
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 96

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 96

"Purple girl! Don't be so serious! What you said, the terrible, dark abyss of hell, I can make it a warm and light paradise, it depends on whether you want it or not, the choice is in your hands! Sun Wukong still had a smile on his face, and his eyes looked at the purple girl firmly.

"Hehe~ less poor mouth, Gongzi like this, aren't you afraid of making jade sad?" The purple girl came back to her senses, her face a little ridiculed.

"Huh! I'm doing this for the sake of getting jade. Sun Wukong immediately looked mysterious.

"Oh!? The purple girl was curious, and the prince said, how to make jade. The purple girl also had a mysterious smile, and she couldn't say that you and I would make him look good.

At the same time, he complained in his heart: "The jade is tied to you, you can pour it well, and I plan to get the old lady in my hand, and I said that it is to get the jade good, so don't be too faceless." "

"Huh! Speaking of jade, I don't understand my feelings for jade, there is a saying in my hometown that is very suitable to describe the life of jade. Sun Wukong's face became a little nostalgic and sighed.

"Oh!? What words?"

The purple girl is very curious, can she express the life of her good sister Langyu in one sentence? What exactly are the words

"That is... What a thin life in troubled times! In the chaotic times, excellent beauty, either make some great achievements to pass on to future generations, or end a short life early, I see that jade from birth to the present, life fate is bumpy, destined to die early, if my expectations are good, maybe within this year or the next 3 years. "Son Goku's tone is serious and heavy, and he will be like this according to the fate that the anime has arranged for her.

"What!! This..." Hearing this, the purple woman was shocked, unable to believe that this was true, and the jade was still so young.

However, with the thought of Sun Wukong's ability, this kind of strong person who easily killed the inheritors of Ghost Valley in one second, what he said was true nine times out of ten.

Although the reason is far-fetched, she just believes that what he says is true.

This is how she feels!

"Gongzi! Please think of a way to save the jade. The purple girl looked at Sun Wukong with a nervous and pleading expression.

If anyone can save Jade now, the purple woman believes that only he is in front of him.

"Huh! Do not worry. "

Sun Wukong patted her little hand and gave her a reassuring look.

"The situation I just said will only happen in my situation, I and Liangyu can meet, it is also our fate, and I also like Liangyu, as I like can not let that happen, want to break the fate, must have strong strength, just this thing I have, Liangyu is good to her, and I am also willing to be good to her, what she wants to do, what she is willing to do, I will support and help her, she thinks what I think, what I think."

Sun Wukong said something with a firm and gentle face, and these have always been what he wants to do, and what he is doing and should do.

"That purple girl is for Yuyu, thank you Gongzi! The female listened to Sun Wukong's words, and was a little envious of Liangyu and happy for Liangyu.

In this troubled era, there are too few people who can have this kind of idea like him, even if they have ideas that can't be done, it's for nothing, but he just has the strength to do it, which is powerful.

"Huh! How? What I did to make jade, I want to do it myself, purple girl, you want to thank me for making jade? That's done! Come one, and I take it. Sun Wukong tilted his face and looked at the purple girl with a bad smile.

Just now it was quite serious, but now it is not serious again, and it is only a few seconds to be serious.

Listening to his words, the purple girl gave him a beautiful white eye again, but still stretched her head over, her pretty face was a little red, and she quickly tapped on his face.

This time, it was at stake the life of her good sister Ryoyama, so... Although she knew that he was teasing himself, she was also willing.

"Eh!" Looking at her who quickly kissed her on the opposite side, Sun Wukong was a little stunned

"This Nima! Something isn't right! I just feel and tease casually, can this be the case?

But... I like it, hey... It's a shame that I didn't get the cheap back, hum! Next time you seize the opportunity, be sure to go back in person. "

"How? Gongzi felt surprised? Isn't that what Gongzi wants? Looking at Sun Wukong, who was a little stunned at herself, the purple woman covered her mouth with her hand and chuckled and said jokingly.

"Hmm! That's true, but after the purple girl you said this, I suddenly woke up, so . I decided. "

"What was decided?" Looking at the Monkey King with a serious face, the purple girl was a little curious.

"I decided that in order to make Liangyu happier and enjoy the warmth of the big family, I will find her a lot of sisters." Sun Wukong said very shamelessly.

Don't be faceless! It's so shameful!

Listening to Sun Wukong's words, the purple girl directly gave him a big, beautiful wink, and then tilted her head to the side, she was speechless by his shamelessness and facelessness, she didn't want to pay attention to such an unorthodox guy for the time being.

Looking at the purple girl's actions, Sun Wukong smiled indifferently.

Regardless of what others think, it's hard to cross. Don't take the beautiful, excellent, and desired girls in this, worthy of a rare crossing?

Moreover, this is also related to his own cultivation becoming stronger, and this is what he wants the most.

The carriage fell silent.

The purple woman tilted her head.

Sun Wukong was in a daze.

Sun Wukong fell into his memories of Yuyu in the "Empty Mountain Bird Language" that he first entered the pit....


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 96

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