
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 13

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 13


"Forget it, Doraemon, Nobita has also broken through himself today, and it will be the same to continue tomorrow."

Shiraishi said softly, "Just right, let's all take a break." "

"Hmm! I know, Cousin Shiraishi! "

Doraemon nodded, also fell to the ground, put her hands on her chest, looked at the ceiling, and her heart was very peaceful.

With Cousin Shiraishi here, I feel a lot more relaxed! That's great!

In the future, Nobita will definitely get better and better under the influence of Shiraishi's cousin!

Shiraishi also fell down, closing his eyes slightly.

This afternoon, it's not just Nobita.

The biggest gain is still here in Shiraishi.

【Ding! The host acquires skills 'teaching'! 】

[Host: Shiraishi

Physique: Little Superman

Skills: Teaching Elementary (32/100)].

Proficiency in teaching has reached one-third of the level.

According to this situation, in three more days, Shiraishi's skill can reach the intermediate level.

It can only be said that Nobita's experience baby is worthy of its name.

It is worth mentioning that even if Nobita does not actually learn, as long as Shiraishi has taught, he will gain proficiency.

This is exactly in line with what Shiraishi learned after he obtained Goldfinger yesterday: as long as you work hard, you can gain proficiency.


Shiraishi stretched out on the tatami.

He was also ready to get some sleep.

Close your eyes, and envy Nobita's physique that can sleep when you sleep, and it is still a deep sleep when you sleep, which is too enviable.

Or most children are like this, Shiraishi was an adult in his previous life, and his head was loaded with things before going to bed, and it was not easy to fall asleep.

Fortunately, when he returned to elementary school, Shiraishi's mentality gradually improved, and he fell asleep not long after falling to the ground.

Time passed slowly, and it was about three o'clock.

Shiraishi and Doraemon have woken up.

"Sleep comfortably, Doraemon."

Shiraishi asked.

"Of course it's comfortable."

Doraemon nodded and said, "Nobita, that guy made me very worry-free today, and I slept very relaxed." "

"That's good."

Shiraishi nodded and said, "After all, I am also a part of the family now, and it is also my honor to be able to do something for the family." "

"Hehe, cousin Shiraishi, I will take more care in the future."

Doraemon smiled and sat cross-legged in a serious manner.

"Haha, don't worry."

Shiraishi patted Doraemon's head.

"Nobita! There is a call from the little man looking for you! Hurry up and come down to pick it up! "

At this time, Nobi Yuko's voice sounded below.

Shiraishi and Doraemon looked at each other and directly pushed Nobita awake.

"What happened... Cousin Shiraishi... Doraemon..."

Nobita yawned, looking like he hadn't slept enough.

In this regard, Shiraishi can only sigh, napping for so long is not enough, you are going to fly.

Doraemon, on the other hand, has long been used to it.

Nobita slept fast, slept soundly, and slept long, as long as he didn't call him, he could sleep until tomorrow.

"Xiaofu is looking for you, Nobita, go down and answer the phone quickly."

"Xiaofu, this guy, what are you looking for me for."

Nobita put his glasses on, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and then went to the first floor with Shiraishi and Doraemon and picked up the phone that was set aside.

"Hey, Nobita, what the hell are you doing, why are you only answering the phone now."

As soon as I picked up the phone, I heard the complaining voice of the little man inside, "I've been waiting for you for a long time!" "

"Yes, Nobita, if you slow down, I'm going to beat you!"

At the same time, there is the voice of the fat tiger threatening.

"I was just sleeping, who knew you would suddenly look for me."

Nobita Nobita couldn't help but complain, "What's the matter, little man?" "

“...... You! "

Xiaofu was choked for a moment, but still forced himself to calm down: "There are some things to find you and Cousin Shiraishi, let's go to the back mountain to gather together." "

"Why did you suddenly want to find me to go to the back mountain?"

Nobita wondered.

"Oh, it's just a little thing..."

Xiaofu looked a little embarrassed to speak, and then the phone was taken by Fat Tiger and said: "Xiaofu is embarrassed to say, I'll say it." "

"Didn't that guy go away this morning? Later, he reacted that he shouldn't treat us like that, so he took his own remote control car, just to exchange it with you, come to the back mountain we will give you the latest remote control car to play with Shiraishi's cousin, and then go to the open space and let Doraemon give his props to Xiaofu to play with. "

"Moreover, for this reason, Xiaofu wants to apologize to you and Cousin Shiraishi."

"Oh... That's how it is..."

Nobita suddenly realized.

Doraemon didn't hear what was going on, but with Shiraishi's hearing, he heard it clearly, and he was suddenly a little suspicious.

Is Xiaofu the kind of person who will apologize?

It doesn't look like it.

"If that's the case, no problem."

Before Shiraishi could come up with a reason.

Nobita directly agreed to Xiaofu and Fat Tiger's invitation with a very big grin.

"That's right, Nobita."

At this time, the other side of the phone became Xiaofu again, "Don't talk to Doraemon about this, as long as you and Cousin Shiraishi come." "


Nobita scratched his head, still not figuring out the mystery.



(Today is another late day, tomorrow I will add more to everyone.) )

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 13

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