
Cute King: The Slime Who Doesn't Do His Job - Chapter 61

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Cute King: The Slime Who Doesn't Do His Job

Cute King: The Slime Who Doesn't Do His Job - Chapter 61
It had been two months since the last negotiation with Gilkenifer, and Gilkenifer had indeed done what an ally should do. He immediately told Re-Estize that Erantel was the territory of the Magic King Ainz Ooal Gown, and demanded that they return it.

However, there had never been such a king in the history of Re-Estize, and Erantel had been their territory since the founding of the country.

The princes and nobles regarded Gilkenifer's order as a condition for going to war, and did not take Ainz Ooal Gown seriously.

But this was also normal. After all, the country of Estize values warriors more than magic, and has always looked down on magicians, so it was normal not to take Ainz Ooal Gown seriously.

""Okay, don't worry about your daughter. I will go to Kahn Village. And don't start so early, or I won't get the soul. Soul is a big deal to me. I need soul to advance." Rimuru lay on the throne of Momonga with a comfortable expression.

There was a big cushion on the throne, so Rimuru would sit on it. Otherwise, Rimuru would not sit on it even if he was paid.

"What are you yelling about? My daughter, and I'm worried about you. And the war won't start so soon, there are still several days."Flying Squirrel looked at Rimuru helplessly, standing next to the throne and looking at the forty-two flags on the high wall.

"Why are you worried about me? You don't think those mice can hurt me, do you? Of course I know, I'm just reminding you, remember to tell that Blood Emperor to pay attention too."Rimuru stretched his waist, stood up from the throne, jumped directly onto Momonga's shoulder and sat down, swinging his legs.

"Don't be careless, there are still many things in this world that we don't know. There's no need to tell him that the whole battle is led by us."Momonga raised his right hand and placed it on Rimuru's waist, fearing that she would fall.

"Don't worry, it's just an army of the Re-Yestije Kingdom, and the strongest one is probably the warrior captain you met. As the strongest in the empire, he should appear on the front battlefield. How could he be allowed to go to such a remote place like Kahn Village?

I guess those who go to Kahn Village are either useless princes or nobles who want to fight for power. Besides, I won't take action directly, and I also want to see what kind of person you have made Kahn Village become."

Rimuru said nonchalantly, playing with a scarlet bead in his hand. And the most important thing is that Rimuru knows the plot and the name of the show. Isn't the name of the show called"About Me Traveling Through Time to Become an Undead and Fighting Wisdom with the Air"?

"Oh, forget it. You won't listen anyway. It all goes in one ear and out the other. Lupusregina is also there. I feel more at ease with her around."Flying Squirrel sighed softly.

""Okay, I’m going to Carne Village now, you can have fun by yourself." Rimuru said as he jumped off Momonga’s shoulder. He took a step and suddenly thought of something. He turned around and looked at Momonga."By the way, I will leave Rosa and the others here. You can take them with you if you want, or not." After that, Rimuru trotted out of the room.

Momonga just watched Rimuru leave. After she left the room, Momonga started talking to himself with a puzzled look on his face."Why didn’t Rimuru use the Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown to teleport away? Isn’t she usually the laziest? Why did she suddenly become diligent?"

Rimuru would never say that she forgot about the teleportation ring. Well, absolutely not!

After leaving the room, Rimuru directly opened the portal and left Nazarick. In the blink of an eye, Rimuru appeared in the back mountain of Carne Village.

"I remember that the first thing that happened was that the village of Kahn was attacked, and then Enri blew the second horn and summoned the Goblin army. And I remember that there seemed to be quite a few soldiers here, so I'll just treat them as appetizers."

Rimuru didn't mind the dirtiness, and just sat on the cliff, looking at the village below, basking in the sun with a comfortable look on his face, his legs slowly swaying in the air.

"Lord Rimuru, why are you here? Is there anything you want to tell me?"Soon after, the wolf girl appeared beside Rimuru and said to him respectfully.

"Oh, I don't have anything to tell you, I just came to watch the show, the Kingdom of Li-Yestije has sent soldiers here, I want to see how Kahn Village will deal with so many soldiers."

Rimuru waved his hand, and at the same time said that he didn't need to worry about himself, and let the wolf sister do what she should do.

"Is that so? Then I understand, Lord Rimuru."After hearing what Rimuru said, the wolf sister thought about it, nodded, and became invisible again, disappearing from the spot, and no one knew where she went.

Time is like quicksand in the hand, unable to hold it, and two days passed in the blink of an eye. The prince of Li Yestije also came here, and has surrounded the entrance of the village tightly.

The prince's deputy was calling out, and Rimuru also used invisibility magic on himself, spread his dragon wings and floated in the air at the exit of the village, looking outside

"I am the messenger of Lord Barubro Andrean Yerud Lyle Fansef. Please open the door quickly and let us in!"

"Wow, what a long name, what a coward."Rimuru, standing next to the wolf girl, used the words of the Eastern giant who was courting death to complain about the prince.

"Huh? ?"The wolf girl was confused when she heard what Rimuru said. What? What do you mean by a coward? She didn't understand, but was shocked.

Because Enri didn't open the door after she called for a long time, the cowardly prince was a little angry. She wanted to ask quickly so that she could go to the main battlefield to show her heroic posture in battle. How could she waste time here!!

""Shoot arrows at the village!!"

Although the cowardly prince is a fool, there are still normal people around him. The battle on the main battlefield has not started yet, and it is not a good thing to massacre the residents of the territory here.

The cowardly prince listened to the advice. After listening to the words of the sergeants and generals around him, he only let his soldiers shoot arrows at the watchtower in Kahn Village, trying to intimidate Kahn Village.

Unexpectedly, this directly angered the villagers of Kahn Village. They were angry because the cowardly prince said bad things about Ainz Ooal Gown. Now that he was directly attacking, they could not bear it. They all expressed their desire to repay the kindness of Lord Ainz Ooal Gown!

I don’t know what Flying Squirrel said to those villagers before, but he actually took all the credit on himself. , but never mind, this is just fine, otherwise it would probably be very troublesome.

In fact, this is because Rimuru misunderstood Momonga. What Momonga told the villagers before was that his companion Rimuru was fighting outside, and asked him to comfort the villagers.

I don’t know what the villagers are thinking, they think that Momonga is the boss, and those fighting outside are his subordinates, so they regard Momonga as a benefactor.

No matter how Momonga explains, they all believe that he is his savior, and he has no choice but to do this, and he also knows that Rimuru probably doesn’t care about these, so he didn’t continue to explain.

Everyone in the village was ready to deal with it, and let Enri and Nfirea take the children to leave first, and the goblins led those who were able to fight to the battle.

"Oh, it's well arranged, that goblin seems to be quite powerful."Rimuru in the air looked at the goblin below carrying the weapon of the Eastern Giant and sighed

"Yes, Lord Rimuru, that was one of the goblins that Enri summoned by blowing the horn, and it has a high command value."The wolf sister standing behind Rimuru also gave an explanation at the right time.

The village, which had made all preparations, opened the tightly closed door. The timid prince standing outside couldn't help but smile when he saw the door open, but before the smile solidified, his eyes widened instantly.

It was because five tall ogres came out from the door of Kahn Village, waving their wooden sticks and killing all the soldiers who saw the door open and wanted to enter Kahn Village.

""Hahaha!! It's troll time!" Rimuru flew in the air, making clear and pleasant laughter while dubbing the ogres.

At the same time, he collected the souls of the soldiers killed by the ogres. Well, the appetizers are here. Rimuru looked at the soldiers on the hillside in the distance, his amber eyes full of eagerness, and he couldn't help but licking his lips with his pink tongue.

With a casual glance, he estimated that the number of these soldiers was already three or four thousand."Report: If you count those who were just killed by the ogres, the exact number is five thousand and thirty."The great sage gave the exact number at the right time.

Hehe, the more people the better. You know, what she fears least is too many people. The more people, the more souls. The more souls, the faster she can advance to the Demon King.

After cleaning up the soldiers and ogres, they turned back to the village and closed the door again.

The timid prince looked at the kingdom flag trampled by the ogres on the ground with a crazy expression. He called all the soldiers at the back door to the front door and prepared to storm the village of Kahn.

Seeing that there were no soldiers at the back door, Enri immediately took the children in the village and left through the back door. However, before they ran far, they were killed by the soldiers.

Enri looked at the soldiers who were getting closer and closer to her and others, took out the second horn, put it to her mouth and blew it. The sound of the horn was everywhere near Kahn Village.

Hearing the sound, Rimuru's smile became even bigger. ��, the famous scene is coming.

Cute King: The Slime Who Doesn't Do His Job

Cute King: The Slime Who Doesn't Do His Job - Chapter 61

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