
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 93

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 93

Compared with playing routines, directly use the most direct way, you can also bring the girl you want to treat, that is, directly show high value,

Winning their hearts with the supreme value is the simplest and most useful.

For example, the Monkey King directly appears in the super 2 form, directly showing high value,

The purple girl's wish is Han, so help her save the current Han country, so that it will not be too difficult to get the hearts of beauty.

However, that would be too high-profile to fit his way now.

And playing routines can also get sincerity, but you need a little technology, so it's interesting! Otherwise, if you learn the routine, why don't you use it?

Routines are only means, sincerity is fundamental.

Anyway, he has a clear conscience.

Moreover, such a flirtation of a sister, getting 100% of the sister is related to his cultivation, and it is shameful to waste resources.

Subsequently, Sun Wukong sat down and did what he wanted to do, such as reading novels, reading paragraphs, watching routines or something, anyway, it must be a good thing to understand more.

Then, the otaku life began, perhaps in recent days I liked this way, so I continued.

Compared to Han for a few days without going out to play or anything, see what he thinks. After all, you can go whenever you want, and now what you want to do is what you want to do now.

Do whatever you want.

And watching this makes him inexplicably happy and happy, after all, the charm of knowledge is very powerful.

In this way, time is flowing fast.

If you don't pay attention to it, it is already noon, and it is time to eat.

But Sun Wukong, who ate fairy beans, did not feel hungry at all, in his own world, busy and casually coped, with his current physique, eating a fairy bean can not feel hungry for a week.

Sun Wukong is watching quietly! Interrupted by footsteps.

Because this is the backyard, it is very quiet, so the footsteps can be clearly heard.

Sun Wukong raised his eyes to look at the door, and soon the mature and charming body of the purple woman appeared in his eyes, still holding food in his hand.

Apparently to him - food came.

Sun Wukong looked at her and showed a smile: "Yo! Purple Girl! I haven't seen you for a few days, did you miss me! "

The purple girl directly ignored Sun Wukong's ridicule, walked into the room, put the food on the table in front of him and said, "Gongzi! I heard that Yu said that you are back, this is the food made by Chef Zilanxuan, I hope it will suit Gongzi's appetite. "

"Oh!? I originally ate a kind of divine thing, I won't feel hungry for seven days, it's okay not to eat, since it was sent by the purple girl with your own hands, then I will taste it. After that, he picked up the chopsticks and picked up the food to taste.

The purple woman knelt beside him with some curiosity and looked at him, showing interest in the mysterious things. But I didn't ask for the exit.

"Gongzi! How does it taste? Seeing that Sun Wukong tasted a bite, the purple girl quickly smiled and asked.

"Hmm! Not bad! Monkey King responded with a smile.

It is indeed good, in this world with few polluting thieves, the food is pure and natural, and it tastes good in itself, and the taste is indeed good with the skills of the chef.

Hearing Sun Wukong say this, the purple girl was also relieved, she was afraid that she would not taste him.

"Speaking of which! This is also the first time that Gongzi tasted the food of Zilanxuan, and someone sent it to Gongzi every day a few days ago, but Gongzi was not there, so Gongzi did not taste it. The purple woman explained with a smile.

"That's a good feeling! Purple girl, you have a heart. Sun Wukong praised her with satisfaction.

The purple girl is not humble or promiscuous, her attitude is still so decent, and she smiles: "Gongzi, you are happy, if Gongzi likes to eat, next time I will ask someone to send more to Gongzi." "

"Huh! The problem of eating... I'll solve it myself, otherwise, with your Zilanxuan's wealth, I can eat you poorly, or the kind that sells you and can't eat enough." Sun Wukong said a big truth.

Saiyan is a foodie, and Zilanxuan's wealth is really not enough for him to eat.

"Huh! Gongzi can really laugh. The purple girl chuckled and quipped, obviously not believing Sun Wukong's words, thinking that he was 'considering' himself while joking with himself.

Ay! I can't see home!

"Cut! If you don't believe it, it's okay, purple girl! Next time bring me a few hundred servings of food, I will destroy it for you, and when I see it, will you sell you and bring it to me. "

Sun Wukong did not explain, and directly forced it.

Hearing this, looking at Sun Wukong's serious appearance, the purple girl was slightly surprised in her heart, if it was really as he said, it would really be able to eat her poor, and it was a little embarrassing to think of this.

After all, it was all said just now, and Sun Wukong, as the benefactor and rich man of Zilanxuan, couldn't say anything if he didn't give food.

Seeing the embarrassed appearance of the purple girl, Sun Wukong also understood it, looking at her and smiling: "Okay!" In the future, I must listen to my words, or you will suffer. And I also said just now, I can solve it myself, if you really want to take care of my feelings, you can! Purple girl, you can make it for me to eat. "

Hearing this, the purple woman breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, and at the same time became a little shy.

"Do you want to make something for him to eat? This..."

In her opinion, only his own beloved, he will personally make something for the other party to eat... Can...

"How? Don't want to? Seeing that she didn't answer, Sun Wukong asked out loud.

The purple girl looked at Sun Wukong with a smile and was silent.

This look made Sun Wukong a little confused.

"This chick, this looks agreed? Or disagree? If silence represents acquiescence, then... What do you mean by that charming smile? "

"Forget it! Whether you can eat or not is just a mood, and it is not bad for that food. "

Sun Wukong couldn't figure it out, said it very casually, and then thought of something, looked at her and asked: "Purple girl, have you eaten?" Do you want to be together? "

Hearing this, the purple girl's smile was a little charming, and she looked at Sun Wukong and said softly: "Gongzi! The purple girl has eaten, which is specially prepared for Gongzi. "

It seems that Sun Wukong's casual concern makes her feel good.

"Oh! That's okay, although I'm not hungry, since it's a purple girl you sent it with your own hands, then eat it! Can't waste it. "

After speaking, quickly wipe out the food on the table.

The purple woman looked at the food that was disappearing quickly, and began to resemble his words.


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 93

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