
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 18

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 18


"The table ... Cousin...... You're too good, aren't you... Even Doraemon can hold it..."

Nobita next to him was already stunned.

You know, he also tried to hold Doraemon, but he didn't move.

Although his strength is not very large.

But the fat tiger can't hold it, which should reflect something.

"What do you mean, Nobita, are you saying I'm heavy and fat?!"

Doraemon glanced sideways at Nobita.

"Of course not, of course not... Aha..."

Nobita Nobita quickly waved his hand.

"Hmph! People's weight is just normal robot weight, not fat at all, and very slim! "

Doraemon crossed her hands at her waist, looking very proud.

Seedling...... Slim......?!


Nobita and Shiraishi looked at Doraemon's bucket-like figure, looked at each other, and almost couldn't hold back their laughter.

"Hey, hey, hey! What are you guys laughing at! Isn't what I said true?! "

Doraemon turned red with anger again, holding his hands to his chest and looking at Shiraishi and Nobita viciously.

"Of course not, of course not."

Shiraishi and Nobita waved their hands one after another.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to calculate with you."

Doraemon pouted and said uncaringly: "But, cousin Shiraishi, your strength is really too great, no wonder Dad wants to say that you are born with divine power, I didn't believe it." "

"Yes, yes, I didn't believe it before."

Nobita chimed in from the side.

"Believe it now."

Shiraishi spread his hands.


Doraemon and Nobita nodded at the same time.

If you don't believe it, you can't do it, the facts are in front of you, can you change the facts if you don't believe it?

You know, don't look at Doraemon's short body.

But don't forget that he's a robot just because he's full of wisdom in his words and deeds!

Doraemon's weight is 129.3kg.

That is, more than two hundred and fifty pounds!

There are two normal adult weights too!

Shiraishi can be picked up at a young age, isn't it still innate divine power?


It is worth mentioning.

Doraemon is 129.3 in addition to her weight.

Height, head circumference, chest circumference, waist circumference, hip circumference are also 129.3....

"Not anymore."

Shiraishi waved his hand modestly.

Doraemon's weight, if he couldn't hold it yesterday.

That is, today I basked in the sun for a while before I could barely pick him up.

"Don't be modest, cousin Shiraishi, you are indeed born with divine power!"

Doraemon and Nobita extend their thumbs together.

The three looked at each other and laughed.



Since the last time.

Fat Tiger and Xiaofu's attitude towards Shiraishi is much better.

A cousin in a mouthful, a cousin in a mouthful.

During the period of getting along with Shiraishi, he also found that Shiraishi was a very good little friend to get along with, and his cousin also shouted more smoothly, and slowly became less restrained.

This is also what Shiraishi is happy to see.

After all, he didn't want to really scare Fat Tiger and Xiaofu, so it would be boring.

This is Doraemon, his own childhood.

However, they didn't play together for a few days, because about the third day that Shiraishi came to this world, Xiaofu was taken out by his cousin for a trip.

It is said to go to what seaside.

The next two and a half days were also calm.

It is worth mentioning that Shiraishi was still teaching Nobita well a few days ago.

As a result, Nobita's inability to become a tool was a little passionate in those days.

Fortunately, Shiraishi continued to gain experience with Nobita a few days ago, and his teaching skills reached the intermediate level.

After reaching the intermediate level, the proficiency to be upgraded directly increased fivefold.

Shiraishi can also understand that after all, the gap between primary and intermediate levels is simply comparable to the gap between ordinary teachers and professors.

If you reach the highest level, I am afraid that you will already be able to reach the highest level of human beings.

Higher... That is not within the scope of Shiraishi's current fantasy for the time being.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that Shiraishi's skills have increased a few more in the past few days.

To teach Nobita.

It was inevitable that Shiraishi would go back and study again.

It also allowed him to gain some skills.

[Host: Shiraishi

Physique: Little Superman

Skills: Teaching Intermediate (3/500), Mathematics Intermediate (12/500), Chinese Intermediate (1/500).

Number of draws: 1].

Math and Chinese, Shiraishi started out as an intermediate.

After all, he also has the skills there.

The only number of lotteries was because the teaching broke through from beginner to intermediate gifts.

At this time, Shiraishi discovered that upgrading skills could also get the number of draws.

"Let's try the lottery and see what you can draw..."

Shiraishi rubbed his hands.

The last time it was a starter pack, that can also be considered a lottery.

As a result, he drew a small superhuman constitution that benefited a lot, and he could become stronger in the sun.

"Come on, lottery!"

"Start the lottery!"

The words had just fallen.

A disc appeared in front of Shiraishi.

The draw starts immediately.

The pointer in the middle of the disc did not move, and the disc began to rotate rapidly.

With his unusual eyesight, Shiraishi desperately tried to capture any rules, but afterwards he found that he couldn't capture anything.

Also, if he can really catch the pattern, then he has to go.

After about three seconds, the disc slowly stopped, and the pointer pointed to a special skill.


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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 18

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