
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 88

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 88

“!!!" The purple girl next to her was shocked when she saw this situation, and quickly stood up, stopped between Sun Wukong and Wei Zhuang, looked at Sun Wukong and pleaded in a pleading tone: "Gongzi!" Please be merciful! Wei Zhuang was young and frivolous, carried away by anger, he just made an unintentional mistake and asked Gongzi to spare his life. "

Wei Zhuang is her benefactor and friend, if she finishes playing like this, it will not be fun.

Moreover, she never expected that this son in front of her was so strong, and even Wei Zhuang, one of the disciples of Ghost Valley, could not take a single move in his hand, which was simply beyond expectations.

Looking at the pleading purple girl, Sun Wukong looked embarrassed: "But... I'm not happy right now! I just want to hit someone! So, I think I still beat him up. "

In this regard, Sun Wukong is pretending, he is giving the purple girl a set, full of routines!

Kill Wei Zhuang? How else to play in the future? He just wanted Wei Zhuang to know how to respect him, not to kill him.

Besides, he can kill if he wants? Don't think about it for several lifetimes, this is the gap in the realm, the gap that cannot be solved by hard work.


Listening to Sun Wukong's words, the purple girl was a little happy in her heart, at least Sun Wukong listened to her opinion, and... Listen to him, it is not difficult to solve, as long as he is happy.

With the situation in front of him, how can he be happy and let Wei Zhuang escape?

The purple woman glanced at Wei Zhuang, rolled her eyes, and asked softly, "Then... What does Gongzi want the purple girl to do. To make Gongzi happy? "

"Hey, hey! This chick is really smart and immediately on the road. Sun Wukong secretly praised the cleverness of the purple woman in his heart, his expression remained unchanged, and he pretended to say: "This... I don't know! Or... Come on? I'm happy. It's just gone. Said, revealing the side face...

For Sun Wukong, this is a test that can test the emotional distance between the purple girl and herself.

"..." Listening to Sun Wukong's words, thinking about his teasing and his style, the purple girl felt that it seemed to be like this, and suddenly her face was a little red, and a touching blush appeared on her pretty face, although she was not sure if this was effective, but... She was willing to try.

Looking at the embarrassed Monkey King in front of her, the purple girl felt a cross in her heart, agreed to his request, and then quickly separated, standing there with a somewhat red face, a little afraid to look at the Monkey King.

The purple woman said, this is very shameful... He didn't know in his heart whether this could be done or not!

If Sun Wukong knew her thoughts, he would have quickly shouted in his heart: "Cheng!" Definitely! Well done! Brother just wants this, sure enough, purple girl, you are smart! Seconds understand brother's mind! "

Slowly show the value to get the hearts of the beauty, that is too slow, Sun Wukong prefers to show some value, take the initiative to win and pursue, so that you can get what you want faster.

"Eh!" Quickly got what he wanted, Sun Wukong was slightly stunned, so quickly understood? And did it really do?

"Groove! Originally, it was just a test, but there was no tacit understanding... Don't be too nice! Brother just showed the strength of brother, this purple woman must be moved, that's why such cooperation, huh! Only! But... Since it was taken advantage of, how ... Also take it back, otherwise... That's a big loss! Sun Wukong thought secretly in his heart, and picked up his daughter:

"Hmph! All right! Purple Girl! I'm just going with it! Did you really do it? My cheap... It's not easy to occupy. After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he pulled the purple girl into his arms... Do what you want to do...

After a few seconds...

"You... You bastard! "

The purple girl suddenly came back to her senses, and without knowing the strength from there, she pushed Sun Wukong away and escaped from his embrace, her face was red, and her eyes were silky staring at him.

Unexpectedly... Tricked by this bastard, but... That... That kind of breath, she doesn't hate it! Instead... Some... Like.

"Hey, hey! Now, we're leveled. Sun Wukong smiled proudly, and the words he said made the purple girl even more embarrassed, and her face blushed even more.

The purple woman said she had never seen such a brazen person.

"Oops! Purple girl, your beauty... It makes my mood better all of a sudden, thanks! Purple Girl! Sun Wukong showed a wicked smile, and his eyes stayed on the beauty of the purple woman.

The purple girl looked at Sun Wukong's somewhat evocative and bad smile, and became even more embarrassed: "You bastard! Lecher! Get me out! The purple girl said as she slammed her fist on Sun Wukong, pushing him out of the room...

"Huh~!" Sun Wukong also knew that the purple girl was shy and had to give her time to release her emotions, so she was also 'invited' out of the room, and then the door was closed by her.

"Purple girl! Don't be shy! We can go deeper... Communicate," Sun Wukong continued to laugh outside the door.

The purple girl in the room who listened to Sun Wukong's words blushed even more, directly rolled her beautiful eyes, and said in her heart: "Who wants to have in-depth communication with you bastard and disciple?" "

Of course, this is angry words, seriously, at this moment, the purple girl's heart has a stronger curiosity about Sun Wukong, wanting to understand him, wanting to uncover his secrets, and wanting to understand everything about him more deeply.

This kind of thought, the purple girl only guessed some, she thinks, maybe this guy just now has a deep impression of himself, has a certain ... Status, if you can... It's about getting a good look.

"Forget it! Overall it's not bad, the time is, I'll talk about it later, I'll go first! You guys talk slowly! Seeing that there was no reaction in the room, Sun Wukong was not chasing and beating, so it passed, humming a cheerful tune and leaving.

Hearing Sun Wukong's distant voice, the purple girl also breathed a sigh of relief, put away her emotions, and came to Wei Zhuang with a hint of blush on her face, and said softly in a concerned tone:

"Are you all right?"

Wei Zhuang did not answer, carefully sensed the physical condition, the pain was reduced a lot, and then he sat cross-legged on the ground without saying a word, and his face was a little gloomy.

He was actually saved by the purple woman, and it was still in that situation that made him very angry.

The purple girl also understood Wei Zhuang's mood, and then comforted him softly: "Okay!" This time we all whispered him! I didn't expect that... He is a master of deep hiding, fortunately this person's heart is not bad, otherwise... With his strength, I'm afraid ... For the sake of your plan, it is better not to provoke him in the future.

The purple girl originally wanted to say that Sun Wukong's strength was probably higher than his mysterious brother, but then thought of something and quickly stopped.

This is also the result of her not making it clear with Wei Zhuang, and Wei Zhuang is also short hair, for Sun Wukong's dress, he was just a little surprised, and then he was hated by all kinds of pulls, so he just took this opportunity to prove something, but, very happy, the price paid, a little big.

However, Wei Zhuang at least knew that such a powerful Monkey King and that mysterious man must have some relationship that he did not know about, which was the result of the price he had just paid.

Seeing that Wei Zhuang's face was still like that, the purple woman also knew that he had suffered a big blow, and the purple woman didn't say much, slowly exiting the room, leaving the space for him...

When the purple girl walked out of the room, Wei Zhuang's face suddenly changed...

Obviously, what happened just now touched him a lot...


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 88

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