
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 16

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 16


You can see it.

Fat Tiger and Xiaofu are really angry.

Even if there is Shiraishi, a strong little friend who is enough to make them 'people have to bow their heads under the roof'.

They can't help but be blushing.

That look was full of murderous intent, and he couldn't wait to rush up now and swallow Nobita alive.

"Nobita, you're awesome."

Shiraishi extended a thumb and looked at Nobita in amazement.


He really admired Nobita's ability.

Just a short sentence, offended Fat Tiger and Xiaofu respectively.

That sentence is no different from pointing to the nose and saying that the fat tiger is a pig's head, and the little man looks like a bad person.

No wonder Nobita is often beaten.

Change the white stone to beat him too.

What this kid said was really unbelievable.

"No, it's still Cousin Shiraishi, you are powerful."

Nobita obviously didn't realize what Shiraishi meant.

I scratched my head embarrassedly.

"It's not saved."

Shiraishi covered his forehead helplessly.

He couldn't help but punch Nobita.

But now at this time, it is better to get the big and small duo of Fat Tiger and Xiaofu first.

Shiraishi noticed that he was looking at the two of them.

The fat tiger immediately stood up and almost broke the little fu.


Suddenly, Shiraishi's left hand moved, and his right hand began to press the muscles on his left hand, and his brows furrowed slightly: "Hiss... Why is my hand a little sore..."

"Ouch... Both hands hurt a little..."

"Was it injured by you just now, what if there are any sequelae left, it seems that you still have to talk to your mother, otherwise how to send me to the hospital..."

Although this is very nonsense, Fat Tiger and Xiaofu, even Nobita do not believe the nonsense that Shiraishi said, and the performance is very clumsy.

But Fat Tiger's brain at this time is still very shrewd.

Immediately push the little man.

Then he ran to Shiraishi's side flatteringly to massage Shiraishi's left hand, and Xiaofu was forced to massage his right hand.

"Cousin Shiraishi, I'll help you massage!"

Two people are like doglegs.

Shiraishi 'clamped' him on the bench next to him.

"How's that, Shu is uncomfortable, Cousin Shiraishi?"

"Fortunately, it would be better if you pressed a little harder."

"No problem, no problem! Little Husband! Did you not eat?! "

"Got it! Got it! "

"Why are you suddenly a little thirsty."

"Little man! Hurry up and buy the best drink for Cousin Shiraishi! No, not only the best drink, but also the most expensive! I don't understand! "

"Huh?! Why should I go? And the most expensive?! "

"Nonsense, the richest person here is you, don't I go? Well?! "

"I know, I know!!"

Xiaofu was bluffed by the threatening eyes of the fat tiger, Bai Shi can't be offended, and the fat tiger can't be offended.

He could only cry with a sad face, quickly ran towards the foot of the mountain, and couldn't help but complain while running: "What, obviously it's all Fat Tiger, you came to my house first, just now Cousin Shiraishi also threatened to tell your mother, and didn't want to tell my mother, it's good if you don't leave me, hateful fat tiger ...!" "

"Little man! What are you doing, can you be faster, didn't you see that Cousin Shiraishi is thirsty!! "

"Got it, I really know, don't rush me anymore!!"

Looking at Shiraishi, who was massaged by the fat tiger and then drank the sprite drink that was quite extravagant at this age.

Nobita was watching from the side.

The admiration in my eyes is almost overflowing.

"Cousin Shiraishi is really powerful, too powerful, I will become a man like Cousin Shiraishi in the future!"

In this regard, if Shiraishi knew what Daxiong was thinking, he would only say: "Young man, if you want to become a man like me, first learn how to bask in the sun and become stronger." "

"How is it, cousin Shiraishi, is the drink good? Is the massage uncomfortable? "

Fat Tiger is now acting very dog-legged, and he really doesn't want Shiraishi to make a small report.

For many children of this age.

It is a very shameful thing to make a small report, but Shiraishi will not have such thoughts.

This kind of bear child, don't make a small report, let his parents teach it well, how can it?

Of course, the little fat tiger is like this, and Shiraishi will naturally not go to sue.

If he still dies and does not repent, he will definitely not mind suing him.

In this way, 'tortured' Fat Tiger and Xiaofu for about an hour, let them run up and down, buy this snack, buy that drink, which is equivalent to climbing the mountain several times.

In the end, Fat Tiger and Xiaofu ran separately, both of them had already run to collapse, collapsed on the ground and kept panting, unable to speak.

"Okay, let's go, Nobita."

Shiraishi stood up and stretched, and left the back mountain directly with Nobita.

Only Fat Tiger and Xiaofu were left panting in place, sweating profusely, and the clothes on their bodies were soaked.

"Whew... Call...... Phew..."

Fat Tiger and Xiaofu looked at each other.

"Cousin Shiraishi is terrible."

"You must not offend him again in the future."

"It's terrible, it's terrible!!"

Obviously, Shiraishi's torture has left a psychological shadow on the fat tiger and the little husband, and they huffed and rested on the mountain for half an hour before barely reluctantly relieving themselves and helping them to climb down the mountain....


(The previous daily writing is almost the same, about to enter the theatrical version, don't be stingy with comments, comment in the comment area, give everyone two choices, 1 is the mermaid sea battle, 2 is the steel corps!) )

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 16

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