
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 12

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 12


The follow-up will be even more exaggerated, and even in less than 1 day, the entire universe can be annihilated....

Of course, annihilating the universe is certainly impossible, and there are big hands that overturn this statement.

First, the bread will multiply in the above, rapidly expanding in volume and becoming a huge collection of bread, called bread balls.

When expanded to a certain extent, the speed of the edge of the bread ball will be close to the speed of light, and the mass of the edge bread will tend to infinity due to the effect of relativity. The edge of the breadball can only be advanced at the speed of light at the highest speed, and the growth of the bread mass is limited.

When the mass index of the bread dough increases, but the volume of the bread dough can only increase slowly, the density of the bread dough will increase, and the pressure and temperature in the center will also increase.

When the temperature and pressure of the core ignite the thermonuclear reaction, the bread ball becomes a star, all bread ceases to exist, and proliferation stops.

In the subsequent theatrical version, the chestnut bread dripping with double potion in the plot has formed a nebula....

Although it cannot fill a universe.

However, subdating the earth is a breeze.

Shiraishi is not ready to escape the earth!

The devil knows this thing, will it be missed.

If he was given to eat alone, of course he would be able to guarantee that he would eat it all, but don't forget that there are Nobita and Doraemon.

Nobita's favorite thing is to get some moths, maybe secretly carry a causeway in his pocket and go out....

"Huh? What's wrong, Cousin Shiraishi? "

Nobita and Doraemon were both shocked by Shiraishi's reaction and looked at him suspiciously.

"It's better not to use props, you can't rely on props for everything."

Shiraishi then spoke.


Doraemon and Nobita still looked a little hesitant, Shiraishi directly stuffed a gongyaki into Nobita's hand, "Don't use double potion, I'll give you one, delicious food or something, just to share it to be delicious, right?" "

Nobita Nobita also showed a smile on his face at this time, took a bite of the tongyaki in his hand, and smiled happily: "Hmm... It's delicious...!! Sure enough, just like cousin Shiraishi said, the dim sum after hard work is the most delicious! "

Saying that, he sat directly on the tatami mat and enjoyed the few gong burning.

"Hey, hey..."

Doraemon also had a reassuring smile on her face, and put the doubling potion back into her four-dimensional treasure bag.

Shiraishi breathed a sigh of relief, he wasn't ready to leave Earth yet.

Moreover, history affects the whole body, and if the earth is submerged now, maybe the next century will not exist, then it will definitely be more fucked ....

He also took a tongyaki and ate it.

Causeway yaki, in fact, is red bean paste pie, but I have to say that Doraemon likes to eat so much, it must have its own unique flavor.

At least Shiraishi's eyes lit up, and he felt that this thing was indeed very sweet, and it was simply suitable for using it as a snack to replenish the energy of the afternoon.

The other side.

Nobita finished eating the tongyaki, drank the juice in a few sips, and then ran down with his own roll, showing off his two and a half hours with his mother.

There is a saying that comes to it.

Wealth does not return home, like a night walk in brocade clothes.

Although this phrase is not actually appropriate here, it has a common meaning.

Nobita Nobita can say that he has never been so diligent in his life, how can he not show off?


Shiraishi and Doraemon looked at each other and both smiled.

After a while, Nobita returned, jumping as he walked, his steps were particularly light, and the roll he was holding in his hand fluttered around, as if it had turned into a ribbon.

He was still humming a little tune in his mouth.

Just by looking at it, you know that the result must be good.

"Was it praised by Aunt Yuzi?"

Shiraishi pressed Nobita with his elbow and asked mockingly.

"Hey, hey... You all know what I'm going to do..."

Nobita scratched his head embarrassedly and said, "Hmm! Praised by my mother! "

"Well, it feels good to be praised by your mother, right?"

Doraemon also crawled to Nobita's side.

"Hmm! Very good! "

Nobita Nobita nodded without hesitation.

"Have you decided to continue working hard?"

"Of course!"

Nobita nodded directly again: "Mom praised me just now, I can't let my mother down!" "

Doraemon and Shiraishi looked at each other and decided to strike while the iron was hot, "Then since that's the case, the snack is finished, and the rest is almost the same, are you going to continue to study?" I'm sure Cousin Shiraishi will be very willing to tutor you again!" "

Shiraishi also nodded and said: "I definitely want to, after all, I am also very happy to make Aunt Yuzi happy." "

"It's okay, I've been studying for a long time today, I have to replenish my energy."

However, unexpected, but seemingly expected.

Nobita fell directly on the tatami, closed his eyes, and covered his face with a roll.

Doraemon stepped forward to stop him, but before her hand could catch the scroll, she heard a snoring sound.

"Whew... Call...... Phew..."

The corners of Doraemon's mouth twitched slightly, and he glanced at Shiraishi, and both of them spread their hands helplessly.

Nobita, this guy.

There is no other specialty, which is to sleep fast!

This is not, show you in minutes.


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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 12

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