
Cute King: The Slime Who Doesn't Do His Job - Chapter 13

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Cute King: The Slime Who Doesn't Do His Job

Cute King: The Slime Who Doesn't Do His Job - Chapter 13
Seeing Rimuru's indifferent look, Tornado was immediately furious. Damn it! She was sure that I would not agree and ruin my reputation, right? I am going to fight with you! I agree! Let's see what you can do! Tornado directly did the opposite in her mind, and there was a smug look on her face.

Although Tornado considered a lot of things, she didn't expect the most important point, that is, whether she agreed or refused, the only one who benefited in the end was Rimuru himself.

If he agreed, Rimuru would get an extra month of servants, who were powerful and good-looking. If he disagreed, Rimuru would not lose anything either. Tsk tsk tsk tsk, I can only say that Tornado doesn't seem to be very smart.

"Humph, I agree. Tell me, what do you want me to do?"Tornado saw that Rimuru seemed to be not as tall as herself, so she stopped using her superpowers to fly in the sky. Instead, she stood in front of Rimuru, crossed her arms, and said to him with a proud look on her face.

"Come with me to buy things first." Rimuru thought about it and decided to buy soy sauce and seafood for Mosquito Girl first, in case he forgot later and had to make another trip, which was very troublesome.

Tornado nodded and followed Rimuru, and the two of them went into the mall to buy things.

Then the people in the mall saw this scene. Tornado, who ranked second among heroes, used her superpowers to control a lot of things flying behind her, and Rimuru, a very cute little guy, followed her.

Many people took out their mobile phones to take pictures. After all, it is rare to see S-class heroes on weekdays, let alone S-class heroes who are so close to life.

Several people got together and talked about how the heroes were so down-to-earth on weekdays and bought things in person. They liked it even more.

It was that Rimuru was not wearing Miss Jing's mask now, otherwise, it would be difficult for the two of them to move. Although it is a bit now, they can still move forward.

"How many more things do you want to buy? Isn't this enough?"Tornado glanced at the many items floating around him and said to Rimuru.

"That's not much, of course it's not enough, now it's just my clothes, I have to go buy seafood later, by the way, are you coming to my house for dinner tonight? If you come, buy more."Rimuru thought about it, the clothes are almost done, it's time to go to the seafood area to buy things. He responded to Tornado's words, and then invited Tornado to come to his house for dinner in the evening.

"Go! Why not go? I have helped you carry so many things, and you have already treated me as a p..."Tornado was already talking without thinking, but Rimuru was quick to react and stuffed the cake he hadn't eaten yet into her mouth to fill it up, thus avoiding him from appearing in the news the next day.

Something about an unknown boy treating the S-class hero Tornado as a servant, of course this was what Rimuru thought, if it really appeared in the news, it should be [The love-hate relationship between the unknown loli and the second S-class hero Tornado. ]

Tornado, who was eating the cake, seemed to have reacted as well, eating the cake in small bites, turning her head away, not looking at Rimuru

"Let's go, we have to buy some snacks after shopping." Rimuru slightly used the repulsive force of the Samsara Sharingan to clear a space for the two to speed up.

Tornado was a little surprised. Oh? This guy can actually use repulsion? It seems that it is not as simple as it seems. Maybe being a servant for a month is not a bad thing.

"Since you want to eat too, just buy more. Money is just a number to me anyway." Rimuru said something extremely Versailles, and took Tornado to buy a lot of seafood. He was worried that the pot at home would not be able to hold all the food, so he bought a bigger pot.

While buying snacks, he also bought a bottle of soy sauce for Mosquito Girl. There were a lot of things floating behind Tornado. If it weren't for Tornado's high mental strength, which allowed the things to go out in batches, they would probably block the entrance to the mall.

Soon, the two returned to City Z, to the doorstep of Rimuru's home. Tornado was still shocked that Rimuru actually lived in such a dangerous place, and suddenly heard Rimuru calling her. She turned around and looked at Rimuru.

"I have a weirdo at home. Don't worry, she's not a bad person. I picked her up to be a maid, so don't attack her later, remember?"

Rimuru told Tornado about the mosquito girl at home in advance, and Tornado's face immediately had an expression of"strange knowledge has been added again"

"Forget it, just remember not to hit anyone randomly later."Rimuru was too lazy to explain anything to Tornado. After all, in Tornado's opinion, monsters should all be eliminated. How come there is a guy who raises monsters and even treats her as a maid?

After Rimuru finished speaking, he raised his hand and knocked on the door,"Xiao Wen, I'm back, open the door." Although Rimuru had the key, who would use the key to open the door when there were people at home? It was so troublesome.

There was a sound of footsteps from inside the door, and soon the door was opened by Mosquito Girl. When she saw Rimuru, she showed a bright smile on her face, and said to Rimuru in a voice as gentle as water.

"Welcome home, Rimuru-sama~"

"This is Tornado, we are having dinner at our house tonight." Rimuru briefly introduced Tornado to the mosquito girl, and then turned around to introduce the mosquito girl to Tornado.

"This is Mosquito Girl, my maid. All the things we buy later, except for snacks and clothes, will be given to her."

After saying that, she took the lead and walked into the house, leaving only Mosquito Girl and Tornado standing there staring at each other.

It was Mosquito Girl who broke the strange silence first,"That..."Master Tornado, please give me all the things, and then you can go in and have a rest."

After hearing what the mosquito girl said, Tornado nodded, walked into the house, and put a lot of seafood and a pot at the door. The rest followed her into the house, and let Rimuru deal with the remaining things.

Genos and Saitama at home stared blankly at Tornado who came in with Rimuru. Of course, Genos was a little surprised, and Saitama didn't know him at all.

Damn? Where was Rimuru doing, and why did he bring this person home.

Rimuru quickly packed up all the snacks and clothes, took Tornado to the living room, introduced Saitama and Genos to Tornado respectively, and then sat on the sofa.

He reached out and patted the sofa, asked Tornado to sit down, and after she sat down, she just lay on Tornado's legs. Tornado's face was flushed, and she was a little flustered. She was shy and anxious and shouted at Rimuru,"You! You you you!! what are you doing?!!"

"Stop shouting, stop shouting. You are my servant, so it is okay for me to rest my head on your thighs."Rimuru waved his hand and asked Saitama, who was playing games, to throw an apple to him.

Saitama complained with some disdain, but still found the time to throw an apple to Rimuru. Rimuru just lay on Tornado's lap, showing off the apple.

Genos sat next to Saitama, just staring at Rimuru, wondering what he was thinking about.

"You! And that bald guy!! Get out and don't say anything! Otherwise, I will kill both of you!!"After feeling Genos' gaze, Tornado immediately shouted at Genos and Saitama who was playing games. Saitama didn't even look at Tornado and continued playing the game. But she is just a little girl like Rimuru, so she won't listen to you.

Genos didn't react either. We are all S-class heroes. Why should I listen to you? But he still gave Tornado a look, then turned his head and continued to stare at Saitama playing games, trying to learn something from Saitama playing games.

Ah, this guy is really crazy. It's just playing a game. How could there be the secret to becoming stronger? What's more, Saitama is a wimp. It would be a miracle if he could learn anything.

"Don’t you want to eat? There are apples over there." Rimuru poked Tornado’s thigh, bringing the angry Tornado back to his senses. He used telekinesis to get an apple and bit it viciously, as if he was biting Rimuru.

Those two damn guys! Just wait for me!! Especially this damn Rimuru!! In the future, I will definitely make you my servant, for two months, no, for a year!!

Soon, the Mosquito Girl prepared dinner, and several people sat at the dining table, looking at the seafood in the pot. These seafood are all of the best quality, so they are very fragrant, with the taste of the sea.

Rimuru glanced at the scallops, conchs and other things in the pot, frowned slightly, and pulled Tornado, who wanted to reach out to pick up the seafood, towards the kitchen.

"Rimuru, you don't want to eat? What are you doing?��?"Saitama was ready to fight with Rimuru for food, but Rimuru just left like that, leaving Saitama puzzled.

"Oh, I'll go make the sauce, you eat first." Rimuru started talking nonsense, and then he dragged Tornado to the kitchen.

"What are you doing?! If you don’t want to eat, why don’t you let others eat!?"Tornado stared at Rimuru and shouted at him angrily

"Didn't you see me buying seafood? Think about it, what else is there?" Rimuru said to Tornado, and then reached out to open the lid of the steamer on the stove.

Hearing what Rimuru said, Tornado immediately reacted. King crab!! Big lobster!! Then he turned his head and looked at the steaming pot. It was a huge king crab, and it was still a king crab that was emitting an enticing smell.

Tears of emotion flowed from the corners of his mouth. He rubbed his hands with some anticipation. However, after just a few rubs, he felt that the action seemed to be a little wrong. He immediately crossed his chest and raised his chin, looking like he didn't want to eat it at all.

"She is really a typical tsundere." Rimuru glanced at Tornado who was performing a one-man show beside him with his half-moon eyes, and complained in his heart.

Cute King: The Slime Who Doesn't Do His Job

Cute King: The Slime Who Doesn't Do His Job - Chapter 13

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