
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 11

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 11



Hearing that it is finally possible to rest.

Nobita Nobita's whole person instantly became energetic, opened his hands and laughed, "It's finally over!! Awesome!! "

Finally, the devil knows how tormented he was in his heart for more than two hours.



Doraemon smiled at her aunt, and clapped next to her: "Congratulations Nobita, Nobita, you have broken the record for the longest time to study today!" "


Nobita crossed his hands at the waist.

"Of course it is."

Shiraishi pointed to the roll on the table and said, "Look at your results in these two and a half hours." "

Nobita looked at it.

See the dense answer on that scroll.

I was stunned.

"Wow...!! Did I do all this?!! "

"That's for sure, it's not you who did it, is it still me?"

Bai Shi clasped his hands to his chest and smiled: "The performance of these two and a half hours will give you 99 points, and give you one less point, I am afraid that you will be proud." "


Nobita froze for a while, then crossed his hands at the waist, and a sense of accomplishment welled up in his heart, "I really did all this!" "

"Okay, Nobita, stop standing, come and eat..."

The word 'heart' behind Doraemon was not spoken, and the words stopped abruptly.

Because he suddenly found that he had just watched Nobita write his homework and cook, and he had unknowingly eaten four tongyaki, and now there are only two left....

Nobita had not yet realized the 'seriousness' of the matter, and was still shouting excitedly: "Yay! Have a snack! "

"The sweets after hard work are the most fragrant, Nobita, you must experience it."

Shiraishi also nodded beside him.


Nobita suddenly saw that there were only two dorayaki left on the snack tray, and then looked at Doraemon, who was scratching his head with an embarrassed smile, and his face turned red sharply: "Doraemon!! You actually ate all my tongyaki!! "

Screaming, Nobita pounced directly on Doraemon.

"Doraemon! Do you know how much happiness I will lose according to what Cousin Shiraishi said!! "

"Happiness! What an important thing that is!! "

After making trouble for a while, Nobita also knew that he had eaten everything, and now it was useless to make trouble, so he could only squat and sulk again.

Doraemon also knew that this matter was his own loss, and he didn't know what to say from beginning to end.

"I'm sorry, Nobita."

"I was wrong."

"I accidentally ate it just now."

"Really, really, really careless!"

Nobita didn't bother to pay attention to Doraemon, picked up the snack tray and handed it to Shiraishi, saying, "Cousin Shiraishi, these two tongyaki will be eaten for you." "

"So good?"

Shiraishi questioned from beginning to end.

"Of course!"

Nobita nodded without hesitation and said, "Although I wrote these topics myself, I know that Cousin Shiraishi, you have put in no less effort than me, or even more than me!" So...... This snack... Let's eat it for you! "

Saying that, Nobita handed over the snack tray a little more, and he suddenly closed his eyes and turned his head.

"This kid..."

Shiraishi looked at the gong in front of him, a little crying and laughing.

However, there are still some improvements to Nobita, at least it seems to be instigated, but in fact, many things are clear in his heart.


Seeing this scene, Doraemon felt even more guilty in her heart, "Nobita, cousin Shiraishi, you wait..."

I saw Doraemon's little short hand digging and pulling out in his four-dimensional treasure bag, and finally took out a bottle of potion:

"Dangdangdang! Double the potion! "


Shiraishi looked at this doubling potion, and suddenly some bad feelings rose in his heart.

"Doraemon, what is this?"

Nobi comes faster than Daxiong and walks faster, after all, this is Doraemon.

"Hehe, I'm really sorry that I accidentally ate your gong just now."

Doraemon first scratched his head and apologized, and then continued: "I suddenly remembered this prop, as long as you drop a drop of potion on the causeway, after five minutes, the causeway can become two, and after five minutes, two can become four..."


Nobita's eyes lit up, "Hurry up and drip up!" "


Shiraishi quickly called a halt.

Good fellow, sure enough, it's the same as I thought.

Doubling potion, also known as doubling liquid.

It is the most inconspicuous but most dangerous item in Doraemon.

Drop the doubling liquid on any item and the item will double after 5 minutes. It won't go away unless you eat it.

After 5 minutes, it changes from 1 to 2.

After another 5 minutes, it went from 2 to 4.

After another 5 minutes, it went from 4 to 8.

That doesn't sound like a lot.

But over time, it will be 8 to 16, 16 to 32, 32 to 64, 64 to 128...

In the previous life, many people calculated that the earth was 510 billion square meters, and a loaf of bread was calculated by 0.01 square meters, and it only took 4 hours and 40 minutes to cover the earth.


(Thanks to [gylw.] for the 100 VIP points, thanks to [Human Final Trial: Perpetual Motion Mechanism] for the 100 VIP points, thanks to [Broly X] for the 100 VIP points, this Broly X I have seen you in the comment area of many books, I didn't expect you to actually tip, thank you.) )

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 11

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