
Cute King: The Slime Who Doesn't Do His Job - Chapter 12

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Cute King: The Slime Who Doesn't Do His Job

Cute King: The Slime Who Doesn't Do His Job - Chapter 12
After Rimuru got closer, he found that there were two heroes who looked familiar, but he couldn't remember their names. They were fighting a kelp monster. After trying hard to recall for a while, Rimuru finally remembered who the two people were fighting.

The man holding the slingshot who looked like a delinquent was Golden Ball, and the middle-aged man holding a rapier in his hand and dressed like a butler was called Spring Beard. These two were A-level heroes, and their rankings were probably similar to Rimuru, both ranked in the 30s.

Before Rimuru entered, there were only 38 A-level heroes, and with Rimuru, there were only 39.

Rimuru vaguely remembered that Golden Ball seemed to be killed by the kelp monster at the beginning, and now he was hiding behind Spring Beard, pulling the slingshot quickly and attacking the kelp monster.

Spring Beard used the rapier in his hand to resist the kelp tentacles that attacked the two people, which were as hard as steel, to ensure their safety.

After watching from the side for a while, Rimuru felt it was boring. Both sides were fighting, but it was this guy who disturbed her rest time.

She should finish it quickly and go back to rest. By the way, she would ask Tornado for a reward. She had something she wanted Tornado to do for a long time.

Thinking of this, Rimuru stopped hiding and walked out from behind the wall, heading straight towards the kelp monster.

"Oh? ~ Another human? Looks like he's a resident, ah...I thought something interesting would show up, but it's such a bummer. The two humans over there are also boring, and there's just so much to show. I'm so disappointed."

The Kelp Man said with a tone that looked down on Golden Ball and Spring Beard,"Forget it, let's make it quick and easy, and go look somewhere else."

As he said that, the two kelps quickly got behind Golden Ball and Spring Beard from the waterways on both sides of the road, as if they wanted to kill them in one second.

However, just as the kelp wrapped around the legs of the two men and was about to lift them up and throw them to the ground, the two kelps broke.

The Kelp Man, Golden Ball, and Spring Beard all looked at Rimuru, who was holding a pink, glowing longsword in his hand.

"It's really troublesome. Has anyone ever told you that you talk too much nonsense?"Rimuru said, walking towards the kelp monster step by step. The kelp monster suddenly showed a very interested expression. I thought he was an ordinary resident, but he turned out to be an interesting guy! Much more interesting than those two pieces of trash over there. Come on, please me with a fight!!

Thinking of this, a perverted smile appeared on his face.

However, the next moment, the kelp monster saw his own body standing on the ground. Huh? What's going on? Why am I flying? The two pieces of trash standing over there also had shocked expressions on their faces. What shocking thing did they see? It's really curious.

"How..."Just as he uttered a word, the kelp monster's head was cut off by Rimuru and fell heavily to the ground. His body, which had just been standing, also fell down with a thud.

"Hey, are you two okay?" Rimuru dispersed the long sword he had made with the Wave God, looked up at the Golden Ball and Spring Beard, who were opening their mouths and eyes wide, and moving in unison, and asked the two of them.

"Are they stupid? Whose fault is this?"Rimuru looked at the two stupid people, frowning slightly under the mask, and immediately felt that things were getting more troublesome.

"Do you remember who you are? Hey."Rimuru shouted at the two again. The two came to their senses after hearing the shout and looked at the masked little guy in front of them.

""We are fine, thank you very much." Springbeard put away the rapier in his hand and saluted Rimuru.

"It's okay, let's go." Rimuru was relieved to see that they were not stupid, and turned around and left.

"Who are you? Can you let us know your name?"Golden Ball saw Rimuru was about to leave and immediately shouted

"It's just a passing slime, so there's no need to remember its name."Rimuru made a joke to the two of them, and quickly left, heading home.

Only two confused A-class heroes were left, who didn't understand what Rimuru said at all. Then Springbeard took out his phone, contacted the Hero Association, and told them what had just happened.

"That's the new A-class hero Rimuru. Her personality seems to be like that. You don't have to worry about it. Since the matter has been resolved by Rimuru, come back and report."

While being shocked by how swift Rimuru's movements were, the senior executives briefly explained Rimuru's identity to the two.

After hearing what the senior executives said, the two of them felt relieved, hung up the phone, and left City Z. They had never expected that a rookie of Class A would have such a strong fighting power. You know, that was a monster that two Class A heroes couldn't defeat together, and his level must be at least Demon level.

Rimuru actually solved it so easily as if it was a joke. Could this be the reason why Tornado was so nice to Rimuru?

The senior executives of the Hero Association couldn't figure it out at all, but it was a good thing for heroes to have high fighting power, but the information must be fully mastered.

On the other side, Rimuru, who had already returned home, collapsed on the sofa, and pulled Mosquito Girl, who was looking for lunch in the kitchen, over to her and rested her head on her thighs.

After lying for a while, Rimuru let Mosquito Girl go and make lunch, and he reached out for his phone and sent a message to the Hero Association.


Mission accomplished, let Tornado talk to me." He sent the message in a very arrogant tone.���After hearing about Rimuru, he raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that she would have such strong fighting power? It seems that it is not difficult to be promoted to S-rank. I guess I will be her colleague soon.

A secretary of the Hero Association walked in front of Tornado and said the message that Rimuru had just sent with trembling voice.

Tornado really hasn't met such an arrogant person for a long time. She is more and more interested in Rimuru and throws Rimuru's registration record in the Hero Association aside.

"From now on, I will be the one to contact Rimuru personally." After saying this, Tornado left the room, reached into her pocket and took out her personal cell phone, tapping the screen with her thumbs quickly. This was Rimuru's personal phone number, which Tornado had just written down.

"Who is it?"Rimuru was eating the chicken drumstick that Mosquito Girl had just fried when he heard his cell phone ring. He looked at the number and saw that it was someone he didn't recognize, but he still swiped it out of habit to answer it.

"Tornado, where are you? Don't you want a reward? Here's your reward." Tornado floated in the air, crossed his legs, and said to Rimuru in a leisurely tone.

""Hey, Tornado, wait for me in front of the largest mall in City A. I'll be there in 20 minutes." Rimuru took another bite of the chicken leg and said to Tornado on the other end of the phone.

"I'll only give you twenty minutes, and you won't be allowed to wait after that." Tornado said, and she hung up the phone first, with a sly smile on her little face."I told you to hang up on me, and this time I'll hang up first, hahaha!"

Tornado said this in a very happy tone as she flew towards the largest shopping mall, taking revenge for Rimuru hanging up on her before.

But what she didn't know was that Rimuru didn't care at all, and after eating a few more chicken legs, he wiped his hands, put away his phone, and asked the mosquito girl,"I'm going to City A, do you want anything? I'll bring it back for you?" The mosquito girl thought for a while,"Then Rimuru, please bring me a bottle of soy sauce and some seafood, thank you for your hard work, Rimuru."

Rimuru waved at the mosquito girl, took the key and went out to City A to look for the tsundere little loli.

Tornado was floating in the air with an unhappy look on her face, looking at the time on her phone. Damn it! Rimuru was late! She glanced at her phone and saw that she was already five minutes late.

She wanted to turn around and leave, but she was worried that Rimuru would be anxious if he couldn't find her when he got here, and then go out and spread the news that Tornado didn't keep his promise or something.

"Ahhhh!! This is really annoying!" Tornado scratched her hair irritably. Even if she was unhappy, she could only wait like this.

Not long after, Rimuru ate the marshmallow in small bites and walked straight to Tornado,"I am Rimuru." As he said that, he handed over the marshmallow in his other hand.

Seeing the marshmallow in front of her and Rimuru's cute little face, Tornado couldn't get angry. She hadn't eaten this kind of thing for a long time.

Tornado really didn't expect that Rimuru in person would be cuter than in the photo, ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times cuter!!

"Humph, since you brought me a gift, I won't bother you about being late."

Tornado raised her chin proudly, and took the marshmallow handed over by Rimuru, as if she was looking at her generosity.

Rimuru blinked and looked at Tornado in front of him,"Is this little Lolita so arrogant in the original drama? It seems not." He fell into deep thought for a while.

"Tell me, what are your conditions?"Tornado also secretly ate a piece of marshmallow, and did not notice Rimuru's suspicious look.

"The condition is that you come whenever I call you within a month and complete my requirements." Rimuru finished eating the marshmallow and threw the stick into the trash can.

""Huh?!!! Are you daydreaming? Let me be your servant! ? You are dreaming!" Tornado was furious and said to Rimuru in an extremely unhappy tone.

"You said it yourself, what's okay, I didn't ask you to kill someone, it would violate your moral bottom line, and I won't do anything to you, why are you reacting so strongly?" Rimuru spread his hands with an indifferent expression.

Cute King: The Slime Who Doesn't Do His Job

Cute King: The Slime Who Doesn't Do His Job - Chapter 12

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