
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 17

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 17


Back home.

Doraemon is sitting alone in the room because her date with Xiaomi has failed, looking at the scenery outside the window and emo.





Nobita rushed to Doraemon with a big grin, and couldn't help but excited: "Doraemon! Do you know what just happened?! "

"What happened?"

Doraemon glanced at Nobita and asked weakly.

Now he is very unloveable.

Just now, Xiaomi seemed to be angry, ignored him, and didn't know what to look like to coax.

"Just now, Fat Tiger and Xiaofu asked us to go to the back mountain, lied to me and said that they wanted to call Cousin Shiraishi together, and then apologize to Cousin Baishi!"

"But, in fact, these two guys, who also brought slingshots, just wanted to bully me and Cousin Shiraishi!"

Before Nobita finished speaking, Doraemon blew his beard and glared.

The feeling of suffocation that he had just received from Xiaomi exploded at this moment.


"What?! Fat Tiger and Little Husband, these two nasty guys!! "

Doraemon's hand was extremely fast, his face turned red, and he was so angry that he directly took out three air cannons from the four-dimensional treasure bag, plus three bamboo dragonflies, "Follow me, I must let these two guys taste the hardship, know how powerful my Doraemon is!! "

It can be seen that Doraemon is really angry.

If only Nobita was bullied alone.

Because of Xiaomi's just now, he may not bother to pay attention to Nobita at all, oh it will pass.

Who let Nobita be bullied by fat tigers and little husbands is a common thing, and it can't be changed at all.

Give him a head today and be bullied again tomorrow.

Children are like this, they don't remember pain.

The main thing is that even Shiraishi is with him.

In Doraemon's opinion, Shiraishi is simply a cousin who is too good to be good.

Even such people bully, Fat Tiger and Xiaofu are too much!!

Can't bear it, can't bear it at all!

"Forget it!"

Both Shiraishi and Nobita were taken aback.

Nobita rarely sees angry Doraemon.

Shiraishi was afraid that this Doraemon would kill Fat Tiger and Xiaofu.

You must know that Doraemon is a 'parenting robot' that can take out the galactic destruction bomb when clearing mice.

"Don't don't, Brother Do, dissipate the gas, Brother Duo..."

Shiraishi and Nobita hug Doraemon together.

The mouth also constantly deflates Doraemon.

"Nope! I must teach them a good lesson! These two bad guys even dared to bully their cousin, which was really hateful for the wife and wife!! "

Doraemon was already stunned.

The bamboo dragonfly pressed on its head and turned, and almost dragged Shiraishi and Nobita to fly together.

"Forget it, really forget it, no, really not to..."

Shiraishi could only hold Doraemon, and then bitterly persuaded.

"Yes, moreover, Cousin Shiraishi has already taught Fat Tiger and Xiaofu, Doraemon, you don't have to shoot."

Nobita's words made Doraemon stop.

The bamboo dragonflies slowly stopped, and he turned his head and said in a dumbfounded voice: "Huh? What the? "

Nobita was slightly stunned, and then hurriedly said: "Cousin Shiraishi has already taught Fat Tiger and Xiaofu, you don't have to go anymore, Doraemon." "

"Yes, yes, I have always paid attention to retribution on the spot if there is a hatred, how can I not teach them a lesson?"

Shiraishi also persuaded next to him.


Doraemon glanced suspiciously at Nobita and Shiraishi.

I always feel that these two people are forming a group to fool themselves, what's going on?

After all, just by looking at the size, it is completely impossible to tell that Shiraishi is a person who can beat a fat tiger.

"Of course it's true, are we going to lie to you?"

Bai Shi persuaded again, and then hugged his hands to his chest and said, "And you also look down on me too much, how can Fat Tiger and Xiaofu be my opponents?" "

"Yes, Doraemon, you don't know, just now how handsome Cousin Shiraishi was, he easily taught Fat Tiger and Xiaofu a hard lesson, just thinking about it makes me die of laughter!"

Nobita thought of the scene just now, and felt very cool.

Even Doraemon stopped pulling, fell to the ground and rolled around, laughing.

A fat tiger who loves to bully people, and a husband who loves to pretend.

It's completely a servant of Shiraishi's cousin!


But Doraemon is still very suspicious.

"You wait, I'll prove it to you..."

Shiraishi looked to the left and right, and then looked at Doraemon, his eyes lit up slightly.

Then walked to Doraemon's side, directly hugged Doraemon's big head, and took a deep breath.

Then hold back sharply.

Forcefully hugged Doraemon backwards.


Doraemon was startled, her head was facing the ground, and her small short hands and small short legs were constantly waving, but she was held by Shiraishi steadily.

"I know, I know Cousin Shiraishi, let me down, I believe you can teach Fat Tiger and Xiaofu a lesson!!"

Hearing this, Shiraishi put Doraemon down.

By the way, he also patted the dust on his hands, which did not exist.

"I believe it."

Shiraishi sat cross-legged on the ground and asked mockingly.

"Believed, so believed!"

Doraemon looked at Shiraishi with a non-human look, this strength is too great!


(There will be another chapter to add, decide which theatrical version is which theatrical version, it's really going to be written, and if no one comments, I'll be a mermaid battle.) )

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 17

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