
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 15

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 15


"You monster!"

The fat tiger was also shocked.

In the eyes of these children, Shiraishi's hand operation is simply a divine hand, too powerful.

It doesn't matter if you can fight it or not, as long as you see this operation, you will reflexively think that this guy is very strong, very outrageously strong, and then you will want to run away.

Even if in fact, Shiraishi's body size is nothing compared to the fat tiger.

This is a psychological fear.

Little Husband... And Fat Tiger, this is what I think about now.

Seeing Xiaofu, this guy turned around and was about to run.

A smile appeared on Shiraishi's face, and he casually threw out a stone in his hand.


It was obviously thrown out with his hands, but he felt more powerful than a slingshot, and he smashed directly on Xiaofu's thigh.

Only listening to the sound of Ouch, Xiaofu fell to the ground in response, facing Shiraishi and retreating one after another, very afraid.

Bai Shi smiled sinisterly, holding another stone in his hand, and slowly approached Xiaofu: "Xiaofu, what did you just call me?" What's to blame? "

"No, no

, no, no, no

The little man retreated while leaving a cold sweat, and then waved his hand, but unfortunately his feet hurt, and he could only rub on the ground.

"Fat Tiger, where do you want to escape?"

Without even looking at it, Shiraishi threw another stone with his backhand, and directly shot down the fat tiger who climbed the tree halfway down and was ready to run.

With the same ouch, the fat tiger fell directly into the grass, and then crawled to Xiaofu's side and leaned against Xiaofu, shivering and looking at Baishi.

People who don't know still think that Shiraishi is a big devil, and Fat Tiger and Xiaofu are bullied civilians.

"Cousin! Cousin! You're too awesome too!! "

Nobita Nobita saw the end from the beginning, his face was full of excitement, and his hands were constantly waving martial arts movements, "This fat tiger and the little man, actually tricked us here and wanted to sneak up on us, it's really bad, we must teach them a good lesson!" "

"Well, Nobita, you're right."

Shiraishi nodded approvingly, and then looked sideways at the two.

"Cousin Shiraishi! Don't you listen to Nobita!! "

The two people of Fat Tiger and Xiaofu directly pressed their faces to each other, their hands interlocked with ten fingers, and their eyes were tearful.

"Why don't you listen?"

Shiraishi deliberately kept his voice down, like a villain in a cartoon, bent down slightly, narrowed his eyes at them, and said in a very forced tone: "I think that to deal with you two bad boys is to break your hand with a slingshot..."

"Ah! Mom!!!! "

Fat Tiger and Xiaofu couldn't hold back anymore, so they turned around and ran directly, shouting for their mother while running.

"Hahaha! Fat Tiger and Xiaofu are so funny! Aha! "

Nobita laughed hilarious and looked at the two who ran away.

Bai Shi's eyes were also full of smiles, straightened up, hugged his hands to his chest, and said in a very uncaring tone: "Hmm... I'm thinking about one thing, do I want to tell my mother about this side, Fat Tiger? "


The fat tiger's footsteps stopped instantly, and then he grabbed the little man who was about to flee forward.

"Ahhh!! Fat Tiger! Why are you trying to catch me! Cousin Shiraishi just mentioned you, right!! "

Fat Tiger didn't care about Xiaofu's wail, dragged him around, and trotted to Shiraishi's side with a very flattering smile: "Hehe, hehe... Cousin Baishi, this time the matter was all planned by this guy Xiaofu, and it has nothing to do with me, this guy Xiaofu is really very hateful, if you want to, I will definitely help you teach him a hard lesson! "

As if to confirm the credibility of his words, the fat tiger also viciously hammered Xiaofu's head, and directly squatted Xiaofu's head to prevent it.


Shiraishi couldn't help but smile.

Fat tiger, in addition to loving to bully, also has a characteristic, that is, the big filial piety, who cares about his family.

He doesn't like the fact that he bullies outside is known by his mother, and he will definitely be beaten!

In the eyes of children at this age, parents are simply more terrifying existences than anything, and the child Wang Fat Tiger is no exception.


Before Shiraishi could speak, Nobita next to him said suspiciously.


A word 'well' appeared on the forehead of the fat tiger, you are a smelly Nobita, are you questioning my fat tiger?

However, people had to bow their heads under the eaves, and the fat tiger could only keep nodding: "Of course, of course, it must be Xiaofu's conspiracy, I was just deceived by him!" "

"What, Fat Tiger, obviously you came to me first... Woooo!! "

Xiaofu's pain eased over, and when he heard Fat Tiger speak, he was suddenly a little anxious, but soon he was forced to cover his mouth with his hand by Fat Tiger laughing.

"I think so too."

Nobita didn't see the problem at all, but nodded thoughtfully: "The fat tiger's head is indeed not a person who can come up with this kind of idea, and a guy like Xiaofu who looks treacherous at a glance will come up with this kind of idea!" "

At that moment, the word 'well' appeared on both the foreheads of Fat Tiger and Xiaofu.


You guy!

It's really ... It's too bad!!


(Speechless, signed a contract today, said that my book title is not good, don't let me pass the review...) What's the title of my book? )

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 15

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