
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 14

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 14


"After all, it's such a thing as apologizing, of course, the fewer people, the better."

Xiaofu's voice sounded a little embarrassed, and the fat tiger next to him also rubbed the microphone and said: "Yes, it's already very good that Xiaofu can apologize, it's better if there are fewer people, how about saving some face for Xiaofu." "

"Of course, the main thing is up to you, if Nobita wants to bring Doraemon, it's not impossible."

Nobita Nobita immediately shook his head when he heard this: "Okay, okay, whatever you say, I'll take Cousin Shiraishi to the back mountain immediately." "

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

"Why do you want to take Cousin Shiraishi to the back mountain?"

Doraemon scratched her head beside her in confusion.

"It's nothing, it's just that Xiaofu and Fat Tiger suddenly asked me and Cousin Shiraishi to go to the back mountain to play."

Nobita didn't say much, just pulled Shiraishi and went out.

"Nobita, this is also too anxious."

Doraemon shook her head, watched the two leave, and then went back to the room to rest.

"Oops! I made an appointment with Xiaomi today!! "



Follow Nobita.

Shiraishi thought about what was wrong with Xiaofu and Fat Tiger.

First of all, this little husband is also too strange, he himself thinks that he still has some understanding of the characters in Doraemon, how can Xiaofu apologize?

It is also a strange place not to let Doraemon follow, why not let Doraemon follow, and play Doraemon's props later, not to find Doraemon.

Moreover, the last sentence saying that it is okay for Nobita to bring Doraemon, it is still very strange.

There is quite a feeling of tea in tea.

It is okay to say it with Doraemon, but hearing it will give people a very uncomfortable feeling.

Not to mention the fat tiger, he talks like crosstalk, and he sings and harmonizes with Xiaofu.

It can only be said that this afternoon's Xiaofu and Fat Tiger are not right anywhere.

"Forget it, what is this."

Shiraishi suddenly felt a little stupid, and actually seriously analyzed the intentions of Fat Tiger and Xiaofu.

What is there to analyze here, just ask directly, what can these two little fart children do?

Soon, Shiraishi followed Nobita to the back mountain.

The back mountain that several of their friends agreed with generally refers to the park at the foot of the back mountain that does not need to walk up for a long time.

"Huh? What about Fat Tiger and Little Husband? "

Nobita came to the park, confused, Fat Tiger and Xiaofu didn't ...

Oh no, here it is.

Xiaofu jumped out of nowhere, clapping, still holding a slingshot in his left hand, and said with a treacherous smile on his face: "Hehe, you guys are really here!" "

This kid really has something hidden in his heart.

Shiraishi saw it.

Nobita Nobita didn't see it yet, and looked left and right: "Xiaofu, where is the fat tiger?" "

"Nobita, you're such an idiot!"

Xiaofu laughed and said, "Do you really think I will apologize to you and your cousin Shiraishi?" If you come to the back mountain, I will definitely teach you a hard lesson! Don't bring Doraemon, you really don't bring Doraemon, you're really a super stupid! "

"Nobita, you're really stupid!"

At this time, the sound of a fat tiger came from the tree next to it, and it turned out that the fat tiger kid climbed onto a tree next to it.

He also holds a slingshot in his left hand and a stone in his right hand.

“...... You! You! "

No matter how stupid Nobita was to understand the meaning of Xiaofu and Fat Tiger, he suddenly blocked Shiraishi behind him in a little panic, "Doraemon!" Doraemon!! "

"Hahahahaha, what's the use of shouting Doraemon now?"

The little man laughed, directly put the stone on the slingshot and pulled away: "Fat tiger! Do it! "

"Okay, little husband, I'm already ready to move!"

Fat Tiger said excitedly, in this kind of thing, Fat Tiger can be described as pure fire, pulling a bow and shooting small pebbles!



Both stones shot towards Nobita, who was blocking Shiraishi, and Nobita reflexively closed his eyes and blocked his hands in front of his face.

But the imaginary pain did not come, and Nobita opened his eyes in confusion and found that Shiraishi was blocking in front of him in turn.

Shiraishi pinched two stones in each of his two hands, learning how Xiaofu looked upside down just now.

"Are you okay, Fat Tiger, little man?"

Shiraishi made a sarcastic remark, he was not good to say anything about the urine nature of these two people, the bear child is like this.


Xiaofu looked at the arrogant Baishi, and was directly angry by Baishi's words, gritting his teeth and shouting: "Fat tiger, we send in a row!" "

"Received! This kid is too arrogant! "


In an instant, four more stones were all fired towards Shiraishi.

However, I saw that Bai Shiyan quickly blocked it all with his hand, and fell to the ground with a click.

"You guy!"

The fat tiger was angry and corrupted, and did not listen to the command of the little man, and the stones clicked like a machine gun like a machine gun.

Unfortunately, every shot was not blocked by white stones.

"Cousin Shiraishi! You're amazing!! "

Nobita was dumbfounded, and shouted excitedly: "Hahahaha, you must teach the two guys Fat Tiger and Xiaofu a hard lesson!" Let them see how good you are!! "

This is the moment.

Fat Tiger and Xiaofu were completely shocked by Shiraishi's operation, especially Xiaofu, who soon showed fear and turned around to escape.


(There is a plus more today, at least five chapters will be dedicated to everyone, I will go to sleep first, the rest will basically be sent out at night, don't worry.) )

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 14

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