
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 20

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 20


Shiraishi only felt that this plot was very familiar.

Or does it seem like some theatrical version of the plot is about to begin?

He was a little puzzled, but he couldn't remember the specific content.

There is no way around this.

Shiraishi is indeed a true Doraemon fan.

But that was the period between his sixth grade and junior high school.

For the theatrical version of Doraemon, all of them are as precious as a few, and each one has been brushed many, many times.

But because junior high school is the age that loves to pretend and love face the most.

Shiraishi once wanted to share Doraemon with his friends, but he was ridiculed for watching Doraemon at this age.

Since then, Shiraishi has rarely watched Doraemon.

Think about how stupid you were at the time, and you care about what those people's gossip did.

But there is no way, I have not experienced that time, how can it be called youth.

Then it was high school, overwhelmed by study every day, and there was no chance to relax at all.

After going to college, my mind was full of games, and I didn't have time to relive Doraemon.

into society.

That's not to mention, in addition to work is to put two points and one line at home, let alone time.

So for a lot of Doraemon theatrical version of the content.

Shiraishi can only remember a rough idea, the details have long been forgotten, and some names are even difficult to remember.

This is a rather regrettable thing.

If only I chose to relive Doraemon before crossing over.

That way, the theatrical version itself can take a lot of detours.

Never mind!

Shiraishi shook his head.

Anyway, it's all like this, there is no need to think about the past.

If you come and go, you just need to go forward, and the rest will be left to fate!

He looked at Nobita, who was still begging Doraemon, and said, "Nobita, don't pester Doraemon, if Doraemon had one, I would have taken it out for you." "


Nobita fell to the ground very devastated, whimpering.

"Don't cry, what's there to cry about, I remember that there are not toys from your childhood in the closet, look for them, maybe there are some."

Shiraishi opened the closet.

The wardrobe is not a wardrobe now.

Above is where Doraemon sleeps, and below is used to put some clutter.

Shiraishi pulled out a box, searched casually, and found an inflatable pirate sword.

"Oh, isn't that there?"

"Thank you, Cousin Shiraishi!!

Nobita looked at the sword in surprise, grabbed it and ran out, but halfway through, he poked his head out and said, "Cousin Shiraishi, do you want to play with me?" "

"Forget it."

Shiraishi shook his head and said, "I'm not interested in pirate games. "

He was slightly mentally exhausted and preferred to stay at home and rest.

"Okay, then I'll go!"

After saying that, Nobita clicked downstairs and ran towards the clearing.

"It's still Cousin Shiraishi, you're powerful."

Watching Nobita leave.

Doraemon breathed a sigh of relief, and her face showed exhaustion.

It looks like he has been pestered by Nobita for a long time.

"Hard work on you, Doraemon."

Shiraishi patted Doraemon and sighed.

Taking care of Nobita, the bear child, can be described as exhausting, and he can be regarded as experiencing it during this time.

"It's okay, after all, I came to this era to take care of Nobita."

Doraemon said indifferently, and then patted his chest and said proudly: "Moreover, I am an excellent parenting robot, taking care of Nobita, it's not easy, it's not easy?!" "

"Yes, yes, you are the best, there is no better parenting robot than Doraemon."

Shiraishi echoed with a smile.

This is not perfunctory.

Although Doraemon's performance is not necessarily as good as other parenting robots.

Not to mention the new parenting robot.

Even if it is the same parenting robot, it leaves the factory at the same time.

Doraemon is all countdown.

However, whether it is for Nobita or Shiraishi, Doraemon has long gone beyond the scope of parenting robots.

Then he is the best.

"Hehe, it's not that good."

Doraemon blushed and scratched her head embarrassedly.

"By the way, Doraemon, why haven't I seen Xiaomi on the roof recently, shouldn't you still be angry?"

Shiraishi suddenly remembered something and couldn't help but ask.


Doraemon said with a smile: "I still made an appointment with Xiaomi today, and I will go out later." "

"Come on."

Shiraishi continued, "Don't let your little girlfriend down. "

"What, cousin Shiraishi, not a little girlfriend!"

Doraemon's face turned red when she rubbed it, pouted, swung her body around, twisted and pinched: "It's just an ordinary friend." "

"Yes, ordinary friends, yes, yes, ordinary friends."

Shiraishi's mocking eyes made Doraemon no longer able to stand it, and took out the bamboo dragonfly and flew out.

About an hour.

Shiraishi went to the bathroom because of his stomach discomfort, and when he returned, he found Nobita pestering Doraemon again.

"Doraemon, you don't know how arrogant that guy Xiaofu is, he has obviously been taught a lesson by Cousin Shiraishi!"

Nobita still looked very unconvinced, swinging around with an inflatable pirate sword that had already faded.

But in the next second, he suddenly hugged Doraemon's big head and cried: "But Doraemon, I really want to go diving too!! "


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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 20

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