
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 22

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 22



Doraemon scratched her head.


Nobita Nobita sat on the ground and kept scratching the water with his feet: "Doraemon, can you let me come?" "

"Come on."

Doraemon stepped aside.

But in fact, the virtual pump itself is still in operation.

But Nobita didn't seem to notice it, so he stepped forward with great interest and began to press frantically.

"Whew! Call! Call! "

While pressing, Nobita also asked excitedly: "Doraemon, how long will it take to get it?" "

"It's going to take a long time, at least not until night."

Doraemon calculated and said.


This time instantly made Nobita numb, directly collapsed to the ground, and said incoherently: "Isn't that going to be exhausted to death?" Don't, Doraemon! "

"Nobita, what is in your head, if you think of it, can Doraemon not think of it?"

Shiraishi hated iron and said without steel: "Didn't you see that the virtual water pump is still constantly coming out of the water, he can also store water without moving, can't you even wait until night?" "

"That's it, Cousin Shiraishi is right!"

Doraemon nodded very approvingly: "Nobita, what can you think of, can't I still think of Doraemon?" "

“...... Well, sorry, Doraemon. "

Nobita was scratched his head embarrassedly by Shiraishi.

"There's no need to apologize, I know you're not malicious."

Doraemon comforted.

"But, Nobita, you probably dive because you want to dive, right?"

Shiraishi asked with his hands on his chest and his head held high.

A look like he saw through everything.

"Hehe, this has all been discovered by you, worthy of cousin Shiraishi..."

Nobita first blew Shiraishi embarrassedly, and then said: "Hmph, I dived just to take pictures, and it was very, very, very good-looking!" "

"Xiaofu that guy, taking photos with a stinky fish is so show-off, so proud, I must let him know that I am more powerful than him!"

It's really a comparison between children!

"So is something missing?"

Shiraishi didn't care about these things, but said meaningfully.

"What's missing?"

Nobita scratched his head in confusion.

He looked very confused.


Shiraishi sighed, covered his forehead and said, "Fish! Fish, of course! Without fish, how do you take pictures? Do you just take pictures of yourself swimming? Then it is better to go directly to the pool, it is still convenient, you can go now. "

"Yes! And fish! "

Nobita suddenly realized, hammered his hand, and then looked at Doraemon.

The longing look made the corners of Doraemon's mouth twitch slightly, but he still said: "I have already expected this, so let's go, let's lure the fish out!" "

"Yay! Doraemon! You are amazing! You are truly the best robot in the world! "

"No, ahahahaha..."

Doraemon took out three bamboo dragonflies from the four-dimensional treasure bag and handed them to Nobita and Shiraishi.

"Oh, by the way, cousin Shiraishi, you seem to have seen a bamboo dragonfly for the first time, right?"

"That's not either."

Shiraishi teased, "I saw it the last time Doraemon was angry. "


Doraemon's face blushed slightly, and then coughed: "Cousin Shiraishi, let me tell you about the use of bamboo dragonflies, you should be able to get started soon." "

"Don't worry."

Shiraishi waved his hand indifferently and said, "Even Nobita can master bamboo dragonflies, of course I have no problem." "

"What, cousin Shiraishi, are you looking down on me?"

Nobita was fed next to him, very dissatisfied.

"No, I'm just telling the truth."

Shiraishi's innocent hands were spread.

"Okay, come on, cousin Shiraishi, let me tell you, the bamboo dragonfly is going to press on the head, and then..."

Doraemon told Shiraishi everything about the use of the bamboo dragonfly.

Shiraishi also listened carefully.

In the previous life, Doraemon also explained the use of bamboo dragonflies in the anime.

But he had forgotten it to the back of his head.

"Okay, I see, come on."

After listening, Shiraishi nodded, then stood in front of the window and installed a bamboo dragonfly on top of his head.

"Cousin, you have to be careful, the first time I used a bamboo dragonfly but..."

Nobita Nobita seems to have finally found something that he will and Shiraishi will not.

And a little proud, close your eyes and point.

"Hey, Nobita, don't say it."

Doraemon pulled Nobita's clothes.

He just opened his eyes.

This found that the white stone had flown into the blue sky.


The feeling of flying is really good.

Shiraishi couldn't help but let out a cry.

Human beings, since ancient times, have had a different kind of emotion for the blue sky.

Although now there are airplanes.

But it's definitely different from the feeling of flying in the air.

Feeling the breeze with your body is nothing but incomparably comfortable.


(Brothers who don't like mermaid battles, don't worry, I'll try to finish all the theatrical versions of Doraemon, you will have everything you want.) )

(This chapter is also a plus, although the evaluation votes are still 9 minutes short of the standard, but I will add it to you in advance.) )

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 22

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