
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 94

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 94

After eating and drinking, the food on the table was wiped out in less than a short time.

"Sure enough! After eating fairy beans, even if I eat something, I still feel that there is no change. "

Sun Wukong felt it and muttered.

"Sendou? What is the fairy bean that Gongzi said? "

The purple girl asked curiously. I was very curious about the fact that there was something he said, with the word 'fairy'.

"Naw! That's it. "

Sun Wukong pretended to take out a bean-like fairy bean from his clothes and put it in the palm of his hand to show her.

The purple woman looked at the beans that seemed to be missing some water, and was a little disappointed. She thought it would be something powerful.

"Gongzi! What is the use of this fairy bean? "

The purple girl still asked curiously.

"Oh! One function is to make people not feel hungry for seven days, and the other function is very powerful. I'll keep it a secret for now. "

Sun Wukong said with a smile and sold Guanzi. Play with routines and keep the mystery alive.

The Monkey King hides his value and shows it when it's time to use it.

Seeing him selling like this, the purple girl was very helpless and gave him a blank look. Since he didn't want to say it, she didn't have a problem.

"That's right! Purple Girl! I heard that there is a hidden dragon hall nearby, what kind of trade fair will be held?"

Sun Wukong remembers that there is such a place in the original book, and he can meet many famous characters. So he came interested.

"Yes! Son! There is indeed this place, which is the barter trading conference held by the farmhouse Hidden Dragon Hall. "

The purple woman replied truthfully.

"When will it be held?"

Monkey King continued to ask.

"What's going on today? Gongzi is interested? "The purple girl was a little surprised.

"It's a little interested, in that case, the purple girl came up and called me to take a look together."

"Good! Since Gongzi is interested, let's go together and just lead the way for Gongzi. "

The purple woman smiled and agreed, and at the same time felt that there was a strong person like him by her side, and the purple woman suddenly felt very secure and said.

"Okay! Just call me when the time comes. "

Of course, Sun Wukong knew why she went, and he couldn't help but think in his heart.

"Sure enough! Just like playing games, you can encounter the plot or something by following the plot characters, no problem! "

"Okay then! I went to get busy first, and I was looking for Gongzi in the evening. "

The purple woman put away the tableware on the table and said softly.

"Hmm! Go ahead! Good work! "

Sun Wukong also responded softly.

The purple woman looked at him with a smile, nodded, twisted her waist and disappeared into his eyes.

After the purple girl left, Sun Wukong continued to do things.

Time just goes by.

Night dawn and see.

After feeling it, Sun Wukong, who had returned to God, tapped the void with his hand, and the lights in the room and backyard automatically lit up. Illuminates the night.

This sudden scene made the maid who was ready to light the lamp stunned.

After looking around for a while, I didn't find anything, and I went with doubts and puzzlements.

The Monkey King continued to invest his attention in the ocean of knowledge.

I don't know how long it took, until a familiar and characteristic sound of footsteps sounded, and I took my attention back.

Looking at the door, he saw the purple woman twisting her waist towards him

The purple girl walked up to him and looked at him with a smile and said, "Gongzi! It's time for us to go. "

Sun Wukong showed a smile: "Oh! Let's go! I think this evening's date with the purple girl must be very interesting. "

Listening to his words, the purple girl gave him a beautiful wink.

She went to the Hidden Dragon Hall but had something to do.

The purple girl walked in front, and Sun Wukong followed behind her. After walking for a while, they came to a carriage, and the two of them went up one after another, and the carriage began to move.

There is a lot of time to go to the Hidden Dragon Hall.

In the carriage, Sun Wukong and the purple woman looked at each other and sat face to face, and the narrow space was filled with the unique aroma of the purple woman, which made Sun Wukong very intoxicated.

With appreciative eyes, he looked at her from top to bottom and from bottom to top, nodding from time to time, looking very satisfied.

Let the purple woman on the opposite side be very funny and helpless and give him a lot of flattering eyes and white eyes, to express that he is very speechless, happy, and so on.

Sun Wukong's eyes were clear, without the slightest distraction, so that the purple girl had nothing to say, even if he said it, he would come back with crooked reasoning.

There was silence along the way, one looked at each other very appreciatively, the other was very generous to let the other party appreciate, and the two sides were very tacit.

All the way without words.

As the carriage stops, it means that the destination has arrived.

Sun Wukong got out first, stepped off the carriage, turned around and stretched out his right hand to the purple woman who stepped out of the carriage. Make a gesture to pick her up.

The purple woman looked at his outstretched right hand with some surprise, and after reacting, her pretty face showed a smile, and put her left hand on his right hand and got off the carriage.

After getting off the carriage, Sun Wukong immediately let go of his hand. After all, it is still in the favor stage, you can't go too far, just show gentlemanly demeanor occasionally.

followed the purple girl into the Hidden Dragon Hall, after all, the first time Sun Wukong came here, it was best to be led by the purple woman.

Along the way, this look, that look. It looks like a dirt bun.

Looking at everything around, it is magnificent, and it is still very stylish.

As the organizer, you must make corresponding decorations for the characters and status of the transaction, in order to reflect the status value of the characters to be traded.

Obviously, this Hidden Dragon Hall has done a very good job.

After some walking, the purple girl and Sun Wukong were taken to an attic in the trading hall.

According to the purple woman's request, the attic was still hung with light yarn, and the others also arrived. Trading will also start right away.

Sun Wukong looked at the surrounding characters with interest.

"That strong guy dressed in an outlier costume in Jiazige is the boss of the Northern Hu people! That is, the leader of the Huns, what is the name of Man? Too weak. And not interested either. I don't bother to remember the name, do I want to kill him later?

... Forget it, the powerful one in the original work is not him, it is the woman who gave him the idea, it is better to keep it, if you make a smart leader or something, the people of the seven countries will be guilty. "

Then look at the next one...

"Yan Kingdom Prince Dan! It seems that he was put back into the Yan Kingdom by Ying Zheng, and he also did a lot of things, and he can be regarded as a character. Sun Wukong looked at a middle-aged man who was dressed quite elegantly.

With looking down.

"Groove! That fat man with a little beauty in his arms is Yan Chunjun! Long like that and that kind of personality, it seems that the goods that are destined to be tragic in the future, huh! Seemingly... This guy has a plot, and now there is a snow girl in the Concubine Snow Pavilion, right? Hey! It seems that I have to pick a time to raid this girl. "

"Oh! That guy is Jing Ke! Sure enough, it's good. Sun Wukong looked at the young man dressed as a ranger with some appreciation.

After all, it is a legendary figure passed down to future generations, Jing Ke's assassination of Qin!

In troubled times, as long as you are a character, you can leave legends. Both bad and good prove to be a capable guy.

The strong respect the strong, and the same is true for capable people, after all, the value is not much different, and they don't know how to respect each other to see personal cultivation issues.

Look at the next one....


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - favorites, recommendations

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 94

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