
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 89

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 89

Sun Wukong returned to his room beautifully, and after what happened just now, the relationship with the purple girl was going well.

It seems that after demonstrating its worth, the result is really different.

It can be seen from the reaction of the purple woman.

If I don't have a good impression of me or something, she won't kiss me, although there are routines in it, but I don't care, anyway, the routines that take advantage of the cheap are good routines, don't learn what to do?

She didn't hate me when she was reciprocated, and she was obviously still very impressed.

After all, a woman's first time is very important in such ancient times!

"Hey, hey! In the past, when I read novels, I had the saying that as long as I touched the woman's body, I would marry each other, I don't know if the purple woman is this kind? Although I know that this situation is not big, but I have to look forward to it! What if it really happens? "

Sun Wukong also knew that he thought too much, after all, a talent like Zinu, who was cultivated into an all-rounder, could not have such a simple idea.

"However.... Challenge is motivation! The rest of your life must be interesting. "

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong meditated and cultivated.

Meditation is to rest, sleep or something, Sun Wukong's body is not needed for the time being. Because he doesn't have any high-intensity cultivation now, he is brief.

The night passed like this, today is a beautiful day for Sun Wukong, and for others, others know it.

The next day.

The sun was shining, and it looked like a great day.

Sun Wukong opened his eyes and woke up from meditation, carefully feeling the situation in his body and the results of cultivation.

I didn't move for a while.

"Hey! ... Receiving goods after meditating for a while seems to be a problem of state of mind, after all, a peaceful and kind state of mind can catalyze super cells! That's all there is to it alone. It seems that the plan has been hurried. "

Sun Wukong touched his chin and pondered. Then something comes to mind, and the eyes light up.

"The purple girl also said that the ghost soldier robbery, then the plot should also begin, then the protagonist Han Feina kid is coming back soon!" In that case...

Just go and say goodbye to Jade and the Purple Girl, go back to your own world for a few days, learn and familiarize yourself with the ability of Weiss and the various superpowers in the Dragon Ball world, good ability, who will be too much, make yourself more powerful to watch the drama better! After all, watching the play is determined by strength, strong strength, you can watch the play, if the strength is not strong, you can only enter the play and become part of the play! ! . "

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong stood up and went to the room where Zilanxuan got jade in front of him...


After a while, in the appearance of Sun Wukong's look at this and that look, he came to the door of the jade's room.

The moving sound of the piano came from inside, obviously Yu Yu practicing.

The corners of Sun Wukong's mouth turned up, and he knocked on the door.

The sound of the piano inside also stopped.

"Please come in"

A beautiful, soft voice came out.

Hearing her response, the door automatically opened, and Sun Wukong walked in with a smile.


Liang Yu's face was delighted, and he quickly shouted.

"Yo! Get jade! Good morning! It's a pleasure to see you. "

Sun Wukong greeted very casually and gently. Then he walked into the room and sat down. I wanted to say goodbye and leave, but since I came, it was never too late to listen to a few songs.

"Hmm! I am also happy to see Gongzi getting jade, good morning Gongzi! "

Ryu Yu also showed a smile and responded happily. Then asked curiously; "Gongzi! I don't know what happened to find Jade? "

Usually she goes to find Gongzi, but today it is Gongzi who comes to her. So a little curious.

"Huh! I want to get jade, so I came to you! "

Sun Wukong smiled and teased. But what was said was sincere.


A touching blush appeared on Liang Yuqiao's face, and he immediately replied a little shyly.

Sun Wukong was very interesting to admire her shy appearance. Seeing that her pretty face was getting redder and redder under her gaze, and her head was lowering lower and lower, he let her go. Softly spoke:

"Jade! Come on, come on! Play a few songs to listen to, don't listen to it for a while, miss your piano sound! "

When the shy Yu Yu heard him say this, she took a deep breath, calmed her mood, raised her head and looked at him and said softly:

"Okay! Son! I don't know what song Gongzi wants to hear? "

"Oh!? What kind of music will you play now? "

Sun Wukong looked at her with interest.

He knows that the jade will tears and the words of birds in the empty mountains, as well as the song of the heart's choice. These are her songs from the original book.

"Gongzi! Nongyu now knows most of the piano songs in the world, as well as Liangyu's own vicissitudes of tears, empty mountain bird songs, and a special song, which can be played without the piano, but only those who are most passionate can hear it. It's called 'Song of the Heart'. "

"Sure enough!"

Sun Wukong thought secretly in his heart. Then his eyes were very satisfied and appreciative, he looked at her and said:

"Huh! It's really good! "

"Where! Gongzi Miao praised. "

Langyu was a little embarrassed, but at the same time a little happy.

Being praised by someone she likes makes her happy and happy.

"Huh! So be it! Play a few happy tunes first, and then listen to them by playing the songs of your heart's choice. As for the other songs of Yuyou, listen to them later, after all, good things are of greater value when left later. "

The reason why Sun Wukong said this is because he has read the original book and knows,

When Yu Yu plays these songs, she will bring her sad emotions into the sound of the piano, and now her experience has created her state of mind,

This is also a symbol of a good luthier, but this is not what Sun Wukong wants. After all, there was a conflict with his own cultivation.

When her mood changes in the future, she may have a different charm at that time.

"Hmm! Good son! "

Rongyu responded softly. Although she was a little puzzled, she didn't ask much.

The jade slender jade hand began to hold the strings, followed by the light movement of the jade fingers, the beautiful and pleasant sound of the piano came out from the fingers, and the beautiful notes echoed briskly in the ears.

The sound of the piano is like a hot spring that warms people's hearts, bringing warmth and comfort, and happy emotions emerge in the sound of the piano.

Sun Wukong listened so drunk. The music that penetrates deep into the soul really makes him irresistible. The cells are active.

A few songs end...

Ryu Yu stopped the movement in his hand, and her beautiful face was looking at him with a smile.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - favorites, recommendations

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 89

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