
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 95

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 95

"This is the protagonist of Tianxing Nine Songs, Han Fei's kid. Sure enough, there is nothing to say about appearance, there is nothing to say about ability, and there is something to say about strength. Having the ability to not have strong strength is very passive in troubled times, especially in this Han. Moreover, what an alcoholic! Interesting. "

Sun Wukong looked at the few wine bottles in front of him and secretly said in his heart.

"How? Gongzi is interested in them? The purple girl saw Sun Wukong looking at everyone, and looked at him in a playful tone.

"Eh! I'm still that phrase, interested in men? Forget it! It's just a little curious and appreciative, after all, all the characters who can come here are considered personalities, and if you are interested, there is really one. Sun Wukong looked at the purple girl with a smile.

"Oh!? Who is it? "The purple girl is a little curious, and being interested by a powerful person like him says something."

"This doesn't! Far away, near in front of me, this one next to me! Sun Wukong looked at the purple girl with a bad smile.

"Bah! Nothing right. Hearing this, the purple girl gave Sun Wukong a beautiful wink, and scolded with a smile at the same time.

"This guy is obviously teasing himself again."

"Huh!" Suddenly, Sun Wukong was still smiling, and looked at the purple girl.

The purple girl couldn't stand Sun Wukong's gaze, so she directly didn't look at him and looked in front of her.

After a while, with the arrival of a figure. That is, Situ Wanli, who was in charge of hosting, simply said hello to everyone and said a few friendly and polite words. As we begin to introduce its treasures.

And so the deal began.

Situ Wanli walked to the front of the Jiazi Pavilion, opened the veil on the treasure, and a Beaulong Ding was revealed, and after the introduction, he walked to the next one

The Jizige brought a pair of jade bracelets, looking at the color and appearance, the price is not cheap! Let Yan Chunjun and the little beauty in his arms light up. Apparently interested in it.

The Bingzi Pavilion brought three Xuanjin arrows.

Situ Wanli came to Han Fei and opened his treasure, making the eyes of others brighten.

The wine bottle with the blue sea is worth a lot, and its value makes the corners of Han Fei's mouth turn up and look a little proud.

Came to the purple woman to open the cloth, a pure and simple box, appeared in front of everyone's eyes, which surprised others.

"In order to exchange my treasure, there must be one condition, that is, the box cannot be opened before the exchange, my treasure is picked by the owner, for some it is priceless, and for others, it may be worthless." Seeing that the treasure was opened, the purple woman also said her quid pro quo.

Listening to her words, everyone had different expressions and were a little interested.

Han Fei was even more interested and said, "It's really interesting." "

"Pretending to be mysterious, I see that you don't have any treasures at all, just take a broken box to fool people." Yan Chunjun was full of disdain and contempt.

"Groove! This guy is just to death! In front of my . Hit the purple girl, this is looking for a fight? Sun Wukong looked at Yan Chunjun, who pretended to be B, or who was not cultivated enough, with some unhappiness in his heart.

"Purple girl! You're looked down upon! How about it, you kiss me, I'll help you teach him a lesson, beat him for a life that can't take care of himself. Sun Wukong put his head to the purple girl's ear and proposed.

"Why should Gongzi be angry with such a person, it's worth it!"

The hot breath exhaled by Sun Wukong's words made the purple woman's body tremble slightly, and her face had a faint blush, and she moved her body away slightly.

"Count this guy's life!" Sun Wukong is still a little unhappy, if the purple woman agrees, there will be welfare later, but unfortunately, the smart purple woman is not fooled.

"Whether to change or not, the choice is in your own hands." The purple woman smiled faintly, not humble or arrogant.

The crowd thoughtfully.

Then they each started trading.

After some trading, the box still fell into Han Fei's hands.

No way! The box itself was for Han Fei, and he was also interested, and the deal was perfectly concluded.

After the transaction was completed, everyone went back to their respective homes and found their mothers.

On the way back, Han Fei was in the carriage, carefully looked at the treasures exchanged in his hands, looked here, knocked on it, and broke it with his hand, but still failed to open it, touched his chin with his hand and thought and pondered.

After drinking a few glasses of wine, holding the box and circling on the table, the action is very sharp and sharp.

Suddenly thought of something, looked at the small wooden grid on the box, and pressed it.

"Sure enough!"

Han Fei's eyes lit up, after a few attempts. The box opened, revealing the contents inside, and looking at the contents inside, Han Fei looked pensive...

Far behind Han Fei, a carriage was also moving, and inside were the purple girl and Sun Wukong.

In the carriage! Sun Wukong still looked the purple girl up and down with that very appreciative and satisfied gaze.

This kind of beauty who goes up the hall and down the kitchen is very rare in this troubled world.

"Gongzi! Have you seen enough. "

The purple girl was a little annoyed by Sun Wukong's long-term gaze, and she had been watching since she got into the carriage.

"Huh! For beautiful stuff! How can you see enough. And it's still my favorite. Sun Wukong smiled lightly, his tone was sincere, and then continued: "Purple girl! To be honest, actually, I know you better than you! "

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he looked at her with a mysterious smile.

Hearing this, the purple woman smiled: "Oh!? That boy might as well say it and listen. "

This tone... Some don't believe it, people like her have only known Sun Wukong for so short, and they have only met a few times, how can Sun Wukong understand himself better than herself.

"Huh! Purple Girl! Your appearance, maturity, strength, and confidence are all a disguise to hide some weaknesses in your heart, and I can see and feel it from the depths of your beautiful but occasionally sad eyes. Sun Wukong smiled, looking at the purple woman's eyes very seriously.

"Hey, hey! This is the 21st century to read people's words, get the ancient that is not generally strong, I don't believe you didn't react. "

"This... Son! Read the heart of the purple woman, but it is very dangerous, you are not afraid, fall into that, the most terrible, darkest hell abyss? The purple woman looked serious and serious.

I am very jealous of his ability. Just such a sentence, let the purple girl think that Sun Wukong really understood her, and for a moment, the urge to tell him the words of her heart.

It's scary!

The deeper some emotions are hidden, once they erupt, it is terrifying.


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 95

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