
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 10

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 10


Within the next two hours.

Shiraishi has been teaching Nobita all along.

【Ding! Use 'teaching' skills, proficiency +1].

【Ding! Use 'teaching' skills, proficiency +1].

【Ding! Use 'teaching' skills, proficiency +1].


【Ding! Use 'teaching' skills, proficiency +1].

After having teaching skills.

Even if it is only a rudimentary teaching skill, Shiraishi's teaching ability is comparable to that of an ordinary teacher.

This is stronger than before.

After all, although Shiraishi had pinched the fourth-grade math problems in his hand before, his teaching was not so smooth.

Now that I teach Nobita, it's even smoother.

Shiraishi completely regarded Nobita as an experience baby, and he was very comfortable watching his proficiency continue to rise.

And the result of this is that Nobita is bitter.

But Shiraishi has acquired teaching skills, and at this time he has the style of an old teacher, and when he sees Nobita being lazy, he will directly pinch the other party.

Nobita only dared to cry out, but did not dare to really escape.

Doraemon clasped her hands to her chest, sat on the side, and nodded her head very gratifyingly.

My cousin really deserves to be a cousin.

"Seeing Nobita who works hard, it's so moved, woo-woo."

Just then, footsteps sounded.

It was Nobi Tamago who came up with the snack.

Today's dim sum is six dorayaki, two per person, plus three glasses of juice.


Nobi Tamago opened the door and wanted to shout, but was blocked by Doraemon raising her finger and shouting 'shh'.

"Mom, Nobita is working hard."

Doraemon walked lightly to the door, then picked up the tray of snacks and said, "The sound should be quieter, so as not to affect Nobita and Cousin Shiraishi." "


When Nobi Yuko saw this scene, she froze for a moment, and then nodded excitedly in a low voice, "Doraemon, when they are done, remember to call them to eat snacks, especially Xiaobai." "

"Good! I know! "

Doraemon nodded sharply, "Wrap it around me, Mom." "

"Then I won't bother you guys first."

Nobi Yuko's footsteps downstairs were much lighter, and it could be seen that he was really happy.

There is an extra white stone at home to stare at Nobita, for her, it is simply not too good.

"The child's decision by his father to let Xiaobai live in our house is really correct."

Doraemon is also very happy about Shiraishi's arrival.

He even smiled happily, his eyes narrowed with a bright smile, looked at Nobita, who had made unprecedented efforts, picked up a causeway and ate it, and was moved while eating.



Just when Shiraishi treats Nobita as an experience baby and constantly brushes experience.

Fat Tiger found Xiaofu and joined Xiaofu at Xiaofu's house.

This morning.

Fat Tiger was indeed a little frightened by Shiraishi.

But after reacting, the fat tiger immediately turned red with anger.

It was a shame for him to be so obedient in front of Nobita, Doraemon, and Shizuka.

That actually scares yourself!

Too ashamed, too ashamed, how can I be the child king in the future?

"That white stone, it's really abominable!"

Fat Tiger said viciously, his fist constantly gesturing, "I must find an opportunity to beat him hard!" "

"Fat Tiger, it seems that we think the same."

Xiaofu laughed treacherously, and then said very dissatisfied: "However, in addition to Shiraishi, that Nobita is also very hateful, relying on his cousin, he actually dares to be so arrogant!" "

"That's right!"

Fat Tiger nodded thoughtfully: "That guy in Nobita, just followed his cousin against me, this is clearly not to see me in the eyes, he must also teach a lesson!" "

"Without further ado, Fat Tiger, we'll go to meet Shiraishi and Nobita later, so don't make an appointment with Doraemon."

Xiaofu looked like a dog-headed military master, touched his chin and laughed treacherously: "Doraemon, this smelly robot, there are too many strange props in his hand, if you call him together, who knows what he can come up with." "

"That's right, Doraemon has too many strange props, and he must not let him know."

Fat Tiger also nodded in agreement, mainly he usually didn't use his brain, what Xiaofu said, that is, what.

"Wait for me, Fat Tiger, I'll find a way to seduce Shiraishi and Nobita out..."

"It's okay, anyway, you have a lot of snacks at home, I'll eat a few more..."

Xiaofu looked at the fat tiger who was eating a lot, a line of ellipses floated on his forehead, and covered his forehead speechlessly.

"Forget it, Fat Tiger loves to eat, let him eat it..."



The other side.

At this moment, the time has come to two thirty in the afternoon.

Since eating lunch at eleven forty-five.

Shiraishi and Nobita had been sitting at their desks.

【Ding! Use 'teaching' skills, proficiency +1].

【Ding! Use 'teaching' skills, proficiency +1].

【Ding! Use 'teaching' skills, proficiency +1].

The more Shiraishi taught, the more vigorous he became, and Nobita gradually immersed himself a little.

Although it is only a little, it can be regarded as a qualitative improvement.

"Okay, take a break."

Shiraishi glanced at the time, it was already half past two, and if he counted that he had been studying for more than two hours, nearly three hours, it was time for Nobita to rest.

After all, experience babies can't be raised to death, can they?


(It seems that the vote can only be seen in the web version, and if you don't see it, you can just say it in the comments.)

The question is whether or not a harem.

1: Must harem, how can the fandom not be a harem?

2: In childhood, I didn't want to tear down the heroine. )

(Here to say once, as long as it is a follow-up and the protagonist, but if there is an ambiguity, it will not be given away, please rest assured.) )

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 10

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