
Cute King: The Slime Who Doesn't Do His Job - Chapter 74

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Cute King: The Slime Who Doesn't Do His Job

Cute King: The Slime Who Doesn't Do His Job - Chapter 74
During this month, Rimuru and Momonga have been experimenting with the armor. In his spare time, Momonga would go back to the Sorcerous Kingdom to look at documents. In short, both Rimuru and Momonga were very busy.

"Well, everyone has one, which is great. It’s worth the money I spent on Lumu."Rimuru sat on the throne, looking at the guardians kneeling on one knee on the ground below, each standing next to a piece of armor.

Each person's armor was made by Rimuru specifically according to the person they were given to, so there would be no confusion, and it was also soul-bound.

At the same time, Rimuru also tested the result he wanted to know before. Sure enough, the sound transmitted by the armor was based on the voice of the bound person.

He asked all the guardians to study their armor, and he opened the portal to the flying squirrel.

""Flying Squirrel, I'm leaving." Rimuru appeared directly in front of Flying Squirrel's desk and spoke.

Flying Squirrel, who was sitting behind the desk and reading documents, was also stunned. Has this day finally come?"I'm leaving. Although I've known that this day would come, I didn't expect it to come so soon, but it will be a few days later than I expected."

Flying Squirrel tried his best to speak to Rimuru in his normal tone, put down the documents in his hand, and looked up at Rimuru standing in front of the desk.

""Hey, this is for you. It allows you to contact me across the world, so we can still chat, but I won't be by your side anymore.

By the way, I have already comforted Albedo, Aura, and Mare, so you don't need to comfort them anymore. I will come back to see you more often, and I can even temporarily restore your flesh and blood so that you can play in my world."

Rimuru showed a bright smile to Momonga, and at the same time reached into the space to take out a most special armor and placed it next to Momonga.

When Momonga saw the armor, he was stunned for a moment, then raised his head and looked at Rimuru.

"This is the armor made just for you. How do you think it is? Although it is based on me, it has many functions and is even more powerful."

Yes, this is what made Momonga stunned. The whole armor looks like Rimuru. In fact, calling it armor is not very appropriate. It is more appropriate to call it a mechanical puppet.

"I made this for you to prevent you from missing me too much, or to make you feel more at ease."Rimuru reached out and patted the head of the mechanical doll made based on himself.

There was a weird feeling in my heart. After all, it was made based on me, and I patted its head. It was so strange.

"This puppet is the only one that cannot speak with the voice of the operator. The voice module I made specially is placed inside, which is my voice."

Rimuru said, poking the puppet's belly, and the puppet immediately spoke,"Why are you poking my belly, you mean it!"

"This is a parting gift, okay?"Rimuru let out a long sigh and looked at Momonga.

Momonga didn't say anything, just nodded, because he was afraid that he couldn't suppress his emotions. He hadn't seen the calm green light for a long time, and it seemed to have disappeared, so because of this, Momonga also had a lot of emotions.

"I have already said this to you last time, but I want to say it to you again. Time is like running water. It brings everything and takes everything away."

"Now, it's time for me to be taken away."Rimuru finished speaking, stretched out his hand to hug Momonga, and smiled at him,"We will meet again, and the water will bring me here again."

Without waiting for Momonga to answer, he turned around and entered the time and space gate, heading for his next world. He didn't know what he would encounter, who he would meet, and what he would experience. These were all unknown.

But it is the unknown that makes people more excited. This feeling is like some kind of drug. You will become addicted to it and can't give it up.

Momonga watched Rimuru walk into the portal of a different color, feeling a little sad. Now, he is the only one left. Oh no, there is also the puppet that Rimuru left for him.

He stretched out his hand to pick up the puppet and put it on his lap, as if he was hugging his daughter. He reached out from behind the puppet and looked at the document.

Feeling the weight on his legs, Momonga felt extremely relieved.

————————(Bone King ends a paragraph)————————

On the other side, Rimuru came to the next world through the space-time tunnel. Seeing that it was the modern world, he first used invisibility magic on himself to avoid being seen by others that he could fly and reduce unnecessary trouble.

He used dragon wings to fly in the air, waiting for Zi Le to tell him what world this was.

"Rimuru, this is Saiki K.'s Disaster, a daily drama with all kinds of nonsensical and funny stories. You can relax now."

Soon after, Zi Le's voice sounded in Rimuru's ears. After hearing what Zi Le said, Rimuru didn't even need to think carefully, and immediately remembered this world. It turned out to be here, so he was going to meet that terrifying man, Randou Riki, right?

"This is the identity card given to Rimuru. I wish Rimuru has fun in this world."Zi Le transmitted the information to Rimuru's soul, and then he stopped talking and went to see how Raphael taught Beelzebub.

Rimuru received the information data given by Zi Le, took a look, raised his eyebrows slightly, and a wicked smile immediately appeared on his face. Oh, this is getting interesting.

According to the information given by Zi Le, he quickly found the home of the protagonist Saiki Kusuo, and took a look inside the house with the reincarnation eye. Well, now is the time when Saiki Kusuo was just born.

First, he changed himself into his previous appearance of 1.3 meters, and then changed his clothes into extremely dirty clothes, his face was also dirty, and his hair was deliberately tangled.

This is really tormenting. You know, Rimuru has mysophobia, but in order to join this nonsensical family, I can only bear it for now.

Then I landed at the door of Saiki's house, pretending to faint from hunger, and fell to the ground, waiting to be picked up. It happened that at this time, Saiki Kusuo's mother, Saiki Kurumi, came back from outside with a lot of things.

Seeing Rimuru lying at the door, I felt a little sympathetic. Kurumi, who had just given birth not long ago, was overflowing with maternal love, so when she saw such a cute child like Rimuru lying at the door of her house, she took her home without thinking.

Although Rimuru's face was dirty, it was difficult to hide Rimuru's cute little face. Originally, Rimuru wanted to pretend, but he felt that it was not good to wake up so quickly, so he just went to sleep.

As soon as he woke up, he heard the conversation between Kurumi and Saiki Kusuo's father, Saiki Kuniharu

"Kurumi, are you really determined to adopt this child? Although we can afford it, Kusuo was just born, and there is also Kusuke. We already have two children in our family."

"Yes, she looks so pitiful. Dad, you saw the clothes on her. I don't know why her parents would be so cruel to abandon her."

"Oh my! You are indeed my favorite person, you are so loving, but if I adopt you, you can only be my younger sister, because Kusuo came first."

As expected of Saiki Kuniharu, he was serious one second, but immediately became abnormal the next second, and said to Kurumi in a very flattering tone.

"Oh, daddy is very loving too~" Kurumi reached out and hugged Saiki Kuniharu, and the two hugged each other.

Cute King: The Slime Who Doesn't Do His Job

Cute King: The Slime Who Doesn't Do His Job - Chapter 74

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