
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 97

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 97

In the anime of the "Empty Mountain Bird Language" chapter,

Liang Yu was sent to assassinate Ji Wuye, and then failed to take poison and finally died.

Why was it sent to assassinate Ji Wuye?

In Sun Wukong's opinion, it should be the old man Han Wang An who gave the red lotus to Ji Wuye, this old guy or his other relatives, who is Ji Wuye? A murderer, a proper villain.

What is the difference between Red Lotus marrying past and sending it to death?

Red Lotus is Han Fei's most beloved sister, and Han Fei and others are the benefactors of Yu in the original work,

Being able to make Nong Yu say such an unusually firm word of sincerity proves Han Fei's position in Liang Yu's heart.

Moreover, it seems that "Empty Mountain Bird Language" only happened after the nine songs.

So... Although she knew that she would die on this trip, she was still willing to repay her benefactor's kindness. And in order not to let the benefactor and important people fall into the clutches of the devil.

When it comes to the empty mountain bird language, it is necessary to mention the other two people, Mo Crow and White Phoenix.

Together with the jade, two excellent people among these three people will die, which can make him and many Qin fans sigh at that time.

After Ryoyama decided to assassinate, he was arranged to go to the Bird Pavilion, which was specially built for the beauty who played all night for Ji.

After living in the Bird Pavilion, Liangyu did the basic, daily thing, which he liked to do, that is, playing the piano.

But Bird Pavilion doesn't have this thing, but it's hard to get jade.

The cultivation of the piano art of Liang Yu has reached the point where he can play it without a piano, and what he plays is a song of the world, a song chosen by the heart.

And this piece can only be heard by the most sensual people.

Mo Crow and Bai Feng came to the Bird Pavilion after completing the task, Mo Crow is a very rational and excellent killer, and his feelings are suppressed by reason, so he can't hear it.

But Bai Feng heard this heart-shaking divine comedy.

Bai Feng could hear the heartstring song played by Nong Yu, which made Nong Yu look at Bai Feng differently.

At that time, it was just an accident and not a favorite, but the jade came to perform the mission, knowing that he would die this time, so he didn't dare to be emotional.

Finally, the curious Bai Feng found the piano and let Liang Yu play the sound, and a touching divine comedy was born.

It is the "Empty Mountain Bird Language" that can summon a hundred birds.

It was this song that made Bai Feng excited about the excellent jade!

It is said that the beautiful and kind, excellent beauty of Yuyu can also play this kind of musical divine comedy that crosses borders and cleanses the heart. It's strange that 99 out of 100 men aren't moved.

And why not move? Probably there's a problem.

Mo Crow is very sensible, a woman who has a relationship with Ji, Bai Feng, you dare to move? Isn't this looking for death? He then received an order from Ji Wuye to kill him.

However, it was later lost to the bond and foundation between them.

Then gave up the task to help Bai Fenglai, Bai waved the impulse of youth and frivolity, and finally decided to reverse Ji Wuye in order to save Ji Wuye who was injured and poisoned by Ji Wuye.

Mo Crow also for the sake of good friends, although he knew death, but also impulsive for the bond between them.

As a result, two killed and one injured, Mo Crow and Liang Yu died, the death of the two was determined by Xuanji Niangniang, and it was also the fate and fate of Mo Crow and Liang Yu Baifeng.

Liang Yu took the poison, knowing that Bai Feng had sent Ji Wuye for her rather than give up her life, before she moved her heart to Bai Feng.

A man's willingness to give up his great future and life for his own sake was a powerful expression of emotion in ancient times.

But unfortunately, that relationship has ended before it has developed, which makes people sigh.

If Bai Feng and Mo Crow are strong enough. Then everything will be rewritten.

But in this chaotic world, if you want to become stronger, you can't become stronger, you need opportunities, if Bai Feng makes a move before getting jade and taking poison.

Maybe only one will die, and if you prepare early, maybe no one will die.

It's a pity that there is no if, the death of Mo Crow and Liang Yu also made Xuanji Niangniang get the feelings of a large number of fans and pulled a large number of Qin fans.

Therefore, many people have a very special and indescribable emotion for jade.

In this troubled world, if you want to have and protect what you want to have and get, you must have strong strength.

Bai Feng didn't have the strength, so he didn't keep any of what he wanted to get and protect.

So for this world, since he is here, can he still let the jade out? Stop being funny! Since they met but couldn't stay, Tusheng tragedy, or don't meet well. "


In the carriage...

The purple woman's eyes glanced at it, seeing Sun Wukong in a daze, obviously thinking about something, remembering what he said earlier, her expression was complicated, and she turned her head to look at him in a daze.

I rub! Is this thing still contagious?

I don't know how long it took....

Sun Wukong came back to his senses. Looking at the purple woman in a daze in front of her, her face was speechless.

"What's wrong with this girl? Think about things so fascinatingly. He stretched out his hand and shook it in front of the purple woman's eyes, and at the same time whispered: "Hey! Purple Girl! Back to the gods. What do you think so fascinated?"

"Huh!? Oh! Didn't think about anything either. Listening to Sun Wukong's voice, the purple girl who came back to her senses looked at Sun Wukong, who was looking at her with a smile in front of her, and her face was a little red.

Apparently just in a daze, thinking about something interesting and slightly angry at being discovered.

"Oh! Is it? Are you thinking about something very loving? Sun Wukong quipped.

"Huh! Where there is, Gongzi! You think too much. The purple girl coped with the past very calmly.

Worthy of being a purple woman!

As soon as Sun Wukong wanted to say something, the carriage stopped. Apparently home,

Since this was the case, he didn't say anything, got off the carriage, and then very gentlemanly, took the purple girl off the carriage and walked towards Zilanxuan.

Sun Wukong looked at her beside her and smiled and laughed: "Hehe! Today's date with the purple girl is not bad, thank you! Purple Girl! You are busy with yours, Ben Gongzi goes to rest. With that, he walked in the direction of his room.

Listening to Sun Wukong's words, the purple girl smiled and didn't say anything.

Looking at the Monkey King who disappeared in front of her, she changed one direction and walked in other directions, she still had to deal with some things, and she had to deal with the things she exchanged for this evening.

Sun Wukong came to his room and thought of something, and the hand that just wanted to open the door stopped, and then walked to the jade room, but he just stopped looking at the jade room and rested.

Then he went back to his room and continued to go to his own business.


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 97

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