his head, and spoke in a calm tone.


"I... Groove... This Nima! Sure enough, I drove without saying a word, this B pretended, like a ship drifting in the wind at sea without relying on the pulp, relying on the waves, when watching anime, I feel that this cargo is very high, and also thief 6, when I use it against myself, I suddenly feel that the first 10,000 heads in my heart are rushing over, Laozi is stronger than you are low-key, you are so weak to me, and so high-profile, and still pretend in front of me, and don't look at people, you are so hanging, do your family know? "

"Alright! Wei Zhuang this guy seems to have no family. When watching anime, this pretend B boss pretends to be forced on others. Nothing wrong at all! I also felt very cool, and I also gave him a thumbs up, but... It is when the person he uses to pretend to be himself is himself, he will not think so much. Sun Wukong said, very depressed and bitter, and his heart was very speechless.

Anyway, he was very unhappy with Wei Zhuang's attitude of ignoring him now.

When others scold others, you watch the play, you feel that it doesn't matter, when the person being scolded is you, there is a problem.

Sun Wukong is not happy, so someone is going to be 'cool'.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong's face calmed down, his tone was not easy and friendly, and he also became calm, and said to Wei Zhuang: "I know you!" Your name is Wei Zhuang! The famous ghost valley! There is a high value, not enough, show your coldness and arrogance to others, I don't care! But, to show this in front of me, it takes a certain amount of strength, and in my opinion, you don't have that qualification! "

Sun Wukong said calmly, his tone was unpleasant, it was one thing to be able to look at it, and it was another thing to ignore himself and disrespect himself.

"Oh!?" Listening to Sun Wukong's words, Wei Zhuang turned around and looked at Sun Wukong with sharp eyes.

Apparently, he! Angry.

"Cut! You don't even understand the strength of the person standing in front of you, so conceited and arrogant, who is it? Gave you this guts? Feeling the unpleasant gaze of his eyes, Sun Wukong's face became calmer, and he looked at Wei Zhuang, who was affected by emotions.

"..." Hearing this disrespectful words again, Wei Zhuang's unkind eyes also looked at Sun Wukong, in the air, murderous aura was flowing, obviously... Someone moved to kill.

The purple girl looked at the two people in front of her, and she was a little speechless in her heart: "It's only been a short while, how did you do it?" It's all cow temper! "

She just wanted to come out to mediate, but was stopped by Sun Wukong's hand, which made her a little angry, the first time was Wei Zhuang, and now it was this son's turn.

"How? Moved by my words? Think my words hurt your self-esteem? Want to kill me? Cut! This is not what you asked for yourself? I've shown my kindness to you, haven't I? And you chose to ignore, people who are stronger than you choose to keep a low profile, and you are dragged like two or five million at this point, and you still want to kill me? I don't know who gave you this courage, and the result is not to fight? Come on! I'll be fine with one hand! Let you three moves, don't say I bully you, you can make me move a little to count you winning. Sun Wukong's face was calm and calm, and the words he said were very angry and forceful at the same time.

"..." And Wei Zhuang on the other side had a murderous look in his eyes, obviously stimulated by Sun Wukong's words.

Mentality instantly exploded?

He is a ghost valley descendant, can he use Jean? Do you have to deal with it with one hand? How much is this despised? Can this be tolerated?

One hand, shark tooth sword starts, foot one, right hand sword like Sun Wukong's temple stabbing away, a shot is a killing move, the shot is ruthless, merciless.

Sure enough, it is a social person, a social uncle Zhuang, people don't talk much, and if they can do it, they will be less BB.


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 86

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