
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 21

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 21


Talking and talking.

Nobita grabbed Doraemon's three beards.

As a result, Doraemon's face became very distorted.


Shiraishi looked at this scene and almost didn't laugh out loud again.

It's really Doraemon, this kind of scene is so funny.

"Great, big, big, big!!, big

Doraemon was pestered like this, spitting out a word with great difficulty, and then took out a pair of brown glasses from the four-dimensional treasure bag and said, "You... You you put this on first. "

"Huh? What is this? "

Nobita's gaze was immediately drawn to him and he held his glasses in his hand.


Doraemon breathed a sigh of relief at this time, and then explained: "Nobita, aren't you going to dive? "

"Xiaobai is also back."


Doraemon took out another pair of glasses and handed them to Shiraishi: "You wear them too!!" "


Shiraishi took the glasses and asked with a smile, "So what's going on?" "


Doraemon glanced at Nobita helplessly and said: "Nobita, this guy, was bullied by Xiaofu again, Xiaofu returned from diving from the tourist place, Nobita also wanted to dive, so I took out this prop." "

"Nobita, you really want to get Doraemon into trouble."

Shiraishi knocked on Nobita's brain door: "But Xiaofu that guy is too, he likes to show off, don't they know that Nobita has Doraemon?" "

Doraemon was very proud to cross her hands at the waist: "Of course, with me, how can Nobita be wronged!" "

Nobita scratched his head embarrassedly: "Eh, Doraemon, what is this thing?" "

"You'll know when you put it on."

Speaking of this, Doraemon directly put his hands behind his back, smiled, did not speak, and pretended to be a master.

Shiraishi and Nobita looked at each other and put their glasses on at the same time.

After putting on the glasses, nothing has changed in the house, only the pump behind Doraemon is constantly pumping water in the void.

Only a moment later, some water had accumulated on the ground of the house.

Shiraishi looked around in amazement.

Although he has forgotten most of the content of the theatrical version, he can still remember a little about this.


Nobita was startled and screamed, looking at the vicinity dumbfounded.

The foot slipped and fell directly to the ground: "Doraemon, what are you doing!" If my mother sees this, I will definitely be scolded!! "

Doraemon smiled, not caring about Nobita's words at all.

Instead, he walked up to the pump and started to store water himself.


Nobita covered his head madly: "Oops! Worst! Oops! You're still pressing! It's over! I will definitely be scolded to death by my mother now!! "

"Don't worry, Nobita, how could Doraemon not think of such a thing."

Shiraishi's noisy ears hurt a little, and he couldn't help but speak.

Something you can think of.

Doraemon can't think of it?

Nobita, you think too highly of yourself!

"Listen to Cousin Shiraishi, don't worry, Nobita."

Doraemon still maintained the appearance of a pretending master, and snickered: "You take off your glasses and take a look." "


Nobita Nobita took off his glasses.

The water is gone.

Put it on again.

The water came out again.

Take it off again.

The water is gone again.

"What's going on, Doraemon?!"

Nobita was already stunned.

Shiraishi also tried it: "This kind of prop, I really don't know what the principle is." "

Doraemon smiled and grinned proudly: "This is virtual sea water!" And the glasses are virtual seawater tactile glasses! As long as you don't wear glasses, you won't touch or feel the virtual sea water, and you won't get wet! Naturally, my mother will not know, and she will not be scolded. "

Doraemon stopped talking after speaking, waiting for praise.

However, after a long time.

Nobita suddenly exclaimed, "Doraemon! You don't want to use this to give me a taste of diving!! "


Doraemon fell speechlessly.

Nobita, your reflex arc is still so long....

Shiraishi clasped his hands to his chest, indicating that he was speechless.

"Alas... Nobita... Have you only found out now..."

Doraemon said helplessly: "Let's store the water first." "

"Yay! All right! "

Nobita danced excitedly: "Let's get a bottom of the sea here!" Make a big seabed!! "

"So we can go diving."

Doraemon nodded approvingly: "How is it?" Isn't it great? No need to travel as far as Hawaii. "

"Of course!"

"Doraemon, I love you to death!!"

Nobita Nobita threw Doraemon directly to the ground and frantically attached herself to him.

It made Doraemon itch, and his mouth kept shouting no Nobita, no Nobita.

Shiraishi next to him is experiencing this wonderful feeling.

He took off his glasses, and the touch of water on his feet disappeared instantly.

Put it on and appear instantly.

He kicked the surface of the water, and the splash fell on his body, which was extremely real.

"It's amazing, Doraemon, a prop from the future century."

Although Shiraishi knows that Doraemon has a lot of strange props.

But the first time I felt it, I couldn't help but sigh.


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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 21

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