
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 2

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 2


The average adult, of course, has the strength to knock an ordinary wooden table over with one punch.

However, it usually leads to a fracture or injury to one's hand.

But Shiraishi won't.

This is the strength of Krypton's physique.

Even if the strength is only that of a normal adult, Shiraishi's defense power is far more than that.

Shiraishi looked at the messy ground with a happy face.

"As long as you bask in the sun, you can become stronger, and it's too cool!"

He walked to the window and felt the surge of cells as the sun shone on him, as if from the depths of his soul.

The sun seemed to give him everything.

"Xiaobai, uncle is coming to pick you up!"

While Shiraishi was enjoying the comfort that the sun brought him.

The sound of cars braking on the wrists sounded outside, as well as the voice of Nobita's father, Nobisuke.

"Uncle, I'll come right away."

Shiraishi shouted.

Then looking at this messy ground, I suddenly had a headache, and I already knew that I would not try it randomly.

But they can only pack these things together, and then throw them out the window and into the yard.

This house was left by Shiraishi's parents in this life.

It is said that it has been sold, and the money from the sale is temporarily placed with Nobisuke and used as funds to raise Shiraishi.

Those who come after that will naturally clean up.

Shiraishi glanced at the clothes on his body, he could only say that the most traditional clothes at this time, he couldn't help but shake his head.

From his twenty-first century perspective, this kind of clothes is really rustic.

Fortunately, people are cute and cute in whatever clothes they wear.

Shiraishi didn't look bad.

After obtaining a small superhuman constitution, the skin became even fairer and smoother, as if there was no trace of flaws, which was more cute.

"Let's buy clothes later."

Shiraishi carried a large box and saluted and walked out.

Inside were most of his clothes and some household items, including bed linen.



At the door, listen to a green car.

Next to the green-skinned car stood a chubby middle-aged uncle.

He seemed to be tinkering with something, and while tinkering, he was still shouting, "Xiaobai, uncle has some things, get it done right away, you wait a little uncle!" This weather"

"Uncle, I'm already out."

At this time, Nobisuke found that Shiraishi was already standing beside him, and when he saw that the other party was carrying such a large suitcase on his shoulder, he was immediately startled, "Xiaobai, why don't you wait for uncle." "

Saying that, he quickly stretched out his hand to take the suitcase that Shiraishi was carrying that was comparable to his entire size.

However, the moment he got it, Nobisuke found himself sloppy.

It's just too heavy! It's full of stuff!

Caught off guard, he threw the suitcase on the ground with a straight bang.


Nobisuke wiped the sweat on his face with a cloth with some embarrassment, "Xiaobai, why do you bring so many things, uncle's family has already prepared for you." "

"It's okay uncle, bring it all."

Saying that, Shiraishi directly picked up the luggage on the ground again and walked towards the trunk.

The corners of Nobisuke's eyes twitched wildly.

Why is Xiaobai's strength so great, he quickly ran to the trunk to open the door, and then helped Shiraishi put the suitcase in.

For Nobisuke's reaction, Shiraishi had expected it when he saw that he wanted to take his salute.

His suitcases aren't actually particularly heavy.

It is a serious adult who has been able to pick it up.

But Nobisuke is obviously not the kind of middle-aged person who has exercised, just look at his belly.

If you are caught off guard, you will not be able to pick it up.

"Get in the car, Xiaobai."

Sitting in the driver's seat and the back seat, they set sail with the overwhelmed hum of the car.

"Xiaobai, you have a lot of strength, my uncle almost didn't pick up that luggage just now."

What almost didn't pick up, is not picked up at all.

Shiraishi didn't want to debunk Nobisuke, but just echoed: "I was born with great strength, and my parents said that I was born with divine power." "

"So... Xiaobai, you haven't seen Nobita for a long time, you haven't seen each other for a long time, but it's okay, brotherly relationship, you will soon get acquainted again..."

Nobisuke also did not suspect that Shiraishi would lie, and began to move on to another topic.

Shiraishi was certainly very familiar with Nobita.

It can even be said that Nobisuke and Nobiko are familiar with Nobita.

But this certainly cannot be said.

Although speaking it will only be regarded as a child's unintentional words.

In this world, Shiraishi is only a few months older than Nobita, and the two have met several times when they were children.

But because Shiraishi's parents and Nobisuke's family are too far apart, it may only take two or three years to get together, and the last time was three years ago.

Three years ago, Nobita was a long time ago, and he probably forgot about it.

Nobisuke didn't stop his mouth all the way.

They are all introducing the situation of Shiraishi to the family, and want to let Shiraishi integrate into the family as quickly as possible.

"In addition to Aunt and Nobita, we also have a robot at home called Doraemon..."

Of course, Shiraishi knows all these things, but he will always have a smile on his face and should be with Nobisuke.

An afternoon passed, and it had just been about two-thirds of the way.

Nobisuke found a random convenience store on the way, and after a hasty meal with Shiraishi, he set out on the road again.

Finally, at about eight o'clock, the green-skinned car stopped at the door of a white stone house that was both familiar and unfamiliar.

"Xiaobai, come in, Auntie and brother have been waiting for you for a long time..."

Shiraishi looked at the house stunned, and it wasn't until Nobisuke called him that he reacted and walked in with Nobisuke.

And a little nervous....


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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 2

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