
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 87

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 87

"Wei Zhuang! Exercise restraint! The purple woman quickly exclaimed.

Sun Wukong did wave his hand at the purple girl, looking at the sword and Wei Zhuang who were stabbing quickly, but in his eyes it was as slow as a turtle speed, stretched out his right hand, and in the shocked eyes of Wei Zhuang and the purple woman, the two fingers gently clamped; That look, effortless, effortless, and full of force!

“!!! ,......" looked at Sun Wukong, who tightly clamped the sharktooth sword with both hands, and after Wei Zhuang was shocked, there was anger, endless anger.

Is this humiliating him? Is it a denial of his strength?

Thinking of this, Wei Zhuang used his strength and internal strength to break free of the shark tooth sword. But... No matter how hard he tried, the sharktooth sword did not move.

"How? Want a sword? That's good for you! "

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, his finger moved forward slightly, and Wei Zhuang flew backwards with his sword, leaving footprints of Wei Zhuang stepping on the floor on the road, proving its great strength, and he retreated to the window before stopping.

This is Sun Wukong's intention, otherwise Wei Zhuang this guy doesn't know how far he has to fly.

"One move, come! Go on! See what else you can do. Sun Wukong looked at Wei Zhuang, who was stopped by the window, and his tone was still so calm.

"It seems... I underestimated you. But... Be careful! Dead, don't blame me! After Wei Zhuang finished speaking, his face was solemn, and his expression was shocked and angry.

The murderous aura was pervasive, the sword qi was violent, and the yellow sword qi on the shark tooth sword was surrounded, and the momentum was overwhelming. It looks like it's about to open the rhythm of a big move.

Listening to his reminder, Sun Wukong was a little surprised in his heart.

"Sure enough! Wei Zhuang in his youth was still somewhat kind, unlike in the later period, who did whatever it took for the end, but... His grandmother's murderous and murderous intent is real. "

"Come on! Let me see how powerful you are in this transverse direction! Sun Wukong looked at Wei Zhuang lightly, his fingers were hooked, and the provocative taste was full.

Looking at this action, Wei Zhuang was angry, and then even more angry.

"This guy! Is it looking down on yourself? Then see the real chapter under your hand! "

Wei Zhuang jumped with one and slashed towards Sun Wukong.

"Gongzi! Be careful! The purple woman next to her quickly exclaimed.

This is Ghost Valley's killing move, although it shocked the strength he displayed, but he was still very worried.

Sun Wukong looked at the trick that was killed towards him and the movement it caused, and his mind moved, and the light mask was forbidden to be released, so as not to cause too much damage.

He is not distressed, the purple woman is distressed, but this girl reminds herself, so just do it casually.

When the sword move quickly attacked Sun Wukong, he stretched out his right hand without hurry, and in the shocked gaze of Zi Nu and Wei Zhuang, his thumb and forefinger directly pinched the shark tooth sword, and the sword move sword qi dissipated into invisibility.

Although the movement of the move is quite large. And in the hands of Sun Wukong, there is no, it is useless.

Sun Wukong wanted to say: "I haven't used my strength yet!" You're off the fire! "

“!!" Looking at everything in front of him, this time, Wei Zhuang was directly shocked, shocked and cold.

Nima! Lao Tzu's current strongest transverse eight directions was directly destroyed by your two fingers! Do you want to hang so much? Is it okay to save some face? This slap in the face is also too fast and too hard, right?

Wei Zhuang was speechless in his heart.

This time he was able to admit it, and the strongest sword move was destroyed so simply, and then he was waiting to kneel and sing to conquer.

That's impossible, though.

"Well... That's awesome! So strong! The purple woman next to her covered her mouth with her hand and said an exclamation.

Listening to the purple girl's words, Sun Wukong was looking at her, watching her actions at this time, thinking about some very loving pictures.

Like what... Kindness! ... When exercising with the purple woman, let her come to such a sentence? Kindness! That effect... That picture... So beautiful!

"Hmm! Think about it for now, and you must try it later when you have the opportunity. Thinking of this, Sun Wukong was secretly refreshed in his heart, and then turned his head to look at Wei Zhuang in front of him, his tone was still so calm and calm:

"Forget it! With your current strength, this move is the strongest, let you have two moves! I don't want to play anymore, bullying people like you, there is no sense of superiority at all, it's not interesting! "

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, with a force in his right hand, he pulled a sword in front of him, and directly bombarded his abdomen with a punch in his shocked look.

A sharp pain followed, making Wei Zhuang's face distorted, weak, and the shark tooth sword also fell to the floor, covered his abdomen with his hand, and knelt in front of him.

Sun Wukong squatted down and looked at Wei Zhuang, whose face was distorted and cold sweat broke out: "Wei Zhuang, right?" Now you know how awesome it is, right? Show your arrogance and coldness in front of me, you are indeed not qualified, so, in the face of me, you have to learn how to respect, if not I appreciate you, and you are still a friend of the purple girl, with the killing intent you had on me just now, I will directly punch you out, and the explosion will be all scum, let you go to hell to report. "

"The strong ignore the weak, you can indeed ignore when you are stronger than the other party, but, when he is stronger than you, you have to learn how to respect, otherwise... There is what you suffer. Speaking of this, Sun Wukong smiled: "Hehe! To be honest, in this troubled world, I am very optimistic and appreciative of you, today is our first meeting, although it is not pleasant, but it is also considered to be acquaintance, to work hard, to cheer Oh! I expect you to get stronger to beat me. "

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he patted Wei Zhuang's shoulder, got up, and was ready to leave, but just after walking a few steps, he stopped him.

"Wait! Tell me, your name! Next time, I will hold this vendetta. Wei Zhuang raised his head, his face determined and crazy; The eyes are even more fanatical, it is the attachment to strength, and the madness of the shame suffered.

Just cultivated successfully, this is out of the mountain ready to install B! As a result, he was severely slapped in the face by Sun Wukong, and his dignity was trampled on sparsely, and there was nothing left.

His own life was saved by the other party's sake, in the purple girl and his unwillingness to kill himself.

This made him feel very humiliated when he was young and frivolous.

Listening to Wei Zhuang's words, Sun Wukong turned around and looked at him with a very unhappy heart.

"This Nima! Defeat and revenge are two different things! In the Dragon Ball world, martial artists rarely kill each other, generally called defeating opponents, and now this guy Wei Zhuang, in this case, since he dares to be ruthless, does he think that he has enough lives? Or don't want to live? It seems that he has to be allowed to gain insight. "

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong looked at Wei Zhuang and walked towards him with a calm face.


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 87

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