
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 99

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 99

Knowing that there was such a fine wine, he hurriedly went to Zilanxuan,

However, it is disappointing that this fine wine is sold in limited quantities every day, and the supply is not in demand.

Sometimes, if you want to drink, you have to make a reservation in advance. Otherwise, it will be even more difficult to drink such fine wine.

After several days of attention and hard work, I finally tasted it.

When he drank 'Wu Drunken Chunsheng' for the first time, he couldn't speak.

It's a great wine. The mouth is cool, the throat is like a knife, the stomach is like a fire burning, the mouth leaves a residual fragrance, and all kinds of stimuli rush straight to the brain. It's addictive.

He said it was the first time he had drunk such a fine wine. I couldn't put it down.

And this evening is a good day for him to taste good wine again and meet the prime minister.

After he finished his business, he ran to Zilanxuan early and called a few maids. Get the wine you have reserved in advance, and tease a few beauties while tasting the wine. It's a wonderful life.

Suddenly, the purple girl who asked her to pick up the guests knocked on her door.

"Gongzi! Lord Sangkook and Mr. Zhang Liang asked for a meeting. "

"It's been a long time, please!"

Han Fei's face remained unchanged, and he said very calmly. But in my heart, I was slightly happy.

As the door opened, Zhang Liang's figure appeared in his eyes.

Next, just like the original, Han Fei said what he wanted.

There is no way out of the open land, only to promise.

In this way, he got what he wanted, and did not stay long, said goodbye to Han Fei, and went back to his hometown.

After watching the open carriage leave by the window, Han Fei returned to the table to wipe out the wine.

After a while, when Han Fei was a little drunk, the purple woman walked in, looked at her and said softly:

"Gongzi! Have a good drink? "

"Have fun! Enjoy! "

Han Fei quickly responded beautifully, and then continued:

"Purple girl! As far as I know, the original orchid brew of Zilanxuan is still made by the purple girl, and this better wine than the orchid brew still appeared a few days ago.

And the taste of this does not have the taste of purple girl orchid brewed at all. So... Can the purple girl introduce me to the one who made this wine? “

"Huh! Referrals do. However, it depends on whether the other person is willing to see you or not. "

The purple woman said with a smile.

"There's the Lao Zi girl!"

Han Fei hurriedly saluted and thanked him.

As for whether the other party can see him, Han Fei is very confident in his heart,

For those who can make such a fine wine, they must also be friends in wine. And he is a good drinker. This is where the similarities are interested.

The purple girl narrowed her eyes slightly, looking at him, remembering the scene when she saw him by the window and Sun Wukong's interested eyes. A slight smile. Twisting the waist to lead the way in front.

Han Fei followed.

After walking for a while, I came to the corridor of the backyard.

This way, Han Fei did not squint. A style of style.

Let the purple girl walk this way is very comfortable, can't help but think of the feeling when walking with Sun Wukong,

Compared with the feeling of being watched and looked at, the purple girl suddenly liked Sun Wukong's kind in her heart.

Because when he looked at it with a very appreciative gaze, although he made himself a little uncomfortable, he could get inexplicable little happiness.

Is this the feeling that women naturally like to be watched?

After saying that he was discovered, he admitted it very unabashedly, and also cleverly praised himself.

Although I don't care, my mood is inexplicably happy. This is an unpretentious, unabashed way. It really made her have some little yearning and little likes.

After a while, we came to the place where the door opened.

For the arrival of Zinu and Han Fei, Sun Wukong has long known. After all, it's so quiet here, it's hard to hide the sound of footsteps and breath!

"Yo! Purple Girl! "

Sun Wukong greeted with a smile, still in that tone.

"Gongzi! So late to disturb Gongzi because someone wanted to see Gongzi. "

The purple woman said with a smile. No nonsense either, go straight to the point.

"Huh! Understand! "

Sun Wukong chuckled and looked at Han Fei behind the purple woman.

Seeing his gaze coming over, Han Fei, who was a little thoughtful, saluted and said in a very cordial and easy-going tone:

"This brother! In the Lower Hanfei. Don't know the name of Brother Tai Zun? "

The courtesy is very proper.

"Huh! Your name is Han Fei! I know you. I admire you overall, so it doesn't hurt to tell you my name. My surname is Sun and my name is Goku. "

Sun Wukong looked at him with a smile, his tone and eyes were appreciative.

"Haha! That's really gratifying. Brother Goku! "

When Han Fei heard his words, as a cheerful and easygoing, he immediately called him brother and brother. Exudes an invisible charm.

Sun Wukong didn't feel anything wrong at all.

"This is the power of the pig's foot aura?"

Sun Wukong couldn't help but think in his heart.

The purple woman looked at them with some snacks.

For the situation between Sun Wukong and Han Fei, he was a little surprised and puzzled.

"That's right, Brother Goku! This "enlightened spring birth", this kind of fine wine is from your hand? "

Han Fei looked at him with an expectant look and hurriedly asked.


"Is this the name of the purple girl?"

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he looked at the purple girl.

The purple woman smiled slightly. Beautiful eyes also looked at him.

Apparently the name is named after him. It seems that the purple girl is very grateful and attentive.

"Purple girl! Well done, I'm satisfied! "

Sun Wukong looked at the tone and was very appreciative.

The purple woman still looks like that, but she is a little happy in her heart.

"How? Brother Goku! Don't you know? "

Han Fei suddenly didn't react and couldn't understand the situation between them.

"Huh! I gave this wine, but I didn't give it the name. "

Sun Wukong explained with a smile.

Han Fei thought for a second, according to his name and wine name, in association with the scene of their conversation just now.

Seconds understand.


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 99

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