
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 19

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 19


"Ding! Congratulations to the host for drawing the special skill [Nian Power] and starting to fuse! "

It's the same as smoking a small superhuman body.

Several blue streaks of light appeared out of thin air, slowly wrapping around Shiraishi's body, and then entering Shiraishi's eyebrows.

He closed his eyes in enjoyment, and after a while, he slowly opened them.

[Host: Shiraishi

Physique: Little Superman

Skills: Teaching Intermediate (3/500), Mathematics Intermediate (12/500), Chinese Intermediate (1/500).

Special Skill: Mind Elementary (0/500).

Number of draws: 1].

"Nian Li ...!!"

Shiraishi looked surprised.

Sure enough, as described by the system, the lottery is full of special skills that you can't learn!

He looked at the pen on the desk next to him and tried to lift it with his thoughts.

Shiraishi stared at the pen deadly.

Under his constant urging, the pen was slowly lifted up and floated in the air.


Shiraishi's face was beaming.

It's like a child who has just got a new toy, and he draws this pen in various patterns in the sky.

The feeling that Nian Li gave Shiraishi was like his other non-existent hand.

It's a wonderful feeling, not something that can be said in words.

【Ding! Use the special skill 'Ningli', proficiency +1].

【Ding! Use the special skill 'Ningli', proficiency +1].

【Ding! Use the special skill 'Ningli', proficiency +1].

However, Shiraishi hasn't been playing for long.

I sensed a sense of weakness coming from the depths of my soul, my face quickly turned white from rosy, my legs stumbled, and I fell straight to the ground.


Shiraishi covered his head and gasped.

His body is not a problem, after all, the little superhuman physique is not a joke, the main thing is that the soul is very tired.

"This junior mental power is still too bad, and I can't get tired just by moving the pen."

Shiraishi shook his head.

[Host: Shiraishi

Physique: Little Superman

Skills: Teaching Intermediate (3/500), Mathematics Intermediate (12/500), Chinese Intermediate (1/500).

Special Skill: Mind Elementary (5/500).

Number of draws: 0].

Special skills are special skills, and just beginners already need 500 proficiency points to level up.

And just now, Shiraishi played to collapse, and he only increased his proficiency by 5 points.

It's really an exaggeration.

Shiraishi estimated that his spirit needed to rest for a while before he could then gain proficiency.

In this way, Shiraishi estimates that he can only gain 7~8 proficiency points a day at most.

It takes two months to move up the next level.

And that's just the beginning.

If only it reached the intermediate level.

The devil knows how much proficiency requires.


Definitely more than that.

Ordinary skills alone, beginner to intermediate, are five times more proficient.

Special skills, definitely at least five times.

And the particularity of special skills, maybe there will be more.

Bai Shi can already feel a headache just by thinking about it, Ma Ya, he needs the Year of the Monkey to go to the advanced level.

Of course, that's certainly not the case.

Because as mental proficiency increases.

Shiraishi will be able to use his mental power more and more time every day, and naturally he will gain more proficiency.

Therefore, it does not take two months to upgrade to the intermediate level, maybe forty or fifty days.

But even so, compared to ordinary skills, it is terrifying.

You know, ordinary skills, Shiraishi has been upgraded to the intermediate level in only one week.

"Special skills are stronger than ordinary skills, but it's understandable."

Shiraishi rests on a tatami mat.



The sound of hurried footsteps sounded, and as soon as I heard it, I knew that Nobita must be chasing Doraemon.

Sure enough, Doraemon opened the door first, and Nobita chased behind.

"Do~~~La Aemon ~~~~~!!"

As soon as Doraemon entered the house, Nobita hugged Doraemon's big blue head and cried.

"Nobita! I said it all, I don't have a pirate sword!! "

Doraemon looked at the sky speechlessly: "As a parenting robot, how can I have such a dangerous thing!" "


Shiraishi almost didn't hold back his laughter, oh no, he laughed directly.

"Cousin Shiraishi, what are you laughing at?"

Doraemon was tormented by Nobita, and when she heard Shiraishi's laughter, she couldn't help but look at Shiraishi.

Nobita Nobita also stopped his tears.

"Nothing, nothing."

Shiraishi waved his hand again and again.

Well, it's just a little unbearable to hear Doraemon say that you are a parenting robot and don't have such a dangerous thing as a pirate sword.

He didn't want to say more, so he quickly changed the topic and said, "Nobita, why are you pestering Doraemon again?" "

"I just wanted Doraemon for a pirate sword..."

Thinking of this, Nobita cried again, holding Doraemon's head and ravaged for a while: "Cousin Shiraishi, look at the pirate hat on my head, it's almost a pirate sword!!" "

"Fat Tiger made an appointment to play a pirate game with me, and if I didn't find the pirate sword, I would definitely be beaten by him!! Doraemon, help me!! "

Doraemon was really annoyed: "Nobita~!" I said it all, I am a parenting robot, how can there be such a thing as a sword! "


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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 19

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